Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election


Nov 8, 2003
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If you've got time to watch this it's a must.


Lots of accounts from people, and how convinced alot of people were that the 2000 US election was manipulated/rigged, whatever you want to call it.

Evidence of Illegal purging of Florida citizens from the voter rolls who were the strongest potential democrat voters, all under the oversight of Jeb Bush. This was never brought up in the news at the time. wtf is going on over there? those same people are still in Government.
the exact same thing happened in Ohio in 2004 with evoting and Ken Blackwell. Americans will never learn.
The first time round the vote was rigged, sure, I mean the hard figures said that Bush lost. I think the system of electing a new president failed America that day. However what happend the second time round? He gained more votes after f***ing so much stuff up? I think too many people ate into his propaganda.
Or they have people in cahoots with the administration as the video proves, thinking up ways of using laws to manipulate the votes Illegally. Is it not obvious there are wolves in sheeps clothing in powerful positions influencing whats happening.

Such a large **** up has more likely stemmed from powerful officials than people giving into propaganda. It's systematically more controllable to rely on one person if you want to commit a crime rather than take the chance on most people voting for you.
But if you are outraged about the fraud in Florida in 2000 read up on Ohio in 2004, it will make your blood boil. Every American that calls himself an american should be aware of these things, yet the media in this country is a lap dog for this administration and didn't mention any of this.
I'll have a read about it, and yeh you think that would be enough to prove the media's complicity.
I am of the honest opinion that clarky gets his information about the world exclusively from google videos.

Anywho, it's rather common knowledge that George Bush should have lost but, at the time, there was no system in place to count the ballots correctly.
So even with recounts, he would still be the president, although still illegitimately so.

As for a media conspiracy, you're going to have to present better information than yet another google video.
Oh cheap shot again, what am I gonna do post a book? I don't just take it from google videos, infact alot of good documentaries on google start on TV networks and get Uploaded would you believe it.

Where did I state there was a media conspiracey? I'm sure however that the compilicity to the administrations view point on alot of networks is of course, just a mere coincidence.

If you weren't so derogatory towards anything I say perhaps you would be crossed off my list of personal trolls :p

Lets not forget even though you try to make out im some kindof dumbwitt, your the one who once said you didn't know the connection between Afghanistan and Iraq in the US agenda.

But that's besides the point, the media didn't cover these stories.
Anywho, it's rather common knowledge that George Bush should have lost but, at the time, there was no system in place to count the ballots correctly.
So even with recounts, he would still be the president, although still illegitimately so.

That isn't 100% accurate. Many sources claim if the courts did not stop the recount of the votes Gore would have won Florida and won the election.
I post references to books, articles and so forth whenever I can. I also tend to rarely, if ever, use non-text sources because videos have a tendency to be long-winded (feature length or longer), misleadingly theatrical (loaded with scary music, slow motion, image juxtaposition, blurry footage, hyperbole) and difficult to quote (text can be cut and pasted, and typically has far better - or at least some - listed sources).

Wheras I honestly cannot recall ever seeing you reference anything other than google videos and websites that sell perpetual motion machines and/or healing crystals.
If that's not the case, then I'd be glad to be shown the error.

Until then, you might say that if the shot is cheap, it's because the target didn't need anything more elaborate to take down.
In that case, I should be commended for my conservation of resources.

But in any case, you agree that it probably was a coincidence and not a conspiracy.

a mere coincidence.

So then there's nothing to really discuss here.

After all, complicity and conspiracy are TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

the state of being an accomplice; partnership or involvement in wrongdoing.

an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

... and you have NEVER posted a conspiracy theory before because everything is always a coincidence.

Of course, calling everything a coincidence destroys every argument you make because then no-one is culpable of anything. You might as well be yelling at god.
Every argument you've ever made, as far as I can tell, can be summarized as follows:

"Gee, it sure looks like a massive conspiracy according to Ellie Crystal's Metaphysical Website.
Lucky for us, it was really all coincidence and no-one is truly to blame."

or, more succinctly:

"Here is something unreliable that I don't truly believe in!"
That isn't 100% accurate. Many sources claim if the courts did not stop the recount of the votes Gore would have won Florida and won the election.

I haven't seen any sources to that effect.
The system at the time was flawed and was exploited.
Maybe there would be an eventual correction, but that's a what-if scenario.
I haven't seen any sources to that effect.
The system at the time was flawed and was exploited.
Maybe there would be an eventual correction, but that's a what-if scenario.

Sorry, instead of just talking about it I should have posted a source.

The national opinion research center at the university of Chicago did a study of this. They found that if all ballots were to be counted Gore would have won with a narrow margin. The same study, however, concluded that even with the recount Gore was requesting and the recount the supreme court denied Gore would still have lost. Link to the study:


and a wikipedia article on it:


If simple mistakes didn't lead to ballots being thrown out Gore would be president today. Why he didn't ask to get a count of that I still don't understand.
"even with the recount Gore was requesting[,] and the recount the supreme court denied[,] Gore would still have lost."

That's exactly what I said.

If they had recounted all the ballots, he would have won. But the system was not set up to recount all the ballots.

I didn't feel the need to post a source because there isn't much argument over this fact.
Even with a recount, he would have lost because the recount procedure itself was fundamentally flawed.
I am of the honest opinion that clarky gets his information about the world exclusively from google videos.
I post references to books, articles and so forth whenever I can. I also tend to rarely, if ever, use non-text sources because [etc.]
Evidently I share your sentiments. People send me upwards of five or six links to Google and YouTube videos daily, all of which I completely ignore because videos are horrible sources of information--for the reasons you posted and many others.

I have a soft spot for Penn and Teller, but that's it.
On that note, I just noticed that clarky was searching for zero-point energy (AKA perpetual motion machines) when he found this particular video. :p
Also, these other awesome films are listed on the same google video playlist:

-The Hidden Agenda for World Government

-The Eagle Has Landed! Magic, Alchemy, and The Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space

-Secrets Of The Illuminati Revealed

-Vatican Assassins

-Alien Implants

No conspiracy theory here, lollollol!
I sometimes like to watch videos like those. D:
they should get rid of the electoral college and just leave it to the popular vote. i really dont see the point of an electoral college.
I sometimes like to watch videos like those. D:

They're actually great entertainment.
Things that are unintentionally fictitious are fascinating.
It's like watching recording of someone's dreams.
All logic flies out the window, and we're left with visceral emotion and complex imagery.

As educational tools and scientific documentation, however, they fail utterly.
they should get rid of the electoral college and just leave it to the popular vote. i really dont see the point of an electoral college.

Neither do I. I've never really understood the point of it (although i'm sure 5 minutes on wikipedia would inform me).
There honestly isn't any point to it at all.

People don't know why the notion was ever included in the constitution. Currently, the assumption is that it's to give more power to rural areas by "diluting" areas of high population.

Thus, a voter in Alaska is worth over three times as much as a voter in Florida.
The point was to actually give states more power under the consitution. The constitution specifically calls for actually 4 powers in our government, Judicial, Legislative, Executive, and States.

I think the system is outdated and does need to be changed, however, there are much bigger problems with our elections right now that our government refuses to even look at. At this point electronic voting is a bigger threat to our democracy than anything else, but no mention about the problems these machines have in the media, no complaints from the white house and republicans in congress, and total weakness by the democrats when it comes to bringing attention to this issue.

Mech, I do need to read your posts before I post. In my first reply to you I pretty much did repeat exactly what you said. Sorry :p .
The point was to actually give states more power under the consitution.

Well, really it was to give individual states less power. If each state put forward their own unique candidate, the most populous state would theorhetically win every election.
That was the reason, but the establishment of a two-party system has made that notion obsolete.

Now things have gone to the other shitty extreme, in which it is essentially impossible for a third party to ever win anything.

I don't think america has ever needed a third party this desperately.
I don't think america has ever needed a third party this desperately.

I can agree with that. The problem is there isn't a thrid party out there I would support over the 2 parties currently in control.

I'm sure some day a new party will be shaped that will replace one of today's parties, I just don't think it will happen in our life time.
On that note, I just noticed that clarky was searching for zero-point energy (AKA perpetual motion machines) when he found this particular video. :p
Also, these other awesome films are listed on the same google video playlist:

-The Hidden Agenda for World Government

-The Eagle Has Landed! Magic, Alchemy, and The Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space

-Secrets Of The Illuminati Revealed

-Vatican Assassins

-Alien Implants

No conspiracy theory here, lollollol!

Look at this guy, he sure loves to belittle people for watching things that may differ from his beliefs. Do you ever stop to wonder that maybe people want to know what all this hoopla and what not that they may have heard/read of is all about? Wow, it's not like everyone who watches these videos automatically believe in this shit. I can't speak for clarky, but I hate when people automatically assume you believe a certain way just because you may have watched/read something that might be farfetched/non-credible/"batshit-insane". :dozey: And what is wrong with searching for zero-point energy? Seriously, get off your damn high horse.
Look at this guy, he sure loves to belittle people for watching things that may differ from his beliefs. Do you ever stop to wonder that maybe people want to know what all this hoopla and what not that they may have heard/read of is all about? Wow, it's not like everyone who watches these videos automatically believe in this shit. I can't speak for clarky, but I hate when people automatically assume you believe a certain way just because you may have watched/read something that might be farfetched/non-credible/"batshit-insane". :dozey: And what is wrong with searching for zero-point energy? Seriously, get off your damn high horse.

Shut up.

Anyways, if there is any irrefutable evidence, I sure would like to see it. I'm sure alot of us(in the states) have heard claims of this sort.
Look at this guy, he sure loves to belittle people for watching things that may differ from his beliefs.
"They're actually great entertainment.
Things that are unintentionally fictitious are fascinating."

Do you ever stop to wonder that maybe people want to know what all this hoopla and what not that they may have heard/read of is all about?
I have absolutely no reason to care.

Wow, it's not like everyone who watches these videos automatically believe in this shit.
"They're actually great entertainment.
Things that are unintentionally fictitious are fascinating."

I can't speak for clarky[...]

And what is wrong with searching for zero-point energy?

Clarky says "Where did I state there was a media conspiracey?"
"I honestly cannot recall ever seeing [clarky] reference anything other than google videos and websites that sell perpetual motion machines [in the politics forum]."
"I just noticed that clarky was searching for [perpetual motion machines] when he found this particular video. [emoticon that represents jokey laughter]"

If you have a problem with sucking my cock, then please, by all means, remove it from your mouth.

[emoticon that represents jokey laughter]

the clarky said:
Such a large **** up has more likely stemmed from powerful officials than people giving into propaganda. It's systematically more controllable to rely on one person if you want to commit a crime rather than take the chance on most people voting for you.
Where did I state there was a media conspiracey?

No conspiracy theory here!
What's a conspiracy theory????

Clarky probably lies more than the Bush administration.

the clarky said:
your the one who once said you didn't know the connection between Afghanistan and Iraq in the US agenda.

For example, I've never said any such thing.

Sorry I have a problem with lies.
I love Mechagodzilla pwnage threads.
I have absolutely no reason to care.
Maybe I'm a little too sensitive towards people treating others like shit for what they believe in. You're right though.

"They're actually great entertainment.
Things that are unintentionally fictitious are fascinating."

Wrong? You may find it entertaining to watch though it's ficitious, but wrong? So everyone automatically believes in a conspiracy theory after watching a documentary on the internet? This is mainly what I was arguing about in that post back there. People don't automatically believe in something(most people) after watching one lousy documentary.

I wasn't at all. Read the reply above this quote. I may have been a little out of it for replying like that only because for reasons I've stated before. I did not know where clarky believed in every conspiracy theory documentary he had seen or not, thus why I said, I couldn't speak for clarky.

Clarky says "Where did I state there was a media conspiracey?"
"I honestly cannot recall ever seeing [clarky] reference anything other than google videos and websites that sell perpetual motion machines [in the politics forum]."
"I just noticed that clarky was searching for [perpetual motion machines] when he found this particular video. [emoticon that represents jokey laughter]"

If you have a problem with sucking my cock, then please, by all means, remove it from your mouth.

[emoticon that represents jokey laughter]

Don't flatter yourself. :) I merely asked what the hell is wrong with searching for Zero-Point Energy/Perpetual Motion Machines? :smoking:
I got a theory on what happened - Alien Neocons sent secret operatives who, through methods which are partially not comprehendsible for our relatively primitive, homosapien brains. The whole election was a fraud and George Bush(Real name not pronounceable by us), is really another one of these aliens, trying to make us kill each other so they themselves can inhabit our planet. The reason they're here is because there are alien liberals who are trying to democratically banish them from their home planet. These alien liberals sent operatives to help us avert what they were well within their right mind to perceive as the demise of our very species at the hands -- Or tentacles, but that's another story -- of the alien Neocons. Other operatives include the people we have all come to know as "Cindy Sheehan", "John Kerry", and "Jimmy Carter". If Kofi Annan is one of them, no-one knows.

There, that's a good theory right there. Now time to paste it to IndyMedia or DemocraticUnderground, maybe even CounterPunch.
"You may find it entertaining to watch though it's ficitious, but wrong? So everyone automatically believes in a conspiracy theory after watching a documentary on the internet?"

Maybe I should write this as clearly as possible:

If I have watched these retarded videos for comedy and I don't believe in them, then clearly I am NOT saying that everyone who watches the videos is an utter moron - although your constant insistence that I am saying things I have never said severely undermines that charitable sentiment.

What I did say is that clarky is retarded because clarky literally believes that 9/11 was staged by the entire american government with stealth explosives so that Bush and the bin Ladens could attack Iraq and gain the oil they need to supress the existence of perpetual motion anti-gravity cars for another twenty years (by which point the earth's resources will be fully consumed).
This is because the government has been covering up the existence of a method of tapping into infinite amounts of zero-point energy for at least 60 years in order to gain massive amounts of money from the continual sale of useless oil.
Thus, the roswell incident and other reports of aliens were staged propaganda events designed to fool the populace into discrediting the people who had stumbled upon the existence of the government's secret perpetual motion UFO fleet.

That's not a joke.