Universal to bring Asteroids to theaters


Sep 4, 2004
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It was announced that Uncharted would get a celluloid makeover; this week, it's a much older franchise that's being adapted. It turns out that Asteroids, the Atari game from 1979 (thus making it older than many in the current generation of gamers) will be coming to theaters sometime in the future.

Astonishingly, not only is Asteroids being made into a movie, but there was an actual bidding war between four major studios for the rights. Universal Studios has emerged the winner.
Hey, let's take an awesome classic game that featured the most rudimentary graphics ever, and turn it into a blockbuster movie that has the greatest CGI you have ever seen! It'll be so faithful to the original!
What a riveting plot this movie will have:

"Captain, we're surrounded by asteroids! What do we do?"

"...Shoot them."
One of my favorite arcade games. I just have no idea how they could make this into a movie, but I'll admit, I'm intrigued.
lol I just read the world made of pudding thread, and you said in the 'one of my favourite shorts', then I flip over here, and you say 'one of my favourite games' lol.

Virus, you character.
I could see Crysis made into a cool summer blockbuster but Asteroids?? come on meow
Oh man, that Minesweeper movie parody is hilarous. "I'm here because I'm bored!"

Seriously, unless they incorporate the UFOs from Asteroids into a plot somehow, all they have is an unoriginal setting (without taking some serious liberties with the term 'asteroids').
Nope, that's actually BlueWolf of Half-Life Radio fame. I am still scratching my head over how exactly Asteroids is going to translate into a movie with a plot and everything given that you can summarize everything about that game in one sentence: you shoot asteroids from a spaceship.