Universal Forum Member


Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
If you're like me, you're probably the member of countless forums...1 for each of the newest games that come out. Well I'm sick of creating a user name and all that jazz for every site that I want to visit. It'd be nice to have a one-name-fits-all login for forums.... I'm sure there's a million downsides to this, but dang it just gets old... ;(

[/thoughtless rant]
I only visit halflife2.net forums and neowin.net forums ... far from universal
I'd visit more, but having to register always turns me off (i.e. Guild Wars Guru site)...
I just visit here, but not so much anymore, haven't the time to go around a bunch of forums.
SHIPPI said:
I only really visit this forum..

Same, and I dont know quite why...

I guess theres no need. :)

Btw shippi, theres an update on that paintball thing. Paints gona be £40 for 2000 apparently. Much better rates than I expected to be honest :)
SHIPPI said:
Ah yeah, people were complaining about it so they lowered it :) it's not bad. Just about got a minibus sorted for us too, yay

Excelent :)

I need to ring them actually... the forms never did come through on email...

Have you got yours yet? Purhaps you could email them on to me to save them the bother lol. Don't worry if ya can't i'll ring em tomorrow. :)

But yuess... ahem.. a bit off topic. :p

EDIT: Oh oh oh! Just thought of somthing remotely relavent!!! :p

I used to be a member of the natural selection forums. I was somthing of a regular there.... but then I kinda stoped going when I forgot my username and password when I changed computers lol.... :)
GnaaDXarmy said:
If you're like me, you're probably the member of countless forums...1 for each of the newest games that come out. Well I'm sick of creating a user name and all that jazz for every site that I want to visit. It'd be nice to have a one-name-fits-all login for forums.... I'm sure there's a million downsides to this, but dang it just gets old... ;(

[/thoughtless rant]
I think ezboard has some global login system, so you only have to login once and you can access every site that uses ezboard. Too bad ezboard sucks.

I doubt there's a way to do a global login for every forum. There would have to be a site where everyone creates their accounts, then every piece of forum software like vBulletin or PHPBB etc, would have to point to this site to log users in. Somehow I doubt they'd do this.
i mostly come here too, mostly the lounge, other places i visit are

gamefaqs the odd time a week.

i bet i still have about a million cookies from sites i havent visited in months
I visit about 10-15 forums, hl2.net and steampowered.com are the biggest of course, but a few others are quite big.
The forums I visit are:


Thats about it...
I visit about 4 forums, remember the microsoft passport? that never worked so this wont either
i vist two other forums which are completely different from gaming although they do have gaming sections.

anyway i suppose the idea isn't bad but not sure how much its needed.
lePobz said:
I only visit halflife2.net forums and neowin.net forums ... far from universal

Did your avatar get brighter? Not that I stare long enough to notice or anything...

Anyway, I only visit here really. Sort of go on the Bry's NS Server forum.
I just go here, gmod forums, and occasionally steampowered.
SimonomiS said:
Did your avatar get brighter? Not that I stare long enough to notice or anything...
Indeed it did, pervert :p
All your base are belong to us, your time is up ha ha ha ha!
SimonomiS said:
Did your avatar get brighter? Not that I stare long enough to notice or anything...

Anyway, I only visit here really. Sort of go on the Bry's NS Server forum.
You play on Bry's server? What's your in-game name?