USB Powered BBQ

That's stupid..

*runs out and buys one*

If it only needed one, possibly 2, then it'd be worth it, but who would get that? 30 USB?
I don't think it's really worth it, lol.
haha I saw that in a magazine before. They also had a sleeve like thing that would keep your beverage warm.
haha thats hilarious. BBQ AT MY HOUSE LABOR DAY!!!
This is one hell of a mod. Using 30 USB ports spread out over five USB PCI cards, this barbeque was created.

There's 6 PCI usb cards, each with 5 ports. 5 x 6 = 30. Who the hell writes this stuff? Idiots.

Handy BBQ though. When I saw that mass of wires, I thought it ran off EM coil conduction or something. It'd probably work better that way, anyway.
wow....thats a lot of USB....he's still well below the rated maximum of USB ports though....the max is 127! :)