Updating - Error?


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
When I booted up Steam at about 3 o'clock this afternoon I found that both Half Life 2 and CSS needed updating.

When I went onto the Properties menu it said that HL2 was at 75% and CSS at 85%. I got HL2 to load first and left the computer doing its thing, came back and let it go the final few percent to 100. Fine, no problems there. This was at about 5 :30. Then I told CSS to update. It went from 85% to 97% within a matter of seconds then slowed down. It got to 98% within another ten minutes. Then 99% at about six o clock. Now, a whole hour later it is still at 99%.


Any ideas?
It still hasn't got to 100% but I seem to be able to play the game... Oh well. It will probably sort itself out next update.

Edit: Eep, found the problem. I can't play inferno. I've restarted Steam plenty of times and it still won't work :(
I don't normally bump threads like this, but please could someone give me some idea? Would validating the Steam files help?
I recommend closing Steam, restarting your PC, opening Steam again and checking it, then maybe validate your Steam files.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
I recommend closing Steam, restarting your PC, opening Steam again and checking it, then maybe validate your Steam files.

I've tried that. What's the validation link?