University Prayer (students only)


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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Our beer, Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink. Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as I am in the tavern. Forgive us this day our daily spillages As we forgive those who spill against us. And lead us not into the practice of poncey wine tasting, And deliver us from alcopops, For mine is the lager, The ale and the cider, Forever and ever, BARMEN!

Yeah, being a student rocks sometimes!
Aren't you supposed... to... you know.... study?
Our beer, Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink. Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as I am in the tavern. Forgive us this day our daily spillages As we forgive those who spill against us. And lead us not into the practice of poncey wine tasting, And deliver us from alcopops, For mine is the lager, The ale and the cider, Forever and ever, BARMEN!

Yeah, being a student rocks sometimes!

You'll find quite a handful of students at uni arent just there for studying and getting a degree. Its life changing.
Aren't you supposed... to... you know.... study?

Studying is just a small part of the whole Uni thing. Some say it's the most important moment in your life so you better make the best of it!
Our beer, Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink. Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as I am in the tavern. Forgive us this day our daily spillages As we forgive those who spill against us. And lead us not into the practice of poncey wine tasting, And deliver us from alcopops, For mine is the lager, The ale and the cider, Forever and ever, BARMEN!

Yeah, being a student rocks sometimes!

Barmen! :D

Man, I'm heading off next september... gonna be incredible :D
some people just don't deserve to be at uni...

yay, for you being an alcoholic at 20. i'm sure everybody is proud of you.
some people just don't deserve to be at uni...

yay, for you being an alcoholic at 20. i'm sure everybody is proud of you.
lol, this is the wrong place for that man, this is
But I'm totally with you :frog:
Im not religious, so Ill not pray with you. (meaning I dont drink)

But im also not religious.

I dont understand why people cant have fun without drugs and alcohol. Your normal lives must suck pretty hard.
It also annoys me how people drink or smoke or do drugs to try to be cool in front of their peers. Like, wow, you smoked maijuana. Now i respect you...
I drink myself into submission, smoke marijuana and have sex regularly.

Do I brag about it? Oh goodness no.

Choice of life style people, respect them and respect your own.
wow relax people...jeeze


you're all either nerds or adults who miss those days
wow relax people...jeeze


you're all either nerds or adults who miss those days

hahahaha....i was probably drunk more times than you had warm meals.

but i grew up out of that, because it really had so little point in life.

i regret every single drink. i do agree parties are not the same being sober, that's why i try to stay away from parties where being stone dead is a requirement.
I drink myself into submission, smoke marijuana and have sex regularly.

Do I brag about it? Oh goodness no.

Choice of life style people, respect them and respect your own.
They do, they just don't like it how some people drink to drink (and thus impress peers), not to have fun.

What's with all the little kids scorning alcohol? Of course you don't like booze if you're a little whiney kid, most adults accept the fact that other people drink and respect their choice regardless of their own drinking habits.
I've got nothing against drinking, or alcohol, just the people who think that to fit in or be different (and therefore conform, emo) they have to drink, smoke and brag. People who think that it's cool to steal liquor and then vomit and tell everyone, with hand-gestures.
Wow and i only posted this to make a few people laugh.

Honestly? I drink the least if and when i go out. I cant stand anyone that smokes, drinks alot or does drugs. In fact if you do drugs, i automatically out of principle despise you in some level or another.

Oh, and thanks Akira. Some people take these things far too seriously.
I sense a clash between Britain's 'lad culture' of binge drinking (and the well deserved student stereotype associated with this) and the American 'people who get drunk are alcoholics' culture.

Whose stupid idea was it to start an American colony anyway?
Stupid Christopher Columbus. Look what you've done! lol

Cause we all know he 'created' america. Heh.
I've got nothing against drinking, or alcohol, just the people who think that to fit in or be different (and therefore conform, emo) they have to drink, smoke and brag. People who think that it's cool to steal liquor and then vomit and tell everyone, with hand-gestures.

Lol. Try bringing non-alcoholic drinks to a party and saying it's alcohol, then watch everyone act like they're drunk. Yeah but I agree with you, I hate it when people get drunk in public and think they're cool.
I sense a clash between Britain's 'lad culture' of binge drinking (and the well deserved student stereotype associated with this) and the American 'people who get drunk are alcoholics' culture.

Whose stupid idea was it to start an American colony anyway?
So. ****ing. True.

Oh, and whoever said our normal lives must suck. I'm impressed you know everything about me and my life, just cos I get hammered every now and then.

I'm a social person, I'm a social drinker. I go out a lot BECAUSE I enjoy it. I fail to see your point. I don't drink to escape reality or owt like that, I drink because I enjoy it.