Unreal Tournament 2004 ECE download released

What new vehicles did it add? I bought this game about 6 months ago and have played it for less than 2 hours, god is it ever boring. All the battles take such little skill other than twitch, no tactics or teamwork other than zerging and hording(which happens rarely). The mods are what really make the game though, tons of fun and variety.
Of course it is twitch gameplay. Nobody ever advertized it as anything else.

And stop ruining good games with your Starcraft lingo. I have no idea what the heck "zerging" means.
Foxtrot said:
What new vehicles did it add? I bought this game about 6 months ago and have played it for less than 2 hours, god is it ever boring. All the battles take such little skill other than twitch, no tactics or teamwork other than zerging and hording(which happens rarely). The mods are what really make the game though, tons of fun and variety.

uh haha I havent touched the normal 2k4 gameplay.. it's all about the mods.. duh
ShadowFox said:
Of course it is twitch gameplay. Nobody ever advertized it as anything else.

And stop ruining good games with your Starcraft lingo. I have no idea what the heck "zerging" means.
Zerging means a bunch of people attacking the enemy with no coordination other than running at the enemy in a large group. And I know no one advertised it as anything interesting, but I bought it for the mods. I can't stand games that are fast paced like that, and the weapons are terrible...there is no rifle really, everything pretty much is an explosive weapon.
Yeah, there is no rifle... except for the sniper rifle. And thank god for that. There are plenty of games with plenty of rifles.
Foxtrot said:
Zerging means a bunch of people attacking the enemy with no coordination other than running at the enemy in a large group. And I know no one advertised it as anything interesting, but I bought it for the mods. I can't stand games that are fast paced like that, and the weapons are terrible...there is no rifle really, everything pretty much is an explosive weapon.

hahaha, quit your bitchin'. It's a wicked game if you like that style. Better than cs:s that's for sure. I suppose a lot of the weapons are explosive, afterall I'd be a little worried trying to take down a Leviathan with an Ak47.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
afterall I'd be a little worried trying to take down a Leviathan with an Ak47.
Amen to that, Leviathans are mean suckers!
Looks awesome, I'll have to get some play time in soon...just got COD:UO, but once I'm done with that its all this.

Hrmm...yeah...I was kinda looking forward to this :O
In my opinion, this new pack sucks big time. The only good vehicle is the new aircraft. Somehow the artilery is as fast as the buggy and the explosion effect from it is really poor. I drove it into the water and I exploded after about 5 seconds. The new maps are alright I suppose but nothing special. Pretty poor pack in my opinion.
Gotta agree with you there. Dissapointment :(

Though the new aircraft makes Varg happy, it's very nice.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
hahaha, quit your bitchin'. It's a wicked game if you like that style. Better than cs:s that's for sure. I suppose a lot of the weapons are explosive, afterall I'd be a little worried trying to take down a Leviathan with an Ak47.
I bet a T-72 is hard to take down, but the US military doesn't have everysingle troop carry explosives(besides frag nades which are useless against armor).
The what now? How did the US Military make it into a discussion about UT2004? :O
Varg|Hund said:
The what now? How did the US Military make it into a discussion about UT2004? :O
Some idiot told me to quit bitching, because the tank in UT2k4 is hard to take down so that is why all the weapons in the game have to be spray and pray/explosives.
i love this bonus pack! the levels and vehicles are topnotch! they should have made one or two assault maps though... still great!
The SPMA is devastatingly good. Shame about the crappy explosion effects, though.
You think UT2004 is too fast paced... christ, I'd love to see you in AG or Op4 :P

I'mma have to dl this :)
The new flying thingy kinda reminds me of the Combine Gunship :O
ComradeBadger said:
You think UT2004 is too fast paced... christ, I'd love to see you in AG or Op4 :P

I'mma have to dl this :)
Ut2k4 is way faster paced than Op4 :|
Are there any good Single-Player mods out there for UT2k4 yet? The only other mods that seem rather nice are RO & SW: Troopers.

And yeah I got pretty bored with UT2k4 quite fast too. I even had to cheat my way through the SP :D CS is more like my game ;)
ut2004, i used to be in the top ranked clan on clanbase for onslaught :)

and there is stategy, such as deemers and tank artillery
not too mention using fast vehicles to drive-by people and to launch your players over walls :)

hmmm, should i dust it off and re-install?
i saw that screenie above and started immediatly :)

i just remebered my trademark move, i never got around to naming it unfortunatly.

1.get a redeemer and a raptor
2.fly high above enemy node
3.jump out and launch redeemer just before you hit ground

^not zerging :)
im not sure why i stopped playing, it was so much fun.
i tried to get back into it again, but they allowed colored names. i hate those!

35% downloaded
Foxtrot said:
What new vehicles did it add? I bought this game about 6 months ago and have played it for less than 2 hours, god is it ever boring. All the battles take such little skill other than twitch, no tactics or teamwork other than zerging and hording(which happens rarely). The mods are what really make the game though, tons of fun and variety.

try playing some competetive 1v1/tdm in ut2k4, along with quake dm it is one of the most skillfull fps gamemodes there is.

shame ons blows though.
1,the spma
best use is firing the camera straight up in somewhere remote,otherwise is easy to lose roatation, evalutaion,long range snipingthing
2.the flyer
fairly ok, what the feck does the turret secondry fire do? primary is like teh turrets, evaluation, long range sniping thing
3.paladin tank
best used in a team, primary fireis weak, you need players to move behind and infront of shield to be effective

overall - longrange/tactical style mod. what unreals been needing.
-=jt=- said:
2.the flyer
fairly ok, what the feck does the turret secondry fire do? primary is like teh turrets, evaluation, long range sniping thing
They're flares that distract AVRiL rockets, but not Raptor rockets.
so if you got your raptor pilot to do his job and engage the other raptor, your safe apart from hitscan? nice

that certainly adds more teamwork to the game :) this pack was definatly designed to add more stategy.