Uni Network - Ports


Jan 18, 2005
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Hello Everyone,

I am in Halls for Univertsity. This year they've decided to block all outgoing ports. However, a tiny ray of light they've allowed me to unblock any 10 ports. Looking at the FAQ's I need 31 ports open for Steam. Is there anyway I can reduce this number down to 10 to get steam running with limited functionaility?

Thanks for your help,

It doesn't need ALL of them IIRC... Just one of each (like one UDP 27000, one TCP 27020,...)
If those ports don't work, try other ones or two of each
Beerdude26 said:

It doesn't need ALL of them IIRC... Just one of each (like one UDP 27000, one TCP 27020,...)
If those ports don't work, try other ones or two of each

Huh? Those were the 34 ports I'm talking about.
Pilo said:
Is there anyway I can reduce this number down to 10 to get steam running with limited functionaility?
And I responded to that question.
Try :
UDP 1200
UDP 27000-27004
TCP 27020-27025
Which totals 10 ports.
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IIRC, Steam doesn't require all the ports to be open.
Beerdude26 said:
And I responded to that question.
Try :
UDP 1200
UDP 27000-27004
TCP 27020-27025
Which totals 10 ports.
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IIRC, Steam doesn't require all the ports to be open.

The firewall only updates once per day and therefore I would really like a definitive answer. The above won't work as Steam requires port 27037 to connect at launch.
Well, you could screw around with it a bit for some time, or use the search function on the Steampowered forums (located here) to find a person with a similar problem and possibly a solution.