UOTC - University Officer Training Corps


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
I think I'm going to try and sign up when I start my degree at uni!


Anyone else know of this?


"The Officer Training Corps is a special part of the Territorial Army and consists of 19 contingents of University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) based at universities across the country. It is a club for students, male and female, who want to get more out of student life.In the UOTC you will have the chance to get together with other students from different faculties and Universities with whom you share a variety of common interests. You can take part in military and adventurous activities which will challenge you both mentally and physically. You will have the chance to learn about the Army, leadership and most importantly about yourself."

Once a week you meet up and train and stuff, and do various cool activities.
By the end of the 3 years you end up with a Leadership qualification equivalent to a Level 4 NVQ, (a level 3 is equivalent to 2 A-levels!)
And you don't have to join the army or anything.
You also get paid!


For anyone who's moderately healthy and likes exercise (like me!) it sounds like a lot of fun.
And there's the opportunity to join the armed forces as a qualified officer if you feel it's right for you.

PS don't turn this into the army is good/bad debate, it's about the UOTC! :P
Hey thats sounds cool, heading to Manchester Uni myself this year so may look it up. If certain things happen in the future ill be joining the TA anyway.
Awesome, with that you could join the TA as an officer. You'll have an interesting job and excellent salary prospects!
So do you get to kill anyone?
Otherwise it's just a waste of time.
Hmm I'll allow it. But they better be full auto.

*is reminded of BF2*
The TA use SA80s primarily don't they?

You'd do more damage with a clacker, than those pieces of junk.
Is it supposed to be a recruitment tool for University Police?
I have a friend in the OTC.
He isn't joining the army but it is good fun... most people do it just for the social side... as well as playing with guns etc. :)
Damn thats one ugly assault rifle.
Yeah, it does lack the white flag attachment from your French standard issue rifles... but it's not that bad.

The army is cool, they have guns 'n shit. I wouldn't join up just yet though.
Well good thing with TA, is that its part time basically, you get payed normal army salary, recieve the normal army training depending on what rank, what you actually are, but its done around like your main job in society. So basically you are getting payed by two jobs so all in all thats quite a wod of cash.

Plus you only get deployed if there is a really serious situation thats needs rapid deployment. But having proper army training in everyday life cant be bad really, and a great way to keep fit.