" [ Unreal Championship 2 ] The new definition of deathmatch " -- IGN


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Unreal Championship 2 Review
9.3/10, Too bad its only for Xbox :(, anyway it looks very good. :bounce:

It's rich with innovative play, and it's built by a team with deep experience with this type of game. Yes, the depth of the controls might be a little steep at first. Yes, the storyline is really just an excuse to fight, and yes, it's really all about interactive social -- specifically Xbox Live -- gaming, but Midway hasn't marketed it any other way. The fact is, everything here works, and it works well. Last, the main point of this game -- the online functionality -- is excellent. The gameplay is fast, stable, and addictive. UC2 comes highly recommended.
Man I'd buy it... I'm just not sure how many people are gonna be playing it on live, cause that makes or breaks these types of games.

Looks like a kickass game but i dont trust a single word IGN says about anything.
A ripoff of all the good fps mods with melee elements if you ask me.
Never liked the ut series anyway.Too fast paced and jump and runny.
No solid gameplay,just eye candy.
Sparta said:
Looks like a kickass game but i dont trust a single word IGN says about anything.

I'm surpised they didn't give it 10.2 :|

But yeah, looks ace.
Yeah, have an ETA on someone reputable reviewing it?

Print Magazines weren't as kind:
# Electronic Gaming Monthly: 82
# Game Informer: 93
# GamePro: 80
# Official Xbox Magazine: 93
# Play Magazine: 65
This type of game is not suited for consoles at all... I tried the demo and it didn't feel right at all. I'll stick with the highly superior UT2k4, thanks.
I played it at a friends house for a few hours and I didn't like it at all.
IGN's next big game review "<insert game here> is better than jesus Score: 11"
xbox lans were starting to die a bit .. i can't wait for this.
I never liked the unreal tournament series. But this game. Wow, This game is amazing! I wasn't a Halo 2 fan, but this game beats it easily and surpasses it. The melee, everything... just spectacular. And its not too fast paced unlike that latest PC unreal tournament game whatever it was. It can be fast, but its not a blur like the unreal tournament games.

And i'm not a console gamer, but I love this game.
Raziaar said:
It can be fast, but its not a blur like the unreal tournament games.

OH yeah?


Looks pretty blurry to me :laugh:
Amazing game. I rented it a couple night ago; my friend and I played for a few hours and it could be the most fun ive had playing XBox in a LONG time. The melee feels amazing, very responsive. Weapons are awesome, just a grade A title. I love it.
Gunner said:
OH yeah?

Looks pretty blurry to me :laugh:

Its not like that. The fastest moves are when you have a speed activated, and when you do a jump in the air super charge thing. But it feels right. DOesnt feel overly fast. Dont use screenshots to judge. Rent the game, try it out. Its amazing.

And like I said, this reccomendation is coming from a console hater. Especially console shooters.
I have to say I dont like this game :-| it seems to take the worst aspects of 3'rd person fighting and add them to a mediocre fairly bland FPS. I bought this with very high expectations but I just cant seem to find any real substance or "ownage" moments in the gameplay.. sure you can gib countless people with your sword but the amount of actual moves and satisfaction you recieve when getting a kill feels very minimal. The gibs look worse then 2k3/4's and the entire game just feels like it lacks actual substance IMO.

probably will be selling this one back :-|
babyheadcrab said:
I have to say I dont like this game :-| it seems to take the worst aspects of 3'rd person fighting and add them to a mediocre fairly bland FPS. I bought this with very high expectations but I just cant seem to find any real substance or "ownage" moments in the gameplay.. sure you can gib countless people with your sword but the amount of actual moves and satisfaction you recieve when getting a kill feels very minimal. The gibs look worse then 2k3/4's and the entire game just feels like it lacks actual substance IMO.

probably will be selling this one back :-|

The gibs are definately subpar, i'll give you that. But I don't see how the rest of the game is subpar. Pretty well done to me. Well, maybe it wasnt so hard of a purchase for me, since I didnt pay 50 bucks for it. Heh.