Upcoming Movies


Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Just got back from seeing S.W.A.T. a while ago. It was alright, typical summer blockbuster stuff. (complete with a ridiculous amount of Dr. Pepper product placement) Anyways, August usually isn't a great time for movies, but judging from the previews I saw, this August might be different (at least if you're into the type of movies I am) There was this one action flick, whose name I can't remember, that looked pretty slick. It had something to do with Vampires and Werewolves. And Kate Beckinsale in leather. :cool:

And there's gonna be a remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! When the preview started out, it looked like a Calvin Klein ad, but when I saw the creepy dude in the wheelchair and that it was set in 1973, I knew it couldn't be anything but TTCM :thumbs:

but the movie i'm most stoked about is Once Upon a Time in Mexico. It's got Johnny Depp, Cheech Marin, Guitars, Selma Hayek, and Explosions. I really couldn't ask for much more.
Upcoming 2003 movies I'm looking forward to:

Kill Bill: Volume 1
The Matrix: Revolutions
The Last Samurai
and of course the lord of all movies... LotR: Return of the King
meh.....all the movies this summer blow ass

matrix was abig disapointment.....

saw a preview for swat...looked like a decent action movie.

havent seen t3 yet...but im afraid it will suck like the matrix did

bah...movies are to ****ing expensive anyway.