USB Harddisk for the Wii?


Aug 1, 2003
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Does anyone know if there are plans for a USB harddisk or even if any current USB harddisks work? I can see 2/4gb SD cards running out with N64 games and all your save games etc... Having a Harddisk would be much better imo. Anyone know of any news anyway?
Nintendo said at some point that a USB harddrive (or thumbdrive) would work, but I have no idea if it actually works now when its out.
Hmmm, I supose. But its always nice to have loads of storage for your photo's etc...

With the PS3 and 360 its like... "I don't even need to worry really" with the Wii its sort of like "Dam I could run out of space, its cheap and everything. But there is still a chance I might have to use more than one SD".

Do you get what I mean?