Updated Trailer - GIBS


Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score

(I think it's new anyway)

Nice new shiny tank, heads being blown off and new voices. AWESOME. I have to say I love the new blood squirting out of the bodies and such. Also the limbs don't just disappear like in other games, they actually sever.

Also, Steamworks Matchmaking:
Shiny indeed. Also is it me or does the chopper at the end use the same sound as the apaches in HL1?
Everything aside from the rubble falling off of the concrete that the Tank rips out of the ground looks great.
Everything aside from the rubble falling off of the concrete that the Tank rips out of the ground looks great.

yeah, they used sprite animation. But hey, its just a trailer and this was for E3 or one of those gaming events so they probably had to pace themselves. They shoulda used the fancy physics effect they got with episode 2 where you see hq chunks of debri flying off all over...
If you look at the latest wave of videos from 1up, the rock chunks seem to be replaced by dust, although things are happening so quickly its difficult to see, (it was the 360 version to, so its difficult to know)