Current Specs:
KT3 Ultra2 Motherboard
AMD xp athlon 1.8+ processor
GeForce4 ti4200 128mb GFX card
256mb RAM
Im upgrading next month, my budget isnt huge by any stretch of the imagination, £200-250 most likely.
What would be my priorities? I was thinking a new graphics card and more RAM.
Which graphics card should i buy? I was told about the Radeon 9800 pro in another thread. Could someone send me a link to a site which sells this card at the cheapest price maybe..? Same for the RAM also.
KT3 Ultra2 Motherboard
AMD xp athlon 1.8+ processor
GeForce4 ti4200 128mb GFX card
256mb RAM
Im upgrading next month, my budget isnt huge by any stretch of the imagination, £200-250 most likely.
What would be my priorities? I was thinking a new graphics card and more RAM.
Which graphics card should i buy? I was told about the Radeon 9800 pro in another thread. Could someone send me a link to a site which sells this card at the cheapest price maybe..? Same for the RAM also.