Unofficial Weekly Art Contest #2


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Unofficial Weekly Art Contest #2

This is an unofficial, temporary art contest for any member of until we can get the official ones in. It will begin every Friday, and will be due before the next Friday. The voting will take place Friday-Sunday. There would be an overlap of votes and next week's contest, so if you want to make a suggestion, you should do it before Friday.


Futuristic Extreme Sports Concept
Create a concept design for an extreme sport you may see in the future. This may be of any style, but make sure it is recognizable as futuristic and has some bearing to sports (which can include things like football, boxing, or your own ideas in which humans compete) Make your piece as interesting as possible.

Thanks to IchI for his idea in the Art Contest Ideas thread.

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1.) Follow all of the Forum Rules
2.) Stick to the topic
3.) Don't steal other's work
4.) You can submit more than once, but please don't spam with too many
5.) Any medium may be used (pencil, paint, digital)
6.) Be respectful to others
7.) Submissions are due before the Friday after this contest begins
8.) Submit your entrees in this thread, either by attaching them or uploading them to your own webspace

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Submissions are due before Friday, October 29th.

Voting will take place Friday through Sunday

Good luck and please post ideas for next week's contest!
Hmmm. You might have to count me out on this one.
I intend(ed) to enter this one as I have a week of vacation and plenty of time, but the topic isn't exactly flooding me with ideas (yet). Maybe I'll think of something later.
I have two ideas, one comical and one not.

Do you think it would be better when we started voting to have one vote for every person, or one vote for each individual entree? (Like, if I made entrees 2 and 4, should the vote be "Entrees 2 and 4 by Erestheux" or "Entree 2 by Erestheux" and "Entree 4 by Erestheux.") Having them seperate would make it harder for the person entering 2 to win, since they would be competing against themselves...

Hopefully you'll enter, Green Bunny, you've got a whole week! :D
Erestheux i had an idea for a future comp. How about re-designing Gordons armour? :D
resien said:
Erestheux i had an idea for a future comp. How about re-designing Gordons armour? :D
That seems like a pretty good idea, if other people agree. :) Thanks for suggesting!
i have made a flash cartoon (its really crap lol :) took me about 3 hours though :/ ) and its about 1MB. i can anyone host is on their site for me?

and the armour thing has allready been done in a previous contest... as a matter of fact, it was my idea :) i even came in second place with gordons "cardboard" suit :p
alright: my entry.
In the distant millenia, humankind is on the brink of extinction, struggling to survive, arms have been rendered useless due to tecknowledgey and as such, human kind has evolved them the forestated distant millenium,an elite bunch decided to make a game (for some humanity saving reason). the game is called: Crobba! the game where all the rules are exactly like football, but with no arms!

(the thing in his mouth is a crobba ball!)
Suicide42 said:
i have made a flash cartoon (its really crap lol :) took me about 3 hours though :/ ) and its about 1MB. i can anyone host is on their site for me?

and the armour thing has allready been done in a previous contest... as a matter of fact, it was my idea :) i even came in second place with gordons "cardboard" suit :p
Sent you a PM on the hosting.. I might be able to do that for ya, not sure. Depends on if Lycos is still mad at me for the 10,000 maps that I've uploaded there :angel: Thanks for the heads up on the contest, too, I had thought that was already done...

Hehe, that is a nice entree there crabonhead. :p Next time, use the IMG tags, though, then we can see it withouth clicking on it. :)
sorry, my first post had a dead link and i cant edit it. my upload service is actin' up. here it is again:

In the distant millenia, humankind is on the brink of extinction, struggling to survive, arms have been rendered useless due to tecknowledgey and as such, human kind has evolved them the forestated distant millenium,an elite bunch decided to make a game (for some humanity saving reason). the game is called: Crobba! the game where all the rules are exactly like football, but with no arms! :)
Suicide42 said:
i have made a flash cartoon (its really crap lol :) took me about 3 hours though :/ ) and its about 1MB. i can anyone host is on their site for me?

and the armour thing has allready been done in a previous contest... as a matter of fact, it was my idea :) i even came in second place with gordons "cardboard" suit :p

How the hell did you get it that large? Is it 2 hours long? Full of large sounds? Uncompressed bitmaps? Exported to an .exe? Insane?

And yeah, I remember making a very bad banana suit entry for that.
theGreenBunny said:
How the hell did you get it that large? Is it 2 hours long? Full of large sounds? Uncompressed bitmaps? Exported to an .exe? Insane?

And yeah, I remember making a very bad banana suit entry for that.

errr.. it has a few WAV sounds, not much... anyway its not like 1MB is very large :p
here it is! entry number 2!!!


its a flash movie, about 600KB zipped (dont be put off by the fact its a .exe ;) ).

thanks to erestheux for hosting- i owe ya :p
It seems to be redirecting to my page, because Lycos is crafty like that :p

Just click "Uploads" and then "Xtreme -" after it redirects you. Sorry.
Pretty good artwork, funny voice acting, but not that great of a plot or idea.

Nice work. :)
vegeta897 said:
Pretty good artwork, funny voice acting, but not that great of a plot or idea.

Nice work. :)

scince when did any art entry have a plot? im not exactly gonna concuct a 12 page script about how gordon goes rocketboarding am i? lol :p

and thanks, you of all people should know how long flash movies take to make :'(
Suicide42 said:
scince when did any art entry have a plot? im not exactly gonna concuct a 12 page script about how gordon goes rocketboarding am i? lol :p

and thanks, you of all people should know how long flash movies take to make :'(

Not really "plot" But what actually happens in the story. He hits a tree.. That's it. Just kinda tired out cliche.

But yes, they do take a while to make. (I see you used mainly tweening, bit easier.)
the reason i decided he would just "hit a tree" was because it was 4 in the morning and my eyes felt like they were going to fall out, so i wanted to wrap it up quickly :p

and the reason i only use tweening is because i dont relly know how to do anthing else- im a flash n00b :) sounds is about the most complicated thing for me :)

when im a bit more experienced i want to make a decent flash movie, with a plot and characters and heroism etc. the only trouble is it would take about 30+ hours to make if i did it well... yay!

but just how are you supposed to not use tweening? i agree it looks quite shabby, but do you mean i should do some frames individually? that would be so hard :/
Yes, it would be hard.

But tweening is perfect if you have individual moving body parts. It cuts alot of redrawing. The tough part is doing it well, and swapping tweens to different angles of an object. (Redraw an object at different angles)
And then just making it smoother, and less like he looks like he's being held together by tacks.

I saw an amazing flash movie using this technique, let me see if I can find it...

Edit: Ahh, here it is. Very well done. (A bit gory) :)
vegeta897 said:
Yes, it would be hard.

But tweening is perfect if you have individual moving body parts. It cuts alot of redrawing. The tough part is doing it well, and swapping tweens to different angles of an object. (Redraw an object at different angles)
And then just making it smoother, and less like he looks like he's being held together by tacks.

I saw an amazing flash movie using this technique, let me see if I can find it...

Edit: Ahh, here it is. Very well done. (A bit gory) :)

that link doesnt work.. it says it has been "blammed" or something...
Suicide42 said:
that link doesnt work.. it says it has been "blammed" or something...

heh, thats what happens when most of the newgrounds users hate the movie so they vote to have it baleted!!

Shame tho, cause I remember that movie and it was sweet!...lovley effects n' all
i found another link to it and i must say that was F**KING class... thast the best flash movie iver ever seen... why the hell was it baleted? took him 6 motnths though... thats a loooong time..
Please don't get too offtopic, guys... we want submissions, too :(
It was probably blammed because it was too good. All the NG kiddies got jealous, or something.

Can I submit that as my entry? ;)

Hey guys, the submissions are due tomorrow night, so if anyone else is interested, please post them soon! I'm entering tomorrow, and I'm thinking about waiting to make the third week's contest until Sat and have them due Wed night again, so that voting and suggestions can take place Thurs-Friday. I think that is for the better, since it seems to die off after the first day or two and no one really submits ideas for next week's contest.

I really do hope that the new ones start soon, though, people don't seem to care about these and I miss the old ones :(
Entree #3 by Erestheux

Here is my entree, stupid scanner cropped off the end:


I was making another one, but I didn't like how it turned out and I ended up not having much time :(. It was going to be an alien-type thing with a futuristic type guy with some neato weapon in a stadium- like future bullfighting. Well... anyway... I hope you like this one :p

Thanks for caring, Suicide42 and Crabonhead :p