I'm currently most of the way through upgrading my system, but I'm having some problems, so if any of you can help me, please do I have the asus A7M8X nforce 2 deluxe version 2 mobo, 2 chips of samsung pc2700 512mb DDR ram, geforce 2 Ti (hehe planning on upgrading that in a few weeks) and am using my old cpu till my new one (xp 2500 barton)arrives. My current cpu is athlon xp 1600, before I put in the new mobo and ram, my computer was pretty stable, but since then its become kind of erratic. For example: I can be playing vice city, then close it, and when I try to run it again it will just mess up. Restarting is the only thing that seems to solve the problems. The mobo manual says not to use a cpu with a lower clock speed than 1 GHz, my current one (the xp 1600) actually runs at 1.04 GHz. Do you think this could be the problem? Someone else said it might be a problem with the ram multiplier (not entirely sure what he meant or how to check this). I'd appreciate any serious help . Assuming I get this sorted, I'm planning on getting the hercules 3D prophet 9700 pro, and I've modded my case with more fans. The cpu cooler is vantec aeroflow cos I'm planning on overclocking (this will be my entrance to the world of overclocking ). Suggestions and advice are most welcome, as longs as its not stuff like I should go skateboarding on the motorway or something.