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Hello! Just a short question-I'm in the process of downloading HL2, except my internet connection is painfully slow. Normally what I do in this case is download whatever file on my laptop at a place with high-speed, then copy all the data onto my desktop using a flash drive (or Ipod, which does the same thing.) Is it possible (I'm guessing it's not, but I figured I'd still check) to do the same thing with this game? (I downloaded the full thing on my laptop.)

Thanks for your time.
yes all the game files are stored in .gcf files in the Steam/Steamapps folder. They're pretty large, but those are all you need to transfer. Once you got them on your drive, just transfer them over to the appropriate folders, and log into the same acount you bought the game on.
Precisely as dekstar said above, and you'll be sorted. Ensure that you update the games on your laptop on the high speed connection prior to transferring the files over, so you'll be able to play instantly on your desktop.(Steam should do this automatically with the download) If you wish you can disconnect your internet from this point on, put Steam in offline mode and play single-player games offline. Good luck, and enjoy the game.