Up avatar size limit to around 35KB? Pretty please?


Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Your file of 31.4 KB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 29.3 KB for this filetype.

This always happens! I had to grayscale my current one to fit it.
Is there any way a staff member could up the limit a few kilobytes?
Or is it not really up to you guys with the site being payed for by Valve or something?
No, we just don't want to.
Too much hassle eh?

On second thought, don't change anything. The last change didn't exactly go smoothly :p
Or maybe you did that on purpose so that no one would bother you for any more changes?! :O

I'm going to sleep now. Thanks anyway Pi ;(
Get something like Paint.NET, open up ur image, and save it with a reduced quality. You'll loose a few KB, it's a small image, should be all good.
I think that's his point Cole. He doesn't want to crappify it.
I really want the actual size to be enlarged. You really can't do anything with 50x50.
Not going to happen.
Oh, it will. And your infractions don't intimidate me.

I think that's his point Cole. He doesn't want to crappify it.
Oh c'mon, you wont even be able to notice.

Oh, it will. And your infractions don't intimidate me.

Just wait till they come to your house with guns.... I still have nightmares about what they did to me.
Infraction rape, it's a tragedy. We have great power.

Anyway, we're not going to increase the dimensions to more than 50x50, that's for damn sure, but the file size deal is probably something you'll want to PM Munro about (though Pi's already said no).

Just a comment, though, the aphex twin avatar is hot in greyscale so I think it's fine anyway :D
Never increase the size, it's a slippery slope. If you do it once then people will ask again and again, and then they'll ask for image sigs.
50x50 is enough.
Few more kb's wouldnt be bad though :)
Its not fair, I can't use certain avatars that are a higher dimentions for this forum! I had to ask for this avatar.

At least 60x50, pretty please! :cheese:
Nobody cares about your avatar.

More kbs would own. I was going to have an animooted avatar from the movie 300, but I would have had to cut stuff out of it to make it fit, and it looked retarded.
Goddamn image sigs.

Goddamn spoiled kids, wanting huge avatars...
Hmm... idunno.

I like the avatar sizes the way they are. They give the forum as certain... distict distinctiveness...
Personally, I think everything is fine...that way we can't get people abusing it D:
