Upgraded to XP Pro


Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
I upgraded to XP pro but now my computer seems to do stuff more laggy and longer and stuff i upgraded when i had alot of files on my comp whats the problem?

768 MB Ram
2.0 GHz
radeon 9600 xt sapphitr 128 mb
40 GB hardrive
I don't know but it certainly shouldn't be SLOWER from 98 or whatever you had previously. Maybe if you clean install the old one, then install the xp upgrade to ensure there was no crap on the older OS.
Rocketman9mm said:
Maybe if you clean install the old one, then install the xp upgrade to ensure there was no crap on the older OS.
This would be wise.
OK thank you for your time and i will do it this weekend.
ok, what was your previous OS? What kind of lagginess (huh, is it a word?) do you get? Do you have up to date drivers (motherboard, video card, windows, directx?
I now have 4.9 NON-Beta catalyst drivers

768 MB Ram
2.0 GHz
radeon 9600 xt sapphitr 128 mb
40 GB hardrive
dirextx 9.0 i think its the c or b which ever one is better for cs:s is what i have i dont remember which one though :) lol.

It never would lagg like when i move my arrow mouse around screen now it lags.
did you have XP Home before? Do you have SP2 installed? That might matter..

check and see how much memory is free by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and checking in the bottom right of the window that pops up. You shouldn't have a problem with 768MB, but you never know.. I would recommend setting the Windows Effects to Performance for some better performance. I did it, and I have a AMD64 3000+ 1gig RAM system, and I've noticed more speed. I don't need rounded windows anyways...

to set your performance, right click on My Computer, click properties, click Advanced, and then performance. It will be there.
But if he can actually see a lag when he moves his arrow mouse around the screen, then it must be something like a driver problem. I once tried winXP on a 500Mhz, 128 RAM and the cursor wasn't laggy. Are you sure you went on the windows update official Webpage ( http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com) and installed every single patch and drivers listed?
Ya i turned spysweeper off now all cpu is at %15. :)
I tought you updated like 3-4 days ago... hum.. did you? I hope you didn't get spywares in 3-4 days :) Ad-aware and spybot are good proggys to get rid of those spywares. And don't use Internet Explorer :)
Ti133700N said:
I tought you updated like 3-4 days ago... hum.. did you? I hope you didn't get spywares in 3-4 days :) Ad-aware and spybot are good proggys to get rid of those spywares. And don't use Internet Explorer :)

yeah... Internet Explorer is teh evil :devil:
just a question why would you tell him not to use ie when in the picture has foxfire
A "lagging mouse" is caused by SASSER usually. I had it and I didn't understand. But then my comp crashed, so it sounds rather odd. It happened cuz I only formatted C: and obviously D, E or F had Sasser on them, so when I upgraded from Win98 to XP Home I instantly got sasser. Took me one day to find out, and another day before I got the Microsoft cleaner tool (Fx Sasser I believe it's called).

You know MS is the last page you check for helpful stuff.