US attempting to dismiss class action case in AT&T domestic spying case


May 5, 2004
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some of you may remember this thread:

the gist of it: an engineer working for AT&T leaked information that the US government (NSA) had been building secret rooms for the purpose of monitoring telephone calls throughout america

well industry watchdogs the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) launched a class action lawsuit agains AT&A for their role in domestic spying:

EFF said:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a class-action lawsuit against AT&T on January 31, 2006, accusing the telecom giant of violating the law and the privacy of its customers by collaborating with the National Security Agency (NSA) in its massive and illegal program to wiretap and data-mine Americans' communications.

In December of 2005, the press revealed that the government had instituted a comprehensive and warrantless electronic surveillance program that ignored the careful safeguards set forth by Congress. This surveillance program, purportedly authorized by the President at least as early as 2001 and primarily undertaken by the NSA, intercepts and analyzes the communications of millions of ordinary Americans.

The lawsuit alleges that AT&T Corp. has opened its key telecommunications facilities and databases to direct access by the NSA and/or other government agencies, thereby disclosing to the government the contents of its customers' communications as well as detailed communications records about millions of its customers, including the lawsuit's class members.

The lawsuit also alleges that AT&T has given the government unfettered access to its over 300 terabyte "Daytona" database of caller information -- one of the largest databases in the world. Moreover, by opening its network and databases to wholesale surveillance by the NSA, EFF alleges that AT&T has violated the privacy of its customers and the people they call and email, as well as broken longstanding communications privacy laws.

however the US government is trying the best to dismiss the lawsuit on the grounds that they may "reveal military and state secrets."
CptStern said:
however the US government is trying the best to dismiss the lawsuit on the grounds that they may "reveal military and state secrets."

Yeah well I don't like my personal conversations with people over the phone revealed either :dozey:.

Silly Government.
so you'll willingly give away your privacy rights like that?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated?..
— Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
CptStern said:
so you'll willingly give away your privacy rights like that?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated?..
— Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

What are you talking about, I'm finding it ironic o_O. Where does it even say I'm willing to away my right to privacy? I'm arguing for the right to privacy.
DeusExMachina said:
What are you talking about, I'm finding it ironic o_O. Where does it even say I'm willing to away my right to privacy? I'm arguing for the right to privacy.

this sounded like sarcasm to me

DeusExMachina said:
Yeah well I don't like my personal conversations with people over the phone revealed either :dozey: .

victem of science: I get yelled at if I say these things:

Propagandhi said:
A friend of mine dropped me a line, it said, "man, I gotta run to the USA. I got no money, got no job." She skipped out of Mexico to stay alive. You've got a problem with her living here, but what did you do to help her before she ****ing came? What did the country do? What did the people do? I stand not by my country, but by people of the whole ****ing world. No fences, no borders. Free movement for all. **** the border. It's about ****ing time to treat people with respect. It's our culture and consumption that makes her life unbearable. **** this country; its angry eyes, its knee-jerk hordes. Legal or illegal, watch her ****ing go. She'll take what's hers. Watch her ****ing go. **** the border.

...maybe I should become a musician or poet. that way my ranting will be considered an art form :)

this one too:

Propagandhi said:
Wadia's best friend's youngest sister was denied a proper burial because for two days they couldn't douse the flames the allied planes had showered on her tiny body. And all the paper trails that lead to all the roads that lead to all these Basras make it seem like we're all just "collateral damage" waiting to be happened in some unforeseen Pentagon budget-drill. Today's Ba'ath regime is just the Red Scare of yesteryear. And I drink myself to sleep because I'm losing faith that any of us will ever amount to anything more than reluctant human subsidies, the moving parts in a death-machine, protesting their complicity, but waiting for somebody else to throw their body on the churning gears. I drink myself to sleep because I'm losing faith that we, here in the Cradle of Affluence can cease this sickening drive for individual strength through state-powers' swinging fists or that we'll ever look back and laugh at the irony that is: an atomic murderer is enshrined in Independence, USA while 8000 miles from here (back in the Cradle of Democracy) it's another banner year for a cottage industry ñ a ritual at the corner of George and Constantine - as foundries scramble to recast his decapitated monument.
CptStern said:
victem of science: I get yelled at if I say these things:

...maybe I should become a musician or poet. that way my ranting will be considered an art form :)
Hahaha! Indeed, as I have seen. Its hard to yell at these guys though--they don't play as many shows as they used to. I was lucky enough to see them play with Avail at The Wetlands in NYC a few years back. Great guys with a lot to say and it was great to see so many people listening!

CptStern said:
this one too
And people call Good Charlotte punk....;(
gick said:
Dammit, every time I go to post Propagandhi lyrics you always beat me to it!

Curse you sir!
Hahaha! I have been listening to them quite a bit lately and so have most of their lyrics at the tip of my brain. Listening to a whole lot of old ST as well. Ah the old days...:)

On Topic: May 17 should be a fairly interesting day. I hope they side with the Constitution....
CptStern said:
this sounded like sarcasm to me

It was a response to how the government doesn't want to reveal "secrets," yet they seem to think they have the right to know about whatever I discuss over the phone.

Though, that wouldn't matter, seeing as how I don't really use the phone to talk. If they're monitoring the internet though...then I'm sure I'm on a list somewhere of potential dissidents :cool:
DeusExMachina said:
If they're monitoring the internet though...then I'm sure I'm on a list somewhere of potential dissidents :cool:


AT&T Whistleblower said:
According to Klein, this room contained (among other things) a Narus STA 6400 traffic analyzer into which all of AT&T's Internet and phone traffic was routed; Klein himself helped wire the splitter box that made this possible. In addition to AT&T's own traffic, Klein alleges that the company also routed its peering links into the splitter, meaning that any traffic that passed through AT&T's own network could be scanned

And on a serious note, that's another thing I disapprove of. Monitoring people in general whether it be the internet, phone, mail, etc. I feel like I entered a time machine, its the 1950s, and I'm suddenly a communist by default. Or proxy. Or both. Maybe a little osmosis.
According to Klein, this room contained (among other things) a Narus STA 6400 traffic analyzer into which all of AT&T's Internet and phone traffic was routed; Klein himself helped wire the splitter box that made this possible. In addition to AT&T's own traffic, Klein alleges that the company also routed its peering links into the splitter, meaning that any traffic that passed through AT&T's own network could be scanned
Even so, anything they find wouldn't be permissable in a court of law since it was obtained through what amount to illegal channels. I doubt any court in America would find otherwise. (Let's hope not at least....)
no but once tipped off they could go investigate you using traditional methods's a drag net
i spy a horsie his grave.

What did you expect when the worlds media is owned by a few coporations? It was bound to happen. I hate Big companies.

On another note, does anybody know where I can download Propahandi songs?
I find their programs useful, and more over, I don't really pay them for it.
VictimOfScience said:
Even so, anything they find wouldn't be permissable in a court of law since it was obtained through what amount to illegal channels. I doubt any court in America would find otherwise. (Let's hope not at least....)

Thats assuming you actually get taken to court, instead of being shipped of to Guantanamo bay whithout trial.

And Frenzy, dont download Propagandhi, buy it.
gick said:
Thats assuming you actually get taken to court, instead of being shipped of to Guantanamo bay whithout trial.
Haha! True. If the black bags come out, then you would be lucky to die quickly.

gick said:
And Frenzy, dont download Propagandhi, buy it.
Word. Never pirate the little guys.
Spicy Tuna said:
:P my misyake but,that was directed at the post right above me.

you mean gick's links on Propagandhi? ...yes I can see how that makes even more sense ..Microsoft and Propagandhi are actually the same person're making no sense, hold on let me get my glasses ...nope you still dont make any sense
CptStern said:
you mean gick's links on Propagandhi? ...yes I can see how that makes even more sense ..Microsoft and Propagandhi are actually the same person're making no sense, hold on let me get my glasses ...nope you still dont make any sense

Actually, I probably should have PMed them to Frenzy, rather than post them here. Ah well.
CptStern said:
you mean gick's links on Propagandhi? ...yes I can see how that makes even more sense ..Microsoft and Propagandhi are actually the same person're making no sense, hold on let me get my glasses ...nope you still dont make any sense

I was talking to frenzy, Im sorry next time I will qoute

"I hate big companies"