Upper Mongolian Dolphin Rescue Rangers!


May 5, 2004
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Mongolian herdsman Bao Xishun was called in after the dolphins swallowed plastic used around their pool at an aquarium in Fushun, north-east China.

Attempts to use instruments failed as the dolphins contracted their stomachs.

Guinness World Records list Mr Bao, 54, as the world's tallest living man at 2.36m (7ft 8.95in).

Veterinarians turned to Mr Bao after attempts to extract the plastic shards at the aquarium in Fushun, Liaoning Province, had failed.

Mr Bao was called in after surgical instruments failed

The mammals had lost their appetite and were suffering depression, aquarium officials said.

The heads of the dolphins were held back and towels wrapped around their teeth so Mr Bao could not be bitten.

He then extended his 1.06m-long arm into the mammals' stomachs

Chen Lujun, manager of Royal Jidi Ocean World, said Mr Bao was successful and the dolphins were "in very good condition now".


awwww, he fisted a pair of dolphins



you just cant make this shit up, truthis stranger than fiction
His arms and hands are freaky!
I wonder whether all parts of his body are proportional...
That guy's a hero.

I mean, does he have some sort of helpline? "Shit, we can't get the plastic out with these tools. What we need...is someone with really long arms."


-Angry Lawyer
Mongolians are generally much taller and stronger than Chinese.

Although this guy doesn't look very strong (I bet he'd beat you in a fight though!).
He actually looks like he could woop some serious ass...
That guy is the king of the world.