US Life on Mars trailer

I sort of despise the whole idea of remaking British stuff for American audiences (as if we speak different languages), but the trailer didn't look too bad actually. I liked this series a lot when it was on the BBC, aside from one or two seriously duff episodes, but at least the 'RETROCOPPERY!' slant should work fine on both sides of the Atlantic. It's not like there are any subtle elements to the series that can get badly mangled in the conversion */pointedly says nothing about The Office...*
Looks like they've raped another UK show. Typical square-jawed American with zero charisma. This will bomb.

The 70's looks nicely done visually though. It looks like Serpico or something.
You're just jealous of our chiseled facial bone structures.
the goggles? THEY DO NOTHING!!!

*claws out eyes with spoon*
Life on Mars was a really good show. I mean it was really good.

Colm Meaney as Gene Hunt - omfg.
Why cant you Americans be content with raping your own classics, instead of taking other nations originality, slapping it up to look like a New York hooker, and passing it off as your own?.

/International breakdown of relations over a crap TV series either side of the Atlantic
Jesus Christ, that is dog shit, they felt the need to mess with perfection, and that bloke playing Sam has nowhere near the acting ability of John Simms Sam if that trailer is anything to go by.

I`ll stick to the UK version.
I don't watch TV, leave me out of this!
To be honest, though, if I wasn't already familiar with the Brit original, I'd be like "oh this is kinda cool". I mean the Americans have their own loveably ultraviolent seventies cop-past to send up.

By the way, just in case anyone has any ideas - what's with the parallels to Pratchett's Night Watch? Is it all just coincidence?
That was beyond terrible. This should never be associated with the brilliance that was Life On Mars.
I didn't think it was bad, just very different. You guys seem to be comparing this to UK Life on Mars instead of looking at it by itself. I do think they're choice for Gene Hunt was awful though...
Ok, I'm not a massive fan of LoM's (UK vers.) but wasn't Sam not a cop in his future?
Ok, I'm not a massive fan of LoM's (UK vers.) but wasn't Sam not a cop in his future?

Future? He's a cop in 2005 or whatever and goes back in time to the seventies where he's still a cop.
I know he's a cop in the 70's but I remember seeing the ending to LoM and he was attending a board meeting or something and then jum... well i won't spoil it... and went back to the past where he was written off for 'ashes to ashes' as he didn't last long for what he did to himself at the end of LoM.

Edit: Right seems he was cop in 2005.
Nah, he's attending a de-briefing or a psyche examination, or something like that. Whatever it is, he's still part of the service when he returns.

The thing is, Dala, is that it's hard to look at it by itself when a lot of what was shown in the trailer was basically the general plot outline of the first season of the UK LoM, only a lot, lot worse. If maybe they had changed, perhaps put a Ashes to Ashes spin on it by changing bits and bobs then maybe I could see it as something as a stand alone, but right now it looks like a bad parody.
That video never fails to make me laugh. :laugh:

But yeah, those words basically sum up my feelings toward this new series.
It's an abomination!

But I'll still watch it :o
What the fuck is that?! Didn't we just do another remake ourselves, anyway?
Watching the first ep of it atm, it's actually pretty close to the original except for that the guy playing Sam CANNOT ACT AT ALL, everyone else does a pretty good job, even the guy playing Gene.


After further review, nobody in this show can act