Upgrading Cpu, but will i get rid of the problem



Upgrading Cpu, but will i get rid of the problem
Well heres my curent System
Amd Athlon Xp 2600+ Thoroughbred
Abit Nf7-S
Geforce 6800Gt

Well ive finaly come to terms with the sad fact its a bottleneck i get 20-40 fps consitently, so ive now invested in a
Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle, and a nice shiney Asus K8N-E board to go with it.
Also ive been runing my Gt on a 300 watt or 350 watt power source which will be sorted soon, could that of been a problem.
Also i have pc2100 ram (1gb) would it be worth getting 512 of pc3200 instead.
BUT Will this actually get rid of the problem of the bottleneck.
Proper Ansers needed fast, Cheers
(sorry ive posted in two forums but need anserd by wed)
Afaik you'll need new faster ram with that new PSU (ddr400?). If the PSU was the problem, you would get random crashes or you wouldn't be able to boot at all.
I'd get a 3400+, it's not that much more expensive than a 3000+ but the performance increase is substantial. I'm not that familiar with the new amd's though :( (socket 754 and 939)
754 is older. 939 will be the easiest to upgrade!
Cant time is an issue, and i live in a pretty un teched up part of the world, only option avalible is the athlon 64 3000+ s754 at the mo. though the mother board im getting with it is pretty damn sweet. Ill probally just upgrade to the highest possible s754 in a bit when they shoot down in price.