US Presidential candidate quiz


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
this handy little quiz picks Presidential candidates according to the issues that matter to you ..well as far as an online quiz can go ..some of the questions/answers are far too vague/simplistic/not approrpiate ..but if I simply had no choice but to vote for one of the candidates these would be my likely choices, according to the quiz ..heh not a republican in the top 10

(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D)
(86%) 2: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D)
(84%) 3: Ex-VP Al Gore (D)
(77%) 4: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D)
(68%) 5: Gov. Bill Richardson (D)
(68%) 6: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D)
(67%) 7: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D)
(65%) 8: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D)
(65%) 9: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D)
(60%) 10: Sen. Joseph Biden (D)
(56%) 11: Gov. George Pataki (R)
(56%) 12: Gov. Mitt Romney (R)
(52%) 13: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R)
(46%) 14: Rep. Ron Paul (R)
(37%) 15: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R)
(35%) 16: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R)
(25%) 17: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R)
(23%) 18: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R)
(22%) 19: Sen. John McCain (R)
(11%) 20: Sen. Sam Brownback (R)
(8%) 21: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R)
(7%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R)
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(80%) 2: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(77%) 3: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(76%) 4: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(74%) 5: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(71%) 6: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(70%) 7: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(69%) 8: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(65%) 9: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(59%) 10: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(53%) 11: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(52%) 12: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(51%) 13: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(47%) 14: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(42%) 15: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(37%) 16: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(35%) 17: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(34%) 18: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(30%) 19: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(26%) 20: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(23%) 21: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(19%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.

I'm not surprised, and I know that none of you are either :)
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(93%) 2: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(88%) 3: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(86%) 4: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(80%) 5: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(78%) 6: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(77%) 7: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(76%) 8: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(74%) 9: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(62%) 10: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(51%) 11: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(48%) 12: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(46%) 13: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(45%) 14: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(42%) 15: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(36%) 16: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(34%) 17: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(33%) 18: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(23%) 19: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(15%) 20: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(14%) 21: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(9%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.

I am so surprised :p
100%) 1: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(97%) 2: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(94%) 3: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(94%) 4: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(94%) 5: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(92%) 6: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(89%) 7: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(87%) 8: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(87%) 9: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(87%) 10: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(87%) 11: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(87%) 12: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(84%) 13: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(84%) 14: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(76%) 15: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(74%) 16: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(74%) 17: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(69%) 18: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(66%) 19: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(66%) 20: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(64%) 21: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(61%) 22: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from rac
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(92%) 2: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(89%) 3: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(85%) 4: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(82%) 5: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(80%) 6: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(75%) 7: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(73%) 8: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(70%) 9: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(69%) 10: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(63%) 11: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(63%) 12: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(57%) 13: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(56%) 14: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(47%) 15: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(43%) 16: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(39%) 17: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(36%) 18: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(29%) 19: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(25%) 20: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(18%) 21: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(6%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information

No surprise there either.

EDIT: EW, Mitt Romney at #10?
I think she would be a good President...better then Clinton fo sho.
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(91%) 2: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(86%) 3: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(84%) 4: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(76%) 5: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(75%) 6: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(73%) 7: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(72%) 8: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(71%) 9: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(71%) 10: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(59%) 11: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(47%) 12: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(46%) 13: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(43%) 14: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(41%) 15: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(34%) 16: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(32%) 17: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(29%) 18: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(23%) 19: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(23%) 20: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(22%) 21: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(22%) 22: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
I don't particularly like Hilary either, but the only conservative woman worse than Rice for president would be... Coulter. /gag
I just took the test and I got a 100% for Obama too. I took a look at his stances and I must admit he looks like the ideal candidate for me!! I hope he makes it to the top.

Edit: Clinton (ranked 2nd for my test) also looks perfect. Mannn I hope one of the two make it to the top :) We'd even have the first black or first woman president in history!
Percent Rank Item
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(86%) 2: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(86%) 3: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(81%) 4: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(76%) 5: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(71%) 6: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(70%) 7: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(68%) 8: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(68%) 9: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(64%) 10: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(56%) 11: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(52%) 12: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(49%) 13: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(47%) 14: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(42%) 15: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(39%) 16: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(33%) 17: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(30%) 18: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(27%) 19: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(16%) 20: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(14%) 21: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(7%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.
Is it just me or is everyone getting 100% for obama? And how could my results have been 100% obama if one of his stances contradicts one of mine that I gave in my test? Wouldn't that of been like a 99% or lower (even if I set it to a low priority)?
nah the site I got it from the majority of people had all republicans in their top 10
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(91%) 2: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(83%) 3: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(80%) 4: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(76%) 5: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(75%) 6: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(74%) 7: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(70%) 8: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(69%) 9: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(59%) 10: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(59%) 11: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(52%) 12: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(50%) 13: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(50%) 14: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(34%) 15: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(33%) 16: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(30%) 17: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(29%) 18: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(20%) 19: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(19%) 20: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(12%) 21: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(9%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.
(100%)1: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(97%) 2: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(95%) 3: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(88%) 4: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(87%) 5: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(85%) 6: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(84%) 7: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(84%) 8: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(77%) 9: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(76%) 10: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(71%) 11: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(71%) 12: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(70%) 13: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(70%) 14: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(69%) 15: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(67%) 16: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(66%) 17: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(64%) 18: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(64%) 19: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(61%) 20: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(57%) 21: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(56%) 22: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
Obama, apparently.
Retired General Wesley Clark (who?) comes in a close second.
And then...Al Gore?!?!
(100%) 1: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(94%) 2: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(88%) 3: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(88%) 4: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(88%) 5: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(88%) 6: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(87%) 7: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(84%) 8: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(78%) 9: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(75%) 10: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(72%) 11: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(71%) 12: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(70%) 13: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(65%) 14: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(65%) 15: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(64%) 16: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(62%) 17: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(60%) 18: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(57%) 19: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(57%) 20: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(52%) 21: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(52%) 22: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.

Yuk...Condoleeza Rice...
Percent Rank Item
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(86%) 2: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(84%) 3: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(78%) 4: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(76%) 5: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(76%) 6: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(76%) 7: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(76%) 8: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(74%) 9: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(72%) 10: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(70%) 11: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(68%) 12: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(66%) 13: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(64%) 14: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(62%) 15: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(60%) 16: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(60%) 17: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(57%) 18: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(57%) 19: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(52%) 20: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(46%) 21: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(40%) 22: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information

I'm seeing Pataki come up alot. He isn't a Democrat, but he seems to be one of those liberal-minded ones.
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information

(91%) 2: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information

(87%) 3: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information

(82%) 4: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information

(79%) 5: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information

(78%) 6: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information

(76%) 7: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information

(74%) 8: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.

(68%) 9: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information

(65%) 10: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information

(61%) 11: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information

(53%) 12: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information

(48%) 13: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information

(47%) 14: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information

(47%) 15: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information

(46%) 16: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information

(43%) 17: Sen. John McCain (R) Information

(42%) 18: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information

(41%) 19: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information

(40%) 20: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information

(38%) 21: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information

(34%) 22: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information

(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.

(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.

(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(98%) 2: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(92%) 3: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(92%) 4: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(83%) 5: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(82%) 6: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(79%) 7: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(77%) 8: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(77%) 9: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(75%) 10: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(60%) 11: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(59%) 12: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(55%) 13: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(52%) 14: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(49%) 15: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(43%) 16: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(42%) 17: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(38%) 18: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(34%) 19: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(27%) 20: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(23%) 21: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(13%) 22: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.

No Libertarians?

I oppose gun control, yet get 100% for Barack Obama - DOES NOT COMPUTE
What the hell. All my first choices were democrats, Clinton being in the top 3 :|.
(100%) 1: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
100%) 2: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
98%) 3: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(96%) 4: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(96%) 5: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(93%) 6: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(93%) 7: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(91%) 8: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(91%) 9: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(87%) 10: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(87%) 11: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(86%) 12: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(84%) 13: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(82%) 14: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(81%) 15: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(81%) 16: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(79%) 17: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(75%) 18: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(75%) 19: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(75%) 20: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(75%) 21: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(41%) 22: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information

What have I done??? I am considering disembowelment as an option right now. After reading through some of their stances I don't really like anyone they recommended in my top 10. I guess I am going to have to look hard for the person I dislike the least. I have people at the bottom of my list at 75%, some of you guys have 70% and below in your top 5. I must have done something wrong.
(100%) 1: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(99%) 2: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(96%) 3: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(87%) 4: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(79%) 5: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(77%) 6: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(77%) 7: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(76%) 8: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(76%) 9: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(76%) 10: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(75%) 11: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(69%) 12: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(62%) 13: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(56%) 14: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(52%) 15: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(52%) 16: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(50%) 17: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(37%) 18: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(36%) 19: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(36%) 20: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(30%) 21: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(13%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.

If I were American and it was election time right now I'd vote for Obama but w/e
Oh look: another one that has Obama on the top.

Percent Rank Item
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(83%) 2: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(76%) 3: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(74%) 4: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(74%) 5: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(70%) 6: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(68%) 7: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(64%) 8: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(61%) 9: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(58%) 10: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(51%) 11: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(50%) 12: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(49%) 13: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(47%) 14: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(41%) 15: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(39%) 16: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(36%) 17: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(33%) 18: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(31%) 19: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(30%) 20: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(30%) 21: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(20%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(89%) 2: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(85%) 3: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(83%) 4: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(80%) 5: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(74%) 6: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(74%) 7: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(73%) 8: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(100%) 1: Sen. Barack Obama (D)
(90%) 2: Ex-VP Al Gore (D)
(90%) 3: Gov. George Pataki (R)
(90%) 4: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D)
(87%) 5: Gov. Mitt Romney (R)
(84%) 6: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R)
(81%) 7: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(81%) 8: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D)
(78%) 9: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D)
(78%) 10: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R)
(75%) 11: Gov. Bill Richardson (D)
(69%) 12: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D)
(69%) 13: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R)
(69%) 14: Sen. John McCain (R)
(69%) 15: Sen. Joseph Biden (D)
(66%) 16: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D)
(63%) 17: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R)
(51%) 18: Rep. Ron Paul (R)
(51%) 19: Sen. Sam Brownback (R)
(48%) 20: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R)
(39%) 21: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R)
(33%) 22: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R)
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.
Percent Rank Item
(100%) 1: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(98%) 2: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(97%) 3: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(89%) 4: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(88%) 5: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(88%) 6: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(86%) 7: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(86%) 8: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(82%) 9: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(71%) 10: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(68%) 11: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(65%) 12: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(57%) 13: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(56%) 14: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(51%) 15: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(47%) 16: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(44%) 17: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(42%) 18: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(41%) 19: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(39%) 20: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(35%) 21: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(26%) 22: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.

Percent Rank Item
(100%) 1: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) Information
(98%) 2: Sen. Sam Brownback (R) Information
(97%) 3: Sen. John McCain (R) Information
(89%) 4: Gov. George Pataki (R) Information
(88%) 5: Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) Information
(88%) 6: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) Information
(86%) 7: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R) Information
(86%) 8: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) Information
(82%) 9: Sec. Condoleezza Rice (R) Information
(71%) 10: Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) Information
(68%) 11: Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) Information
(65%) 12: Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) Information
(57%) 13: Sen. Joseph Biden (D) Information
(56%) 14: Ex-VP Al Gore (D) Information
(51%) 15: Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D) Information
(47%) 16: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (D) Information
(44%) 17: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D) Information
(42%) 18: Gov. Bill Richardson (D) Information
(41%) 19: Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) Withdrew from race.
(39%) 20: Rep. Ron Paul (R) Information
(35%) 21: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) Information
(26%) 22: Sen. Barack Obama (D) Information
(0%) 23: Sen. George Allen (R) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 24: Sen. John Kerry (D) Withdrew from race.
(0%) 25: Sen. Russ Feingold (D) Withdrew from race.


lmao most of our results had Obama pretty high up in the ranks and hes the lowest running candidate for you. I think its safe to say your political point of views are completely opposite from ours :D