Upcoming Bethesda Mods detailed


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
ok this sounds muuuuuch better than stupid horse armor:

gamespy said:
The Orrery quest will see gamers set out to repair a Dwarven Orrery (an apparatus that shows the relative movements of heavenly bodies in the Solar System). Once completed, players will have access to powers based on the world's lunar cycles. Said powers could possibly be lycanthropy, as werewolves were featured in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind expansion Bloodmoon.

werewolves ..awesome, can I rip people's jugulars out?

gamespy said:
The second will be the inclusion of the Wizard's Tower, which will serve as new digs to call "home sweet home." However, it is unclear whether the tower will be part of a quest, or just new property that can be acquired. Players who set up shop in the Tower will be able to grow herbs, make spells, summon atronachs, and perform other magically terrific tasks.

I wonder if after paying $1.99 for the mod you have to still buy it in-game

the ornery sounds cool as does the tower ..it may be worth it but I'll watch to see fan reactions

Ha! Yeah, I'll be watching the reactions because I won't be buying into these microtransactions.

Hazar said:
do the pc owners get it for free?
I'm hoping they release a proper expansion pack like with Morrowind. That'll be great :D
Hazar said:
do the pc owners get it for free?

$1.99 for pc version, $2.50 for xbox360 ( <- price gouging) ...or free when it's inevitably posted on some torrent site
sounds alot better than horse armor...I can still wait getting them though till I'm farther into the game.

anybody know how these will be priced?
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
sounds alot better than horse armor...I can still wait getting them though till I'm farther into the game.

anybody know how these will be priced?

man, look one post above yours
They sound great. Being a werewolf would be too cool for school :)
Lycantropy ftw, I loved it in Daggerfall, was great to have double identities, plus the guards in Daggerfall never had silver weapons, so they couldn't injure me as a werewolf!<3
Out of all the official plugins, the orrery quest looks the most intriguing. I'm hoping if their ever was an official expansion, then it would include all those plugins, though I might not really give a rats-arse about the horse armor
I still have a ton of exploring left to do in oblivion - I probably won't buy any of these expansions until you can buy them in bulk & hear some reviews of the expansions.
Doesn't sound money worthy to me, sorry.

Torrents for the win. ;)
Yea, paying money for mods isn't worth it, they should be free to everyone.
Paying for mods...what a load of bs. I can see b. software is succumbing to the almighty dollar, with switching their main market from PC to the Xbox 360 and making us pay for mods. If you go on the elderscrolls site youll see they have a large list of free morrowind mods available for download, but now we have to pay for oblivion mods? why?
Lycantropy ftw, I loved it in Daggerfall, was great to have double identities, plus the guards in Daggerfall never had silver weapons, so they couldn't injure me as a werewolf!<3
Grey Fox Helmet gives you Double Identities.
Ive got like a 25k Bounty with the Fox and nothin with my other.
I have read 100's of posts on the topic of the sale of these mini-mods. I have to say many people are getting a bit carried away. yes its a high cost for a small addition to the game. If every part of the game was sold at that cost per amount of data, the game would have cost like .. ALOT.

That said, I don't think what they are doing is hurting anyone. They are sort of seperating an expansion into smaller pieces where you can chose to buy just 1 part or all of it. I don't think that full, proper expansions like we are familiar with are always very grand in scale themselves.

I think everyone should wait and see what happens before going insane about what they are doing. It is a decision they made and they will stand by it.

Besides, prices change with time. Eventually the expansions will most likely come free with the game, which will eventually go down in price as well

for example you can get Morrowind and both full expansions in one package for $20 new.

If they offer those mods for free eventually, then how can anyone complain that they are creating more content anyway? Even if they are never free, I'm certain they will offer them at a lower price, or even something like a package deal where you will be able to buy all the mods for a lower price.

I won't be buying these mods any time soon. I would rather just make my own mods. Eventually they will release the improved construction set as well. There will be some really incredible mods for this game if Morrowind is anything to judge by.

The fist thing I would do is make all the girls naked. lLOL
Minerel said:
Grey Fox Helmet gives you Double Identities.
Ive got like a 25k Bounty with the Fox and nothin with my other.
Yeah I know, so?:p
I just stated how great it was to be a werewolf in Daggerfall.:)
Pete Hines said:
Upgrade to a fully functional Enchanting and Spellmaking station with no need to join Mages Guild
Where is the sense of accomplishment in that?? Not only has the levelling problem taken away much of the sense of character growth, but this takes away much of the fun of joining the Mages' Guild in the first place! One of the biggest incentives for joining was the access to the enchanment stand! Ugh...

I gotta say I am pretty displeased with the new business model they are adopting for Oblivion.
Mod details:

The Orrery
The Orrery allows you to help the Mages Guild of Cyrodiil repair the Imperial Orrery, an ancient dwarven machine with mystical properties. Bandits have stolen a shipment of parts destined for the Arcane University; if you can return them, the Orrery will function once more.


* A new, full-featured quest, including dialogue, journals, and rewards
* Access to the Imperial Orrery in the Arcane University, an incredible mechanical marvel
* New powers available for your character based on the phases of the moons

The Wizards Tower
Located high in the Jeral Mountains of Cyrodiil away from prying eyes, this Wizard's Tower, Frostcrag Spire, will become available. Packed with numerous useful enhancements, this structure will prove invaluable to magic-oriented characters.


* A fully detailed tower for you to explore
* A breathtaking view of Cyrodiil from the highest point in the land
* Simple furnishings including a bed for leveling up
* An indoor botanical garden with over 130 specimens... including Oblivion-native herbs!
* Summon Atronach Familiars that obey your commands
* Instant teleports to every Mages Guild in Cyrodiil
* New Spell and Recharge vendor in the Imperial City
* Fully upgrade the furnishings in your lair to suit your needs
* Upgrade to a fully functional Enchanting and Spellmaking station with no need to join Mages Guild
* Upgrade to a laboratory that buffs your Alchemy skill
Oblivion has over 100+ hours of gameplay in it. Most games are 20% of that and cost the same. Paying a few bucks for the extra content isn't horrible.
I just don't see the point. There's just so much content in Oblivion, unless you've covered every aspect of it front to back I can't see how you can justify paying for these. Maybe if the mods fundamentally changed the way you play the game in positive ways ... but just adding in a few new powers, a quest, or a building is nothing relative to the size of the game.
I like that they make PC users ****ing pay because 360 users have to.