Use a benchmark number for minsysreq instead of a HW list!


Jan 7, 2004
Reaction score
Is it possible to try and get away from having to list every component in a system requirement for gaming? Instead why not list the top 3 benchmark programs with min / rec rating marks for your game.

Something like: OK for HL2 use benchmarkA min 3000 / rec 5000
benchmarkB min 50 / rec 75 etc...

This also seems like a good opp. for some tie ins the sales and marketing weasles seem to LOVE!

just a thought, this would eliminate 80% or so of the HW gibberish fog we now currently wade through.
Problem being, 90% of PC users don't have a fluffing clue about those benchmarks. Listing system requirements is the far easier way to get the point across.

Oh and, 76% of all statistics are made up on the spot :)
Benchmarks miss a few important things. They're incapable of reflecting IQ in their scores; and a score on a benchmark won't reflect the hardware capabilities of the system.
You might have a really good an extremely overclocked AMD64 with a GF3 graphics card so your score will be high even though your gfx card is outdated.
yeh but lets imagine there was one universal benchmark which did your cpu, gpu and ram. and game developers uploaded there sats to the main server and after you have finished benching you can compare your scores with the recommended of certain games and see if its good enough.

pretty good eh :naughty:
give willber123 a high five for clarifying my vision for me,, that is exactly what i had in mind! a universal rating system where SW + HW mfgs and gamers can all agree!
just think of a defacto standard where you can PROVE everything you say!

BTW, The guys who know what a benchmark is may not be the majority thats true, BUT we are what we are, gamers on the BLEEDING edge, we lead where the rest follow
we may be only 10% of the market, but I think our influnce is a MUCH larger number.

p.s. anybody wanna by by Voodoo2SLI? - VBGrin!! just kidding, not for sale its on my wall of fame.
Besides, most benchmarks currently have a certian testing area... IE if you have a TI-4600 and a p4 2.53 GHz, 1gb of ram, you'll probably score lowley on 3dmark03, merely because you have a pre-dx9 vid card.
this is my point , i am talking about a NEW benchmark, one jointly delevoped, that will finally put everyone on the same level playing field for all people HW SW mfgrs and users that will give the victor some real bragging rights, not just smoke and mirrors marketing. maybe even benchmark standards group tacked on to one of the many existing video / graphics groups already here!
personally i like the idea, i think it could be a pretty big thing, but who would develop it? microsoft?
This looks like a very good idea, but it would fail horribly if not implemented correctly.
I think that any HW or SW company that thinks that they have the number 1 product in there catagory would be stupid not to promote a 3rd party benchmark that PROVES to prospective customers that there item is top dog.
gives there customers piece of mind that if a customers system rates x number, it will run no matter what!
true, also we wouldnt have this ati vs nvidia guess work crap with the new games, we would know which runs better or the same.
sees thats EXACTLY MY POINT!, 5 yrs ago i could read a HW review, specs on a video card box, get system req from the game mfgr, that simpler time is over!!
everyone has resorted to marketing, smoke and mirrors, new key buzzwords etc...

what i want is PC drag racing , one uniform track, post your numbers and let them do the talking!

and ive jsut thought up of the perfect name for it..... WillMark
:naughty: its got a nice ring to it has it
Why not just release a free game demo and let the gamer decide if his system can run it and can run it well enough?
you know now that i think about it, you are right Microsoft could actually help us out here.. why dont they add benchmarking into DX9 and above? just think, DX is already broken down into subsystems, it would be a simple task to add a basic no options point and one click benchmark to each section! hey bill ya listening dude!!!
true, but its microsoft, so theyw ill probably charge people for it
hey would you pay for a non biased, backward compatible OS based HW testing system that would give hard numbers on each piece of HW you own to compare to other peoples and new stuff coming out? i would..
Wait even better, is it possible to use like a "plugin" type Benchmark item that would hook directly into DirectX? not just be an app that uses game footage?
this way 3rd party benchmark guys could still do there thing.
Besides i think i trust them more anyway.
if any one reading this is going to WinHEC 2004, please bounce our idea of new OS/DirectX/3rd partyPlugin/Benchmark/defacto standard off of somebody will ya?

this idea could actually work if the right group of people got together for the good
of gaming!