[URGENT] FPS optimization



My machine:
P4 3.0 HT
HD 120gb SATA 7500rpm
Radeon X600 PRO 256mb PCI Express
1 Gb ram 400 dual channel

I need a config to remove all possibile efects to optimize the performance of my CSS...

mat_specular 0
mat_dxlevel 70

Please help :D
cl_smooth 0

What kind of FPS are you getting anyway? :| I play on roughly 20-ish FPS almost always, unless it's an fy map. :rolleyes:
Also, it would help to go in-depth about what's going on that you NEED to optimize your FPS for, as it will allow us (anyone here) to help you to the fullest. :thumbs:
^ How is that relevant?
I don't understand, you have a fairly decent system there, why would you want to optimize the performance even more ?
Why ?!?

I'm every time had play cs 1.6 at 100fps .....

Now this sh** of css doesnt allow OpenGL ....

I need optimization in performance.....

Are you understand now ?
If I can not get more fps, I will buy another video card :D

mmm, source is built for DX, adding OGL would probually yield same or worse preformance, with somewhat butchered effects in some cases. HL1 was made for OGL from the ground up. This was made for DX.

Reason for preformance is, the game is pushing what, 10x the polygons, even more? Physics! It's just plain newer and nicer.

Just go read some tweakguides or something and add onto your autoexec.
I'm just dragging my unconscious neightbor to the car (I think it's a heart attack or choking or something) but I had to stop by here and help out, seeing as it's so URGENT!

turn your settings down. hell you've got a fine comp. Turn off ragdolls lol.
violence_agibs "1"
violence_hgibs "1"
violence_hblood "1"
violence_ablood "1"
ati_npatch 0
gl_playermip 1
cl_smooth 0
fog_enable 0
cl_interp 0.001
r_rainsimulate 0
r_rainradius 0
r_rainsplashpercentage 0
r_lod -1
mat_clipz 0
mat_mipmaptextures 0
mat_bumpmap 0
cl_showfps 1
fog_enable 0
r_rainsimulate 0
cl_smooth 0
mat_bumpmap 0
mat_specular 0
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
cl_show_splashes 0
cl_smooth 0
fog_enable 0
fog_enable_water_fog 0
mat_bloom 0
mat_fastspecular 1
mat_mipmaptextures 0
mat_specular 0
mp_decals 300
r_avglight 0
r_decal_cullsize 1
r_decals 0
r_eyeglintlodpixels 0
r_eyegloss 0
r_eyemove 0
r_eyeshift_x 0
r_eyeshift_y 0
r_eyeshift_z 0
r_eyesize 0
r_lod -1
r_propsmaxdist 1000
r_rainradius 0
r_rainsplashpercentage 0
r_rainsimulate 0
r_mmx 1
r_sse 1
r_sse2 1
r_3dnow 1
r_3dsky 0
r_shadows 0
net_graph 3
r_decal_cullsize 0
cl_smooth 0
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_pushaway_force 0
fog_enable 0
cl_allowupload "0"
cl_allowdownload "0"
r_lod 0
cl_show_bloodsprays 0
cl_ejectbrass 0
cl_show_splashes "0"
mp_decals "0"
mat_bufferprimitives "1"
mat_bumpbasis "0
mat_bumpmap "0"
mat_dxlevel "80"
mat_fastnobump "1"
mat_fastspecular "1"
mat_filterlightmaps "1"
mat_filtertextures "1"
mat_forceaniso "0"
mat_forcedynamic "0"
mat_loadtextures "1"
mat_mipmaptextures "1"
mat_picmip "1"
mat_reducefillrate "1"
mat_showwatertextures "0"
mat_specular "0"
muzzleflash_light "0"
r_modellodscale "0.1"
r_drawlights "0"
r_DispUseStaticMeshes "0"
r_waterforceexpensive "0"
r_shadowrendertotexture "0"
r_rootlod "2"
r_drawrain "0"
r_decals "0"
r_dynamic "0"
r_WaterDrawReflection "0"
r_WaterDrawRefraction "0"
budget_show_history "0"

Read their HL2 guide and decide for yourself what you need and don't.

Oh and run a virus scan. With those specs, you should be able to play on all high very well.
FIRST of all, always and I mean always turn Antialiasing OFF and Texture filtering to BILINEAR. It has a great impact on performance on Source games.

You get from 10 to 120 fps, well, it might mean that your card can render a few things with AA and Filtering, but as soon as you get to open spaces with a lot of stuff, it can't render it all with AA and AF without FPS drop.

Options->Video->Advanced-> Antialiasing OFF and Texture BILINEAR.

Try this first.

meh i get 20fps on all official maps and thats on DX7 with medium-low settings

P4 2.4GHZ
westie, I got about the same as you and I get an average of 80 fps on official maps. 30-40fps during firefights.

I play at 1152x864, but you might have a higher resolution.

Weird, i used to run at :

Intel Celeron 2.5ghz CPU
ATI 9600SE 128mb
256mb DDR RAM

and i used to get an average fps of 30 on normal maps and would drop down to 15 in action.

I have now upgraded to :

Same CPU
ATI X700 256mb AGP
768mb RAM

and its the same but i will be upgrading my mobo and cpu to AMD Athlon 64 3200+ and 1024gb ram because at the moment my cpu bottlenecks my fps :(