unlockable extra's (was: Y'know what I think would be cool)

king John I

Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Y'know what I think would be cool

If anyone's played through half-life and its addons recently they may have been thinking that it deosn't seem to have great replay value other than its a good game.

Well I just finished playing halflife and opposing force on hard just a while ago (blueshift is too short for my liking) and although it is harder and the stupid female asassains can cloak in it, there's not much to make it more interesting in anyway.

What I think would be cool would be If there were unlockables (ooo, unlockables)
If anyones played resident evil a few times they would know what i mean, If you complate the game you should be able to unlock another game mode, eg. real survivor mode where you are much weaker and there is less ammo but enemys arn't so tough (realistic, duh) or a mode where you get to play through with a really big powerful weapon with infinite ammo but there are tonns of enemys, or just a difficulty harder than hard.

Or it could be a slighty different version of the game you played before, weapons get picked up in a different order, enemys are in different places, allies arn't were they were before but there are there dead bodies, something to make it feel like your going through the game at a different time.

I'm shure this could all be done by mod teams but it would make the game oh so much more better if somethink like this was done.

p.s. And you would get extra's like on dvd's, if you complete the game on one of the harder difficulties you would get videos on the making of halflife or something like that.

I like your idea King John, I just hate it when games make it too hard to get to that bonus material.

The thing I really want in most games is to include CO-OP. I wasted way to much of my time playing Diablo II in CO-OP. I dont even think I have played Diablo II by myself. CO-OP Rocks!
I love unlockables. Timesplitters 2, anyone? Not enough PC games have masses of unlockable material. Only the console conversions like Red Faction 2....
well the thing is although a game is very good, when you complete it you lack a sense of acomplishment, say, a feeling that your really good and your reward is a more fun option, the annoying thing about most pc games today is that once you complete the game there is no reward for going back and doing it again, all it would need is a harder difficulty to unlock and a longer alternate ending for it or something like that, i'm shure they feel that they may aswell put all this is the first mode and leave mod developers to do the rest, but i dont want a different hl, i just want a hl with more playablity depth.

I'm just saying, that it would be cool.

PLUS: deos anyone know if there will be a mod that plays through the same game but in different ways, like i have said in my other two post's?
p.s. Who is making the hl2 co-op mod?
unlockables are great for arcade style action. they help keep the player putting in money because they know if they get that unlockable it may help them beat the next baddie. but in a MP fps unlockables generally become a hinderance to game play as requires players to do actions outside of what FPS is. Which means you have to create a skills based reward system, which as we know can be unfair and usually hard to play due to campers, spawn killers, and other lamers.

As for changing up the bad guys in HL and op4 the amount of scripting that went into placing them is why their want more random apperances, with todays higher pricessor speeds allowing for more AI time and with more advance techniques I'm sure the ability to change up the enimies should be easier to do, if it's not already done.
As long as the unlockables are really good, not like MK mythologies (never played it but i read a review), where you get a picture or something for fighting. Yes!11!!!!1111

I think new weapons/characters/stupid cheat modes would work best, but like Pendragon said, most games have unlockables that require you to either cheat to get or be a god at games (you listening PGR 2? I want the TVR Cerbera but am i ever gonna get it......yeah thats what i thought :p)
nothing would be hard, unless you find completing the game on medium or hard hard. Or completinjg the game at all.
Oh nevermind, none of you completey understand.
Replaying Single Player games, unlockables or not, just isn't my thing. That's why god invented multiplayer, and the ability for the community to make their own addons.
king John I said:
nothing would be hard, unless you find completing the game on medium or hard hard. Or completinjg the game at all.
Oh nevermind, none of you completey understand.

you posted on public message board wanting a response on what you thought was a good idea for mods. And about half of the posts were negative, so why get pissy, tell us why it would be fun keep playing the same game over and over again just to unlock hidden game modes or characters, just to play the same levels with random enemies? and how thats accomplishable in MP. Come on man make us understand why playing the game as Alex in bighead mode is supposed to be fun in HL, and how its supposecd to be fun enough to complete the whole game again

Unlockables can be cool but they are very hard to accomplish well into todays gaming enviroment, and I beleive nearly impossiple in true MP. or maybe we can revert back to Wolfenstien, Doom, and Duke3D where we have percentage of secrets discovered which again is arcade fun.....

It is a useful feature for Coop/teamplay depending on how you execute it. like Murray_H said unlocking Concept art just isn't fun....