USA Grand Prix - What's going on??


Jul 22, 2004
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I just turned on channel 4 to watch the USA Grand Prix at Indianapolis Motor Speedway to see only 3 teams (with 2 cars each) racing. There's only 6 places available for points so... they all get points even if they go at 1 mile per hour...!

What in gods name is going on??
I know I know, let me explain

There was a crash on the practice runs with ralf schumacher and some other cars that had micheline tires. Now micheline advised all the cars using their tires not to drive because there was something wrong with it. All the cars wanted to drive though but the F1 direction has said they couldn't drive for the safety of themselfs. So there are just 3 teams who have bridgestone tires and are driving now.
It's funny to see how pissed of the Americans are and how childish they act by trowing botles on the road.
No wonder, they paid money to see more than 6 cars racing.

It's about more than just the tires not being safe. No one could agree on what to do.
StardogChampion said:
No wonder, they paid money to see more than 6 cars racing.

It's about more than just the tires not being safe. No one could agree on what to do.

It isn't , there was something wrong with the tires and that's why they decided to not let them race.
Yes they have a right to be upset but not to be trowing botles at the drivers. just think what the consequences could be if a botle hits you whilst going 300 kilometers an hour.
User Name: said:
I know I know, let me explain

There was a crash on the practice runs with ralf schumacher and some other cars that had micheline tires. Now micheline advised all the cars using their tires not to drive because there was something wrong with it. All the cars wanted to drive though but the F1 direction has said they couldn't drive for the safety of themselfs. So there are just 3 teams who have bridgestone tires and are driving now.
It's funny to see how pissed of the Americans are and how childish they act by trowing botles on the road.
Kind of like a soccer game.
It's all FIAs fault. They didn't agree to any suggestion michelin gave them.
User Name: said:
I know I know, let me explain

There was a crash on the practice runs with ralf schumacher and some other cars that had micheline tires. Now micheline advised all the cars using their tires not to drive because there was something wrong with it. All the cars wanted to drive though but the F1 direction has said they couldn't drive for the safety of themselfs. So there are just 3 teams who have bridgestone tires and are driving now.
It's funny to see how pissed of the Americans are and how childish they act by trowing botles on the road.

Erm, no.

There was a crash. And Micheline did advise them not to drive unless there was a chicane put in. All the teams wanted this chicane except for Ferrari. The FIA said "No, we can't do that". So the teams decided that it was a bit too dangerous to drive if their tyres could explode.

The FIA did not say "Don't race, it's too dangerous" the FIA said: "To change the course in order to help some of the teams with a performance problem caused by their failure to bring suitable equipment to the race would be a breach of the rules and grossly unfair to those teams which have come to Indianapolis with the correct tyres".
The teams wanted to drive, FIA didn't let them.
Hehe, i was about to come start a thread asking this. I'd just turned onto ITV about 7:15pm and only 6 cars remained....i feel sorry for all them fans that payed good money to see a race, what turned out to be a big fiasco.

StardogChampion said:
No wonder, they paid money to see more than 6 cars racing.

It's about more than just the tires not being safe. No one could agree on what to do.

How dangerous do you think a bottle of water or a tin beer can would be to an F1 car going at 200mph? threatning comes to mind...
Just think guys, it could have just been the Ferrari's if Jordan hadn't decided to race. Minardi were supposedly not gonna race even though they were on the 'safe to race' Bridgestone tires.

Now the FIA is calling all the teams that didnt race in to explain their actions
FIA summons seven Michelin teams

The season has been really good so far, now with this one farcical race Formula 1 has probably lost it's chance in the US for a long time imo
Formula 1 is far to constricted with safety rules nowadays the drivers should be allowed to at least put themselves at a bit more risk to win the race.
MaxiKana said:
The teams wanted to drive, FIA didn't let them.

No that's wrong. The teams are going to be punished for not driving. The teams decided not to drive.
Oh and for those unaware Michael Schmacher won it out of the 6 cars lol...i dont think it was too hard, and the crowd boo'ed him at the podium. Oh well...ridiculous really.
I thought people would have guessed Schumi won so didnt mention it. Funny when Monteiro started celebrating on the podium, some funny sh!t when Schumi and Rubens just walked straight off the podium
It says something when the parade lap was the most exciting lap in the race.
mortiz said:
It says something when the parade lap was the most exciting lap in the race.
Even by F1 standards, it sounds like the race was extremely boring.

I'm pretty sure that I remember races where only 6 cars finished before... just never heard of one where only 6 started! ^^
Yeah, it was a very boring race with only a near crash between Schumi and Rubens being the only highlight. Though i must admit that the race did seem to pass quciker than most, though that may have been because i was watching Kerrang at the same time
kupoartist said:
Even by F1 standards, it sounds like the race was extremely boring.

I'm pretty sure that I remember races where only 6 cars finished before... just never heard of one where only 6 started! ^^

Monaco comes to mind, but usually when 6 cars finish, it is due to an amazingly exciting race :(.
Evo said:
Yeah, it was a very boring race with only a near crash between Schumi and Rubens being the only highlight. Though i must admit that the race did seem to pass quciker than most, though that may have been because i was watching Kerrang at the same time

Razor said:
Monaco comes to mind, but usually when 6 cars finish, it is due to an amazingly exciting race :(.
You guys derive entertainment from watching people almost accidentally kill themselves? Wow..
Ikerous said:
You guys derive entertainment from watching people almost accidentally kill themselves? Wow..

It is the adrenaline and excitement that comes from the fact that you're watching 20 extremely skilled racing drivers push themselves and their cars to the limit to win the race. A race in which even the best drivers can have accidents and spin off.

I would hate it to go back to the days where drivers rarely survived crashes, but i hate it when the cars become unskidable, unspinnable, etc.
Ikerous said:
You guys derive entertainment from watching people almost accidentally kill themselves? Wow..

No, i agreed with the teams on Michelin tyers choice to not race because of safety fears. When i see a serious accident i always worry for the driver, i don't want to see anyone get hurt during a race.

For me the entertainment in F1 is where overtaking occurs, drivers are battling for positions or when there is a massive pile-up that doesn't hurt anyone. My favourite was at Spa a couple of years ago when it was pissing it down and half the field crashed into the first corner iirc, no one was injured so it was a cool event that added a lot to the race.
Evo said:
No, i agreed with the teams on Michelin tyers choice to not race because of safety fears. When i see a serious accident i always worry for the driver, i don't want to see anyone get hurt during a race.

For me the entertainment in F1 is where overtaking occurs, drivers are battling for positions or when there is a massive pile-up that doesn't hurt anyone. My favourite was at Spa a couple of years ago when it was pissing it down and half the field crashed into the first corner iirc, no one was injured so it was a cool event that added a lot to the race.

Definately agree 100%, i do remember watching Monza live on tv when Senna died and it was an awful moment.
From what I hear, Michelin discovered that the tires were faulty during the warm-up when two drivers' tires blew on a certain turn on the course (13 I think). They warned the Michelin teams that the tires were faulty and would likely blow out if they were in a race situation. Michelin notified the F1 and recommended for shipments of new tires, but the F1 refused and decided to continue with the race anyway. Later that day, all the cars lined up for the warm-up lap and then once the race began all the Michelin teams pulled out of the race.

Odd that they would still let the race continue.
I really think f1 races are boring, it's all the same, rally is more my cup of tea.
A True Canadian said:
Odd that they would still let the race continue.

The rules allow for a race to be abandoned if there are less than six cars.
Adrien C said:
I really think f1 races are boring, it's all the same, rally is more my cup of tea.

yes, F1 is getting boring, rally i's much more adrenaline filled! man i wish i had private cable and watch rally from 1st person view!
jverne said:
yes, F1 is getting boring, rally i's much more adrenaline filled! man i wish i had private cable and watch rally from 1st person view!

I could only watch Rally if the cars were all going head to head with each other, sliding round the corners together, etc. Instead of everyone going out on there own.

What Rally should be : "You ******** ***** ****** power sliding me off the ******** road, who the ********* **** do you think **** you are you bad man".
Rally : "oh no, we have just tipped over the side of a hill and hit a tree, oh deary me".
Razor said:
Definately agree 100%, i do remember watching Imola live on tv when Senna died and it was an awful moment.

That was before my time of watching F1 really so didn't see it live. I have seen the pictures and, well words cant express the devestation is created in my mind

R.I.P Senna, Ratzenburger and all those who have died in F1
yesterday this was a big story on a local sports radio station and it looks like the fallout might be that fans don't take F1 seriously anymore.
there is a hearing scheduled for some time next week tho.. what will come of it, ur guess is as good as mine.

the best thing these people can do is give the fans who attended the game their money back and hope people keep watching F1.
It's distinctly possible that the teams will have points deducted, effectively handing the Constructor's championship to Ferrari.
I dont really care whether Ferrari wins the Constuctor's championship, i just hope the drivers don't get penalised to ensure a good competative Driver's championship for the rest of the season
They're unlikely to penalise the drivers, as they had no say in the matter.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It's distinctly possible that the teams will have points deducted, effectively handing the Constructor's championship to Ferrari.

Pretty much what the fia do every year with every decision? If the Bar incident the other month was with Ferrari instead, they wouldn't of been banned, and if it was with a much smaller team like Minardi, they would of been banned for a year or something stupid like that.
The Portuguese guy who beated the record for the most times in last place got in 3rd place.

Sprafa said:
The Portuguese guy who beated the record for the most times in last place got in 3rd place.


I think he must be the saddest of them all, to have probably his only podium position of his career in such awful circumstances is just awful :(. But he ran the race and finished third, ahead of 3 other drivers.
I don't think the teams will get penalties in points. They already got that by not driving this race.

But they will have to pay for the major damage they made by not racing.