Universal Mouse Acceleration Tool

The Brick

Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
I found this request when I was looking for a mouse acceleration tool (which appears to not exist) and this is something that more people than me want/need. Are there any coders here that could make something like that?

Firstly, let's not get into the whole "acceleration vs. no acceleration"
Some gamers prefer no acceleration, others can't play without it. No need to
turn this into another endless thread on this subject.


Through this post, we, "The United Gamers for Unified Acceleration
Liberation Front", are hoping to draw the attention of people, who have
knowledge about programming mouse drivers, Windows registry scripting and
the likes.

Although, many gamers do not use mouse acceleration when gaming, there is a
large, silent part of the gaming community, who actually do use - and are
very dependant on - mouse acceleration.

Some games do feature some sort of acceleration. Best job is done by Quake3.
Here's an example of the code:

mouserate = sqrt( mx * mx + my * my );
mouse_x *= (mouserate * m_accel.value + sensitivity.value);
mouse_y *= (mouserate * m_accel.value + sensitivity.value);

(A coder will understand this - I know I don't :p)

Basically, the acceleration kicks in instantly, as soon as you move the
The acceleration value is multiplied by the raw mouse movement, pixels by a

Now, a BAD way of doing acceleration would be the way it's done in UT2003.
Here it is threshold based. Meaning, if you move mouse slowly, there is no
acceleration. It first kicks in at a certain speed. This makes it jerky and
totally unplayable. There is no way of getting adjusted to that (unlike the
Quake way, where it is very smooth and nice all the time).

So you can see the hassle it is, when you are playing several games.
In Quake3 you might have decent acceleration, but as soon as you go to
another game, you have either none, or one that is useless.

We are in dire need of a tool/registry script that will affect all games.
And it should feature something like this:

- Mouse acceleration code similar to Quake 3

- Code applies to the raw mouse movement and multiplies it with the given
value, giving you a smooth and easy to use mouse acceleration

- Numeric values for sensitivity and acceleration with no limitations

- Values between 0.001 - 999.999 can be used
- The mouse sensitivity value should only affect the mouse speed, like in
the default windows mouse driver. (If you set the sensitivity very low, your
mouse gets really jerky and doesn't respond to small movements.)

While Logitech drivers do have built-in acceleration, they only feature
acceleration in 3 increments. For me, the medium setting is too slow, whilst
the high setting is exactly that; too high. I know of others, who want a
setting between low and medium etc, etc. So, again, we're looking for more
increments/steppings - or ideally numeric steppings - to be able to suit the

Razer also make very nice drivers, that feature nice acceleration. But as it
is, most people use Logitech or MS mice. Some are successfully using their
old Logitech mice with Razer drivers, but it's not the ideal solution we're

The plea goes out to all coders, scripters, mod makers and even Logitech,
Microsoft, Razer and other mice brands:

Pretty, pretty please, give us such a tool. We will love your forever for
it. :)

"The United Gamers for Unified Acceleration Liberation Front"
IRC: #maccel on irc.quakenet.org
Website: coming soon.
email: remove NOSPAMHERE

P.S: Don't bother pointing out our silly name. :)
source: http://www.game-tricks.net/viewtopic-132473.html
Or u can buy a Razer Diamondback. Their drivers have an accelaration feature. Very handy when turning a turret in BF2.

Murray_H said:
What do mouse acceleration do?

When u move ur mouse in a direction it accelarates that motion as long as u move ur mouse (in the same direction of course).
Murray_H said:
What do mouse acceleration do?
It makes the cursor accelerate more than your mouse accelerates. So the cursor moves really slow when your moving the mouse slow, and really fast when you move your mouse fast.

The cursor covers more distance when you move your mouse over a fixed ditance, than when you move the mouse slowly.

Most people find this really annoying for fast games (such as UT and Quake3) because it's hard to coordinate fast movements. But I find it pretty usefull in games such as Counter strike, because you get way more precision when you aim slowly. This makes it way easier to aim for the head.

Sry I find it pretty hard to explain it.
Mouse acceleration completely sabotages you, it's only better for quick 180 turns, never better for aiming.
The Brick said:
Most people find this really annoying for fast games (such as UT and Quake3) because it's hard to coordinate fast movements. But I find it pretty usefull in games such as Counter strike, because you get way more precision when you aim slowly. This makes it way easier to aim for the head.

But if you move the mouse fast becaues you're stressed out then its going to go really fast right away. You don't really have time to move your mouse slowly in CS.
TheSomeone said:
But if you move the mouse fast becaues you're stressed out then its going to go really fast right away. You don't really have time to move your mouse slowly in CS.
Exactly, that's why we need a tool to tune the acceleration to a comfortable level.

I play Css on the pc downstairs, and I'm way better with the mouse acc. Now I want to play cs 1.6 on my own pc, but the standard mouse acc of windows is too little, and the mouse acc of my 'setpoint' software (mx518) is really, really bad. Downstairs I have an mx510, and the mouse acc of that software (MouseWare) is perfect for me. And the MouseWare software doesn't work with mx518...