US Midterm Elections 2010: Eve of Destruction

Are you voting, have you voted?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • No

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • I am not a US Citizen, however I did donate money anonymously to various PACs.

    Votes: 4 14.8%

  • Total voters


May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Hyperbole: Maximum
Predictions: Baseless

All systems mediocre.

I for one am not voting today, the Republican who has represented my district for the last 30 years roughly has no chance of being ejected from his seat by the Democrat, whom I would not vote for if my life depended on it anyway.

Personally I hope the Democrats get eviscerated, especially Harry Reid and Barbra Boxer, mostly for my own selfish, emotional gratification.

What about you? Did you vote? Who for? Why?
Well I'm so pleased your land of the free provides such an exciting and participatory democracy!
Hyperbole: Maximum
Predictions: Baseless

All systems mediocre.

I for one am not voting today, the Republican who has represented my district for the last 30 years roughly has no chance of being ejected from his seat by the Democrat, whom I would not vote for if my life depended on it anyway.

Personally I hope the Democrats get eviscerated, especially Harry Reid and Barbra Boxer, mostly for my own selfish, emotional gratification.

What about you? Did you vote? Who for? Why?
I voted. Wrote myself in for governor though since they both seem like idiots (Florida.) Hopefully Nancy Pelosi gets booted out.
Vote LibDem solely for electoral refor- oh, I'm sorry. Yeah you're screwed.
Seems very messy voting every 6 months people must never know who is in charge.
Perry got re-elected governor in Texas.


Screw you, 55% of Texas voters, screw you all.
I voted. There was no democrat option. Uuhg


I voted Libertarian.

Anything but conservative Republican. Their views on politics often terrify me.

(Locally) Results are in (99.6% votes counted). 76.28% voted Republican (which I expected) :(
The terrorists have seized the House. Dems keep Senate. Governer also terrorized.
what baffling choices!!!

do you vote for the gun toting republican ...

...or the gun toting democrat?

americans sure do love dem der guns

Dude... it's WEST BY GOD VIRGINIA. Everyone has guns. Everyone. The issue isn't him shooting. It's the fact that he's shooting the cap and trade bill. Now there's nothing fundamentally wrong with cap and trade. It would prolly be the driving point to take WV out of it's waning coal mining industry and in to a green market where they could focus on technology and business. Considering WV is currently kind of a dead spot between some major hubs of east and mid west tech centers, it basically lacks both the infrastructure and the skilled labor to take advantage of it. Instead people are going to fight tooth and nail to try and preserve coal mining despite its constant dive into oblivion due to waning coal reserves a move toward green technologies. So considering it will probably put us another 5-10 years behind in infrastructure and WV won't get off the whole "COAL IS WV" kick until there's not a single chunk left - I'll probably be leaving WV in the near future.

I am thankful that the senate is still control by the Democrats. I can't imagine the bullshit the House is going to try and get through to try and undermine every aspect of Obama's restructuring. At least he won't have to go on some kind of veto craze.
We watched Christine O'Donnell give her concession speech in PoliSci class today. Everyone was horrified, including the professor. I quote: "How the heck did she even win a primary?"
I didn't vote this time around that way I won't be kicking myself later on. Gee do I vote for the guy who will rob me blind or do I vote for the guy who will push my friends to war. tough choice guys.

also i'd love to see a Moderate Party arise. We need someone who just doesn't give a damn about anything frivolous and fights for everything important
We watched Christine O'Donnell give her concession speech in PoliSci class today. Everyone was horrified, including the professor. I quote: "How the heck did she even win a primary?"
We elected Bush twice, don't be surprised by SHIT. But be surprised if we ever accomplish SHIT.
I didn't vote this time around that way I won't be kicking myself later on. Gee do I vote for the guy who will rob me blind or do I vote for the guy who will push my friends to war. tough choice guys.

Man the Republicans have done a number on you and others like you if you think they're not gonna rob you blind.

Unless you're rich of course. Are you rich?
I didn't vote this time around that way I won't be kicking myself later on. Gee do I vote for the guy who will rob me blind or do I vote for the guy who will push my friends to war. tough choice guys.

also i'd love to see a Moderate Party arise. We need someone who just doesn't give a damn about anything frivolous and fights for everything important

You know, there is a spot to right yourself/someone else in.
House going back to Republican was expected, but Florida had to elect the ****ing crook who wants to run America like a business. Rick Scott committed the biggest medicare fraud in history, pleaded the 5th without a legitimate reason (herp don't want to answer any more questions derp) to the point of criminality and ****ed over old people, a large demographic of voters in Florida.

Yet they still elected him. How can people be such idiots?
House going back to Republican was expected, but Florida had to elect the ****ing crook who wants to run America like a business. Rick Scott committed the biggest medicare fraud in history, pleaded the 5th without a legitimate reason (herp don't want to answer any more questions derp) to the point of criminality and ****ed over old people, a large demographic of voters in Florida.

Yet they still elected him. How can people be such idiots?

Which is precisely why I wrote myself in for Governor. Alex Sink probably wouldn't have known which state she was in, so it left me no choice.

Although I had no chance to win since my sister and brother in law both wrote my niece in. :/
Good job, Democrats. You've flushed your near future down the drain by being so goddamn weak.
I didn't vote.

Which is odd, because I generally am of the belief that if you don't vote, you're not allowed to have a political opinion. It is your obligation to vote as an American citizen. Without voters, this country won't survive. But no, I didn't vote. I didn't vote out of disdain and apathy.

Look, Michigan's ****ed through and through. It doesn't matter what governor we have, Michigan is a complete shithole. The guy who won sent out candy with his flyers in the post. Taking a page from Veg's book, are you goddamned kidding me. Excuse me, Mr. Snyder, we're not in high school anymore. You cannot sway me to vote for you with a mini box of Nerds. Tasty, yes; and I get it: your campaign is based on you being a "nerd" and how that makes you better to fix Michigan. But sending candy with a "please vote for me" piece of laminated paper? Jesus Christ. This isn't a class election, you're running for governor.

The rest of the races were based on negative campaigns: "Don't vote for Sessoms because she's a lesbian!" She lost, no doubt, because she's a lesbian. "Don't vote for so and so because she didn't pay her property taxes!" Seriously? That's the best you can dig up on her? Holy shit, that must be the most honest politician ever to run for an office.


So, no I didn't vote. I voted against voting, essentially. I'm not going to vote for someone that slings shit at the opposition. Just because they suck doesn't mean you're better. And all of them did it.

So **** that.
I did not vote, had classes from 9am to 8pm, and in this case voting will not help me get that degree, so just keeping my priorities straight.

And honestly, I just don't care. Both parties are almost equal in their decisions, and honestly you never really know what is happening behind the scenes. You could have both parties still working together away from the public's eye. So, sure it's not that we have this freedom in voting, something that we essentially take for granted in this country. But honestly, it is just not as meaningful in this country. Picking one side over the other has little effect on our lives. In other countries that could mean between further poverty, to religious issues, etc. But here in USA, voting only benefits specific minorities. I find that if you have a job and a college degree, most of the government's decisions do not even matter.

I mean, have things really changed from Bush to Obama? And I don't mean "here is a list of things that Obama kept his promise on", but literally things that literally effected you.

Me, personally, it has been the same ever since Bush to Obama, and even this "win" for the Republicans. I still wake up, go to my classes, go to work, and sleep as I have been for the past number of years. It's not like Obama some how magically made my life easier....and I really doubt this "win" for the Republicans will make my life any easier as well. It's not like just because republicans are "in power", that my tuition magically decrease, or that my pay will increase, etc.
only 37% of americans voted. out of that the majority were white senior citizens. so yes people like you are the reason the democrats lost. no one below 65 bothered showing up
I did not vote, had classes from 9am to 8pm, and in this case voting will not help me get that degree, so just keeping my priorities straight.

And honestly, I just don't care. Both parties are almost equal in their decisions, and honestly you never really know what is happening behind the scenes. You could have both parties still working together away from the public's eye. So, sure it's not that we have this freedom in voting, something that we essentially take for granted in this country. But honestly, it is just not as meaningful in this country. Picking one side over the other has little effect on our lives. In other countries that could mean between further poverty, to religious issues, etc. But here in USA, voting only benefits specific minorities. I find that if you have a job and a college degree, most of the government's decisions do not even matter.

I mean, have things really changed from Bush to Obama? And I don't mean "here is a list of things that Obama kept his promise on", but literally things that literally effected you.

Me, personally, it has been the same ever since Bush to Obama, and even this "win" for the Republicans. I still wake up, go to my classes, go to work, and sleep as I have been for the past number of years. It's not like Obama some how magically made my life easier....and I really doubt this "win" for the Republicans will make my life any easier as well. It's not like just because republicans are "in power", that my tuition magically decrease, or that my pay will increase, etc.

What a disgrace, man. Yes, this changes everything, foo, and in some cases permanently. You better open your eyes and start caring.

I will never miss a chance to vote. I at least do some quick research to compare the candidates, to see which one is going to put us back 4 years behind the world in stem cell research, or which one has a spoken to Jesus and was told to go to war, or whatever.

The differences are dramatic if you stop watching your feet.

I personally wish every single person was required to study the candidates and vote. Then we would see what majority America really thinks, and not just who voted. If you still don't like the way the country is run, you know you can leave it.

Shit that pisses me off is that corporations can vote now. We aren't ever going to get this country back from the Republicans. "For the low price of $10,000, this election can be yours."
What a disgrace, man. Yes, this changes everything, foo, and in some cases permanently. You better open your eyes and start caring.

I will never miss a chance to vote. I at least do some quick research to compare the candidates, to see which one is going to put us back 4 years behind the world in stem cell research, or which one has a spoken to Jesus and was told to go to war, or whatever.

The differences are dramatic if you stop watching your feet.

I personally wish every single person was required to study the candidates and vote. Then we would see what majority America really thinks, and not just who voted. If you still don't like the way the country is run, you know you can leave it.

Shit that pisses me off is that corporations can vote now. We aren't ever going to get this country back from the Republicans. "For the low price of $10,000, this election can be yours."
I tried looking at people that support things like abortion and stem cell research, but they always end up backing out of supporting those things when they come closer to election just so they don't lose any votes. And then you have courts getting in the way,

And with things like gay marriages you put all the power under Prop8.

The crap just never ends, so it is almost useless to look at their promises because there are so many factors around them that will force them to lose their promises and such.

Obama promised shit, can't do half because congress gets in the way, congress promised shit, but can't do half because of props and shit. It's like you just need a whole house of people to be on the same sides of issues to get anything done, now it is just a bunch of propose and deny.
I'd totally vote for anyone keen to audit the Federal Reserve, or something.

I think Ron Paul wanted to do that, or something similar.
Why the hell don't you have your elections on the weekend? Do they not want people to vote?
Man the Republicans have done a number on you and others like you if you think they're not gonna rob you blind.

Unless you're rich of course. Are you rich?

Either Party we have us as citizens are ****ed. do you truly think modern politicians care about the every day Joe?? Probably not, they are mostly selfish pigs with a big wallet and a fat mouth. I see more compassion in Sean Penn and the Pitts than I do in any politician these days.
Yes, Stern, thanks for the link to clear up that reference.

I'd totally vote for anyone keen to audit the Federal Reserve, or something.

I think Ron Paul wanted to do that, or something similar.

I think Ron Paul is a pretty keen guy. Eh runs as third parties and doesn't afraid of anything.

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