'United in fear'


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
quoted from http://www.disclosureproject.org/cosmicdeception.htm

if you havnt read it before, dont swipe it aside as nonsense because of how engrained we all are in our common thought patterns and our barrier of ignorance which our society structure unwittingly enforces on us...

take it in... think seriously about it for a while.. where do you stand?

Imagine this. It is the summer of 2001, and someone presents you with a script for a movie or book that tells how a diabolical terrorist plot unfolds wherein both 110 story World Trade Center towers and part of the Pentagon are destroyed by commercial jets hijacked and flown into those structures.

Of course you would laugh, and if you were a movie mogul or book editor, reject it out of hand as ridiculous and implausible, even for a fictional novel or movie. After all, how could a commercial jet, being tracked on radar after two jets had already hit the World Trade towers, make it through our air defenses, into the most sensitive airspace in the world, and in broad daylight on a crystal clear day, slam into the Pentagon! And this in a country that spends over $1 billion a day to defend itself! Absurd, illogical - nobody would swallow it!

Unfortunately, there are some of us who have seen these scripts - and of far worse things to come - and we are not laughing.

One of the few silver linings to these recent tragedies is that maybe - just maybe - people will take seriously, however far-fetched it may seem at first, the prospect that a shadowy, para-governmental and transnational entity exists that has kept UFOs secret - and is planning a deception and tragedy that will dwarf the events of 9/11.

The testimony of hundreds of government, military and corporate insiders has established this: That UFOs are real, that some are built by our secret 'black' shadowy government projects and some are from extraterrestrial civilizations, and that a group has kept this secret so that the technology behind the UFO can be withheld - until the right time. This technology can - and eventually will - replace the need for oil, gas, coal, ionizing nuclear power, and other centralized and highly destructive energy systems.

This 5 trillion dollar industry - energy and transportation - is currently highly centralized, metered and lucrative. It is the stuff that runs the entire industrialized world. It is the mother of all special interests. It is not about money as you and I think of it, but about geo-political power - the very centralized power on which the current order in the world runs. The world is kept in a state of roiling wars, endless poverty for most of Earth's denizens and global environmental ruin, just to prop up this evil world order.

As immense as that game is, there is a bigger one: Control through fear. As Wernher von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine - the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex - would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today), to the ultimate trump card: A hoaxed threat from space.

To justify eventually spending trillions of dollars on space weapons, the world would be deceived about a threat from outer space, thus uniting the world in fear, in militarism, and in war.

Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, initially I laughed, thinking this just too absurd and far-fetched. Dr. Rosin gave her testimony to the Disclosure Project before 9/11. And yet others told me explicitly that things that looked like UFOs but that are built and under the control of deeply secretive 'black' projects, were being used to simulate - hoax - ET-appearing events, including some abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early seeds of cultural fear regarding life in outer space. And that at some point after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying actual ET craft - see the book "Disclosure" by the same author) to hoax an attack on Earth.

Like the movie "Independence Day", an attempt to unite the world through militarism would unfold using ET as the new cosmic scapegoat (think Jews during the Third Reich).

None of this is new to me or other insiders. The report from Iron Mountain, NY, written in the 1960s, described the need to demonize life in outer space so we could have a new enemy. An enemy off-planet that could unite humans (in fear and war) and that would prove to be the ultimate prop for the trillion dollar military industrial complex that conservative Republican President and five star general Eisenhower warned us about in 1961 (no one was listening then, either...).

So here is the post-9/11 script - one that will be played out unless enough people are informed and the plan can be foiled because they will be unable to fool a sufficient number of citizens and leaders:

After a period of terrorism - a period during which the detonation of nuclear devices will be threatened and possibly actuated, thus justifying expanding the weaponization of space - an effort will ramp up to present the public with information about a threat from outer space. Not just asteroids hitting the Earth, but other threats. An extraterrestrial threat.

Over the past 40 years, UFOlogy, as it is called, combined with a mighty media machine, has increasingly demonized ETs via fearsome movies like "Independence Day", and pseudo-science that presents alien kidnappings and abuse as a fact (in some circles) of modern life. That some humans have had contact with ETs I have no doubt; that the real ET contact has been subsumed in an ocean of hoaxed accounts I am certain.

That is, real ET events are seldom reported out to the public. The Machine ensures that the hoaxed, frightening and intrinsically xenophobic accounts are the ones seen and read by millions. This mental conditioning to fear ET has been subtly reinforced for decades, in preparation for future deceptions. Deceptions that will make 9/11 look trivial.

I write this now because I have recently been contacted by several highly placed media and intelligence sources that have made it clear to me that hoaxed events and story-lines are imminent that will attempt to further ramp up the fear machine regarding UFOs and ETs. After all, to have an enemy, you must make the people hate and fear a person, a group of people, or in this case an entire category of beings.

To be clear: the maniacal covert programs controlling UFO secrecy, ARVs and related technologies - including those technologies that can simulate ET events, ET abductions and the like - plan to hijack Disclosure, spin it into the fire of fear, and roll out events that will eventually present ETs as a new enemy. Do not be deceived.

This hogwash, already the stuff of countless books, videos, movies, documentaries and the like, will attempt to glom onto the facts, evidence and first-hand insider testimony of The Disclosure Project, and on its coattails, deliver to the world the cosmic deception that falsely portrays ETs as a threat from space. Do not be deceived.

By commingling fact with fiction, and by hoaxing UFO events that can look terrifying, the Plan is to eventually create a new, sustainable, off-planet enemy. And who will be the wiser?

You will. Because now you know that after 60 years, trillions of dollars and the best scientific minds in the world pressed into action, a secretive, shadowy group - a government within the government and at once fully outside the government as we know it - has mastered the technologies, the art of deception, and the capability to launch an attack on Earth and make it look like ETs did it. In 1997, I brought a man to Washington to brief members of Congress and others about this plan. Our entire team at the time met this man. He had been present at planning sessions when ARVs - things built by Lockheed, Northrup, et al, and housed in secretive locations around the world - would be used to simulate an attack on certain assets, making leaders and citizens alike believe that there was a threat from space, when there is none. (Before he could testify, his handlers spirited him away to a secret location in Virginia until the briefing was over...) Sound familiar? Wernher von Braun warned of such a hoax, as a pretext for putting war in space. And many others have warned of the same.

Space based weapons are already in place - part of a secret parallel space program that has been operating since the 1960s. ARVs are built and ready to go (see the book "Disclosure" and the chapter with the testimony of Mark McCandlish, et al). Space holographic deception technologies are in place, tested and ready to fire. And the Big Media is a pawn, now taking dictation from the right hand of the king.

I know this all sounds like science fiction. Absurd. Impossible. Just like 9/11 would have sounded before 9/11. But the unthinkable happened and may happen again, unless we are vigilant.

Combine all of this with the current atmosphere of fear and manipulation and there is a real risk of suspending our collective judgment and our constitution.

But know this: If there was a threat from outer space, we would have known about it as soon as humans started exploding nuclear weapons and going into space with manned travel. That we are still breathing the free air of Earth, given the galacticly stupid and reckless actions of an out of control, illegal, secret group, is abundant testimony to the restraint and peaceful intentions of these visitors. The threat is wholly human. And it is we who must address this threat, rein it in and transform the current situation of war, destruction and secret manipulation to one of true Disclosure and an era of sustained peace.

War in space, to replace war on Earth, is not evolution, but cosmic madness. A world thus united in fear is worse than one divided by ignorance. It is now time for the great leap into the future, a leap that moves us out of fear and ignorance and into an unbroken era of universal peace. Know that this is our destiny. And it will be ours just as soon as we choose it

if it ever happens, you can hopefully be aware enough to see past the facade of manipulation... .. dont give into fear. Be more independant

.. I say .. get ready... within this decade starting 2005 to 1015 our world is going to change drastically ... if it does.. which is seeming likely..... choose the right side.
God Lord, who thought 9/11 was impossible? They almost did it in 1994. Are they suggesting Capt. Jean Luc Picard will be the President of the USA in a few years with all this space weapons garbage. Honestly, believeing every wild conspiracy theory that rolls around doesnt mean you have a more enlightened mind than anyone else. It may just mean you are more gullible than the rest of us, the very thing you are trying to pin onto everybody else.
think about the definition of conspiracey a little harder.. and you'll find that what ever form it takes, be it a harmless conversation, to a plot for murder, or robbery.. it goes on everyday.... all around us.. wash conspiracey aside, and you automatically become more ignorant, weither it be through believeing any of this or not... its not about disbelieving or believeing.. its about being open minded .. and not shut off from what we consider 'away from the 'norm' (the 'normal' - what our limited knowledge and localised findings create) ...

it'll happen ... and if you dont believe in our lack of sight as 'humans' and stay with what 'you' know as the norm.. when that time of change does come, and it will.. it will make you wet your pants
I dont mind believing plausible conspiracy theories, not outlandish ones that are just meant to be played off people's inherited fear of Gov't and aliens. Seriously, believing all this garbage doesnt make you any more open minded than the rest of us.
i dont nessersarily believe it,... its only the 400 testomony's of highly placed personel that have really made me wonder... and all the zero point energy devices , configurations ive seen... and there actual mechanisim which could work.. and has never been tested by science before.. not even for query purposes.. Its just far too elaborate, for it not to be taken seriously...

take it with a pinch of salt by all means, but out right denial of it is nothing but a personal, possibly emotional view, based on decerning factors of your experiance in life and how 'you' think the world works, the truth of the matter is obviously away from that, so its either real or fake.. and refering to the clear obsurdity of schrodingers cat theory, that it is fake and real at the same time, is not an option.. it either is or isnt.. without your viewpoint or mine.

its simple.. we just wait, and see how 'obsurd' this really is.
I write this now because I have recently been contacted by several highly placed media and intelligence sources that have made it clear to me that hoaxed events and story-lines are imminent that will attempt to further ramp up the fear machine regarding UFOs and ETs
UFO over Darwin , Australia December 6th 2004
UFO explodes over chinese city December 16th 2004


ahh crap another link added for Darwin incident
Read it.
Interesting theory, but too unlikely. They need to come up with much more physical proof for UFO's (which so far has not been discovered) for them to be deemed a considerable threat.
I think the machine of fear will still feed on terrorism and economics rather than ET's in the near future.

PS: Roswell is a hoax. There were no aliens. The "saucers" were nuclear bomb-detecting military devices.
I don't see a problem with the world being united by this "para-military".If it helps stop the wars on this planet and finally unite everyone...I welcome it.
I wouldnt be surprised if 9/11 was a all secret big plan by the US/World government. NORAD was training for the exact same event that same day and thought it wasn't real, People had emails saying not to go into work that morning, the firecrews said it looked like bombs, the sttructure of the building melted at temperatures far below the actual temps they should be melting at if it was just burning airplane fuel, Bin laden was and probably still is being paid by the CIA and the Americans screw up finding him and invade Iraq instead.
I would not be suprised if they try to feed something even bigger into the fear machine, an asteroid maybe but ETs? I find that unlikely.
seinfeldrules said:
Are they suggesting Capt. Jean Luc Picard will be the President of the USA in a few years
I'd vote for Patrick Stewart any day of the week! He's fantastic - what the hell is this fabulous, over the top thespian doing in space? Nonsense, utter nonsense.
Not unlike the theory that precipitated this thread. <Puts on tin foil hat>

People, in general, are stupid, but I think governments might have to be a bit more elaborate or subtle than simply going "Oooh, aliens are here. <Ahem> Well, time we consolidated power. Everyone will be led by me. Yes." Even if people did rally round to defeat the extra terrestrial menace (oooh, the inter-stellar racism of it all) once it was over people would want to fall back into their own nations. Too many people are too nationalistic and, sadly, too racist to just give it up forever in the blink of an eye. Once the supposed threat was gone, the problem of nationalistic/culture clashes would simply get worse.

I'm not denying the culture of fear, and I'm not saying it won't get worse.

There will eventually be a global government, but not for hundreds of years, and most likely not through the falsified fear of an alien threat.
remember.. 'most likely's' didnt include the discovery of a thing called 'electricity' 100 years ago, it was strange to people then, and about as 'likely' to us humans as diet's are to fat people.

just be prepared for the weird and wonderful... and be wise .. if we are not alone, and our neibours are advanced enough and developed enough to be pieceful.... the prehistoric human could ruin it all through irrelevant fear of change.

i say prehistoric , because thats how i think of the military with their black projects and advanced technologies.

like cave men with guns. But we are like that anyway, its dispicable and depressing, and people with larger brain capacity and sensibility should replace those driven by some dangerous Emotions and motives.
the sttructure of the building melted at temperatures far below the actual temps they should be melting at if it was just burning airplane fuel, Bin laden was and probably still is being paid by the CIA and the Americans screw up finding him and invade Iraq instead.
It didnt melt. The metal weakened due to the force of the explosion and the incredible temperatures that resulted from the burning gasoline. Once weakened, one floor collapsed and it was all downhill from there.
I was inside the building with a thermometer.. and a structural engineer.. and neither he or the thermometer could understand why it cascadeded down without any resistance from lower floors like it did.. then we jumped out a window opened our parachutes and landed safely.. then scratched our heads a bit,, as we walked away to get a coffee.. :/
clarky003 said:
I was inside the building with a thermometer.. and a structural engineer.. and neither he or the thermometer could understand why it cascadeded down without any resistance from lower floors like it did.. then we jumped out a window opened our parachutes and landed safely.. then scratched our heads a bit,, as we walked away to get a coffee.. :/
Clarky, apparently your structural engineer was a moron.


After the initial plane impacts, it appeared to most observers that the structure had been severely damaged, but not necessarily fatally.

It appears likely that the impact of the plane crash destroyed a significant number of perimeter columns on several floors of the building, severely weakening the entire system. Initially this was not enough to cause collapse.

However, as fire raged in the upper floors, the heat would have been gradually affecting the behaviour of the remaining material. As the planes had only recently taken off, the fire would have been initially fuelled by large volumes of jet fuel, creating potentially enormously high temperatures. While the fire would not have been hot enough to melt any of the steel, the strength of the steel drops markedly with prolonged exposure to fire, while the elastic modulus of the steel reduces (stiffness drops), increasing deflections.

Eventually, the loss of strength and stiffness of the materials resulting from the fire, combined with the initial impact damage, would have caused a failure of the truss system supporting a floor, or the remaining perimeter columns, or even the internal core, or some combination. Failure of the flooring system would have subsequently allowed the perimeter columns to buckle outwards. Regardless of which of these possibilities actually occurred, it would have resulted in the complete collapse of at least one complete storey at the level of impact.

Once one storey collapsed all floors above would have begun to fall. The huge mass of falling structure would gain momentum, crushing the structurally intact floors below, resulting in catastrophic failure of the entire structure. While the columns at say level 50 were designed to carry the static load of 50 floors above, once one floor collapsed and the floors above started to fall, the dynamic load of 50 storeys above is very much greater, and the columns were almost instantly destroyed as each floor progressively "pancaked" to the ground.

Again, this engineer you were with apparently doesnt know too much.
i was joking :sleep: were you seriously thinking i know a thing about how those buidlings are designed..? and the forces envolved..

but now we are thinking.. the weight of the rubble would need to of been great enough to collapse all the floors as they fell ontop of each other... where are the study's.. was the weight great enough? .... maybe it was ... maybe it wasnt.. if it wasnt .. then why..? if it did.. then that is one of the few true facts you can pull away from the incident.
Or in a shorter term....Weight.Which I was right :P
but now we are thinking.. the weight of the rubble would need to of been great enough to collapse all the floors as they fell ontop of each other... where are the study's.. was the weight great enough? .... maybe it was ... maybe it wasnt.. if it wasnt .. then why..? if it did.. then that is one of the few true facts you can pull away from the incident.
Can you not read? I just posted why and how.

Or in a shorter term....Weight.Which I was right
:laugh: So true.
i posted that at the same time you posted yours :/.. look.. stop perverting the course of this thread :P...
Imagine this. It is the summer of 2001, and someone presents you with a script for a movie or book that tells how a diabolical terrorist plot unfolds wherein both 110 story World Trade Center towers and part of the Pentagon are destroyed by commercial jets hijacked and flown into those structures.

Of course you would laugh, and if you were a movie mogul or book editor, reject it out of hand as ridiculous and implausible, even for a fictional novel or movie. After all, how could a commercial jet, being tracked on radar after two jets had already hit the World Trade towers, make it through our air defenses, into the most sensitive airspace in the world, and in broad daylight on a crystal clear day, slam into the Pentagon! And this in a country that spends over $1 billion a day to defend itself! Absurd, illogical - nobody would swallow it!

Unfortunately, there are some of us who have seen these scripts - and of far worse things to come - and we are not laughing.

One of the few silver linings to these recent tragedies is that maybe - just maybe - people will take seriously, however far-fetched it may seem at first, the prospect that a shadowy, para-governmental and transnational entity exists that has kept UFOs secret - and is planning a deception and tragedy that will dwarf the events of 9/11.

The testimony of hundreds of government, military and corporate insiders has established this: That UFOs are real, that some are built by our secret 'black' shadowy government projects and some are from extraterrestrial civilizations, and that a group has kept this secret so that the technology behind the UFO can be withheld - until the right time. This technology can - and eventually will - replace the need for oil, gas, coal, ionizing nuclear power, and other centralized and highly destructive energy systems.

This 5 trillion dollar industry - energy and transportation - is currently highly centralized, metered and lucrative. It is the stuff that runs the entire industrialized world. It is the mother of all special interests. It is not about money as you and I think of it, but about geo-political power - the very centralized power on which the current order in the world runs. The world is kept in a state of roiling wars, endless poverty for most of Earth's denizens and global environmental ruin, just to prop up this evil world order.

As immense as that game is, there is a bigger one: Control through fear. As Wernher von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine - the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex - would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today), to the ultimate trump card: A hoaxed threat from space.

To justify eventually spending trillions of dollars on space weapons, the world would be deceived about a threat from outer space, thus uniting the world in fear, in militarism, and in war.

Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, initially I laughed, thinking this just too absurd and far-fetched. Dr. Rosin gave her testimony to the Disclosure Project before 9/11. And yet others told me explicitly that things that looked like UFOs but that are built and under the control of deeply secretive 'black' projects, were being used to simulate - hoax - ET-appearing events, including some abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early seeds of cultural fear regarding life in outer space. And that at some point after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying actual ET craft - see the book "Disclosure" by the same author) to hoax an attack on Earth.

Like the movie "Independence Day", an attempt to unite the world through militarism would unfold using ET as the new cosmic scapegoat (think Jews during the Third Reich).

None of this is new to me or other insiders. The report from Iron Mountain, NY, written in the 1960s, described the need to demonize life in outer space so we could have a new enemy. An enemy off-planet that could unite humans (in fear and war) and that would prove to be the ultimate prop for the trillion dollar military industrial complex that conservative Republican President and five star general Eisenhower warned us about in 1961 (no one was listening then, either...).

So here is the post-9/11 script - one that will be played out unless enough people are informed and the plan can be foiled because they will be unable to fool a sufficient number of citizens and leaders:

After a period of terrorism - a period during which the detonation of nuclear devices will be threatened and possibly actuated, thus justifying expanding the weaponization of space - an effort will ramp up to present the public with information about a threat from outer space. Not just asteroids hitting the Earth, but other threats. An extraterrestrial threat.

Over the past 40 years, UFOlogy, as it is called, combined with a mighty media machine, has increasingly demonized ETs via fearsome movies like "Independence Day", and pseudo-science that presents alien kidnappings and abuse as a fact (in some circles) of modern life. That some humans have had contact with ETs I have no doubt; that the real ET contact has been subsumed in an ocean of hoaxed accounts I am certain.

That is, real ET events are seldom reported out to the public. The Machine ensures that the hoaxed, frightening and intrinsically xenophobic accounts are the ones seen and read by millions. This mental conditioning to fear ET has been subtly reinforced for decades, in preparation for future deceptions. Deceptions that will make 9/11 look trivial.

I write this now because I have recently been contacted by several highly placed media and intelligence sources that have made it clear to me that hoaxed events and story-lines are imminent that will attempt to further ramp up the fear machine regarding UFOs and ETs. After all, to have an enemy, you must make the people hate and fear a person, a group of people, or in this case an entire category of beings.

To be clear: the maniacal covert programs controlling UFO secrecy, ARVs and related technologies - including those technologies that can simulate ET events, ET abductions and the like - plan to hijack Disclosure, spin it into the fire of fear, and roll out events that will eventually present ETs as a new enemy. Do not be deceived.

This hogwash, already the stuff of countless books, videos, movies, documentaries and the like, will attempt to glom onto the facts, evidence and first-hand insider testimony of The Disclosure Project, and on its coattails, deliver to the world the cosmic deception that falsely portrays ETs as a threat from space. Do not be deceived.

By commingling fact with fiction, and by hoaxing UFO events that can look terrifying, the Plan is to eventually create a new, sustainable, off-planet enemy. And who will be the wiser?

You will. Because now you know that after 60 years, trillions of dollars and the best scientific minds in the world pressed into action, a secretive, shadowy group - a government within the government and at once fully outside the government as we know it - has mastered the technologies, the art of deception, and the capability to launch an attack on Earth and make it look like ETs did it. In 1997, I brought a man to Washington to brief members of Congress and others about this plan. Our entire team at the time met this man. He had been present at planning sessions when ARVs - things built by Lockheed, Northrup, et al, and housed in secretive locations around the world - would be used to simulate an attack on certain assets, making leaders and citizens alike believe that there was a threat from space, when there is none. (Before he could testify, his handlers spirited him away to a secret location in Virginia until the briefing was over...) Sound familiar? Wernher von Braun warned of such a hoax, as a pretext for putting war in space. And many others have warned of the same.

Space based weapons are already in place - part of a secret parallel space program that has been operating since the 1960s. ARVs are built and ready to go (see the book "Disclosure" and the chapter with the testimony of Mark McCandlish, et al). Space holographic deception technologies are in place, tested and ready to fire. And the Big Media is a pawn, now taking dictation from the right hand of the king.

I know this all sounds like science fiction. Absurd. Impossible. Just like 9/11 would have sounded before 9/11. But the unthinkable happened and may happen again, unless we are vigilant.

Combine all of this with the current atmosphere of fear and manipulation and there is a real risk of suspending our collective judgment and our constitution.

But know this: If there was a threat from outer space, we would have known about it as soon as humans started exploding nuclear weapons and going into space with manned travel. That we are still breathing the free air of Earth, given the galacticly stupid and reckless actions of an out of control, illegal, secret group, is abundant testimony to the restraint and peaceful intentions of these visitors. The threat is wholly human. And it is we who must address this threat, rein it in and transform the current situation of war, destruction and secret manipulation to one of true Disclosure and an era of sustained peace.

War in space, to replace war on Earth, is not evolution, but cosmic madness. A world thus united in fear is worse than one divided by ignorance. It is now time for the great leap into the future, a leap that moves us out of fear and ignorance and into an unbroken era of universal peace. Know that this is our destiny. And it will be ours just as soon as we choose it

There, back on topic :P
clarky003 said:
remember.. 'most likely's' didnt include the discovery of a thing called 'electricity' 100 years ago, it was strange to people then, and about as 'likely' to us humans as diet's are to fat people.
That's not the same in all kinds of ways.

just be prepared for the weird and wonderful... and be wise .. if we are not alone, and our neibours are advanced enough and developed enough to be pieceful....
I, seemingly like yourself, believe that there are other life-forms out there somewhere - I think that to deny the possibility is verging on arrogance. As to whether they have visited this planet in whatever form, I'm not so sure.

the prehistoric human could ruin it all through irrelevant fear of change.
i say prehistoric , because thats how i think of the military with their black projects and advanced technologies.
like cave men with guns.
You're somewhat right that a large percentage of people fear or are extremely cautious of change, and that's not necessarily a Bad Thing. Although I wouldn't personally place myself in that bracket because often holding back progress that is all but inevitable is both backwards, futile and, in some cases, very closed-minded. However I fail to see how that proves that governments are about to use falsified attacks from aliens to gain more power.
It's just that little bit too far-fetched for most people to swallow. Attacks from other people from a different religion or skin colour to us - why surely that's exactly what happens all the time!? :hmph: People are stupid enough to buy that without a second thought. Sadly.

But we are like that anyway, its dispicable and depressing, and people with larger brain capacity and sensibility should replace those driven by some dangerous Emotions and motives.
As the old adage goes, those who want power are exactly the people who shouldn't be allowed it.
i just read the article...and something occured to me.

i think a very intelligent species planning to invade earth would plant subversives to spread fear and distrust of the governments.

for example: a very clever plot would be to take the latent mistrust and fear of the government by a particularly vocal group of the population to spread the word of this "conspiracy" they would really invade but portray the actions as those of the government then offer to help take out this government. whenever video clips show alien ships destroying a school or whatever they would simply claim it was a reverse engineered ships flown by the evil earth governments doing this to make them look bad, and say it is "proof" that the evil earth governments need to be taken out...

conspiracy theories are alot of fun :)
Or if video arose of them destroying a school or church they would say, "the governments were hiding weapons there".... and you would wonder why all our structures were destroyed, our museums demolished, our libraries burnt to the ground all except for the twinkie factory which has a 30 foot concrete wall around it with constant alien troop watch (and oddly enough their ships run off twinkies)... So we begin to question their motives and we start to strike back at them in the streets with whatever means we have.... But they go on tv and call us cowards, and terrorist.

Wow such a scary plot could be turned into a great movie, i'm glad its fiction though.... If anything like that was to happen in real life, people would throw a fit and unite against the people who were doing this, right? RIGHT?

vote for pedro.
Well, I personally think that quote in the original post of this thread is rather bogus.

But... i'd rather have the world united against the threat of an outside source, than fighting amongst ourselves internally. Even if it is a hoax... if it actually produced the effects of peace among differing races and religions, then great.

I also fail to see why people are silly enough to have thought that something like 9/11 was impossible. It's very feasible, and I could have known that something of the magnitude was possible even before it happened. If you thought otherwise, you would have had an unhealthy and false perception of safety.
Innervision961 said:
Or if video arose of them destroying a school or church they would say, "the governments were hiding weapons there".... and you would wonder why all our structures were destroyed, our museums demolished, our libraries burnt to the ground all except for the twinkie factory which has a 30 foot concrete wall around it with constant alien troop watch (and oddly enough their ships run off twinkies)... So we begin to question their motives and we start to strike back at them in the streets with whatever means we have.... But they go on tv and call us cowards, and terrorist.

Wow such a scary plot could be turned into a great movie, i'm glad its fiction though.... If anything like that was to happen in real life, people would throw a fit and unite against the people who were doing this, right? RIGHT?

vote for pedro.

Dude, you stole that whole twinky factory part from family guy :-P

The fact that, all that remained was a twinky factory.
I saw the disclosure project press conference video..VERY interesting and 99% proof of extraterrestial life to me..