Used Games

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Feb 3, 2005
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Have you ever bought and sold used games? Trade them in when you get bored?

Bought a used copy of a DS game at Blockbuster a while ago.
Yeah im about to ****ing do it. I played heavy rain and shit, and the thing is good for maybe one two play. Next week i'll give it back and say the sound was ****ed or something shit and get Bad company 2 maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe. I don't know.
Of course.

I have gotten wonderful deals on used games.

MGS2, MGS3, God Hand. PS2 goldmines at Gamestop, for reasonable prices. Mostly.
I sell used games for shitty prices and don't really care because they would otherwise sit around collecting dust.

I also buy used games, usually beats buying a new game.
I usually buy my games used, and the newest games I know I won't trade in. especially since i've only had to trade in like 1 or 2 games back to where i got them for exact copies. this is after like 15 years of buying used games. also garage sales are the best for these. you can buy a whole box of NES games for like $5 and you'll pee yourself laughing on the ride home
I've never sold any games but I buy plenty used.
I was about to click never. Then I remembered this time I bought Far Cry used from a friend. So yes, ONCE. I used to get quite a few used games (free) from my cousin. He doesn't play games much anymore, so sadly my freeloading days are over.

I've never sold any games.
Games at the top of my hype meter usually get bought new, games that are passing interests are usually bought used. Everything else, all of the above.
Used games are pretty pointless without their CD Key.
Yeah, sure.

Though when I bought sup com the manual and tech-tree poster were in French.

I mean seriously, how the hell am I supposed to figure out what the hell a "sous-marin missiles du stratigique" is? Huh?
I used to sell/buy used console/PC games, but I never do it anymore. It's like asking money for/paying for a pirated game.
My brother does this with console games, but I have never done it.
I once selled some psps games when I had a borrowed one

but one day was going to sell world in conflict which costed me 30€ but the store offered me 2€ so I say **** it
I was expecting like 10 but 2?
This thread was closed earlier this evening? Anyway, I never have... never had a game so bad that I'd want to sell it.
I pretty much never sell games but I buy used PS2 games pretty often since they're all like 5-10 bucks. A few days ago I bought Katamari Damacy, Soul Caliber 2, Battlefront 2 and Red Faction used from Gamestop and spent about $30 altogether.
I've bought used games for PS1, PS2, XB360, MS-DOS and Windows, but only when I've been unable to find sealed copies etc.

Just recently started trading in games for my 360 because of GameStop's great offers over here(Trade in any two 360 games not on their exclusion list-which mostly just contains shit games that don't sell anyway- and you only have to pay 0.1 euro for hyped up unreleased games, so I've only had to pay 0.1 euro for my 360 AVP, 360 BFBC2 Limited Edition and 360 Metro 2033.

And so far I've only traded in games that I'm completely done with(I.e. have gotten all achievements for if possible and completed.)

But generally I try to keep my game-trading to a minimum, but I've sorta been forced to start it, don't have a lot more space left for physical retail games and I'm too lazy to sell stuff piece by piece via eBay, so I prefer either this via GameStop or giving the games away to friends and so forth.

But, in the end, selling/trading games is not something I do unless it's absolutely necessary or I know that I won't get any more enjoyment at all out of said game.

To give you an idea of how little I trade in, on my 360 alone(which is the only platform for which I've traded in games so far) I own over 55 games, only traded in a total of 6.

Please tell me I'm not an poor excuse of a gamer!
Used to do it loads when I was younger, the last time I did was probably 2006.
I never sell or trade in games, but I very often buy used games - particularly old PS1, PS2 and Gamecube titles.
To give you an idea of how little I trade in, on my 360 alone(which is the only platform for which I've traded in games so far) I own over 55 games, only traded in a total of 6.
You must buy at least one new game every month (on the 360 alone!). You are lucky to have so much time on your hands.

I plan to buy a handful of older games this year from the bargain bins. Not used.
Oh, all the time. I hold onto games until I realise I'm kidding myself if I think I'm ever going to play them to the end / play them through again. Then I pop them on Amazon Marketplace if I know I can get a bit for them, usually so I can justify buying something new to replace them. Even if I'm usually able to afford full-price games, I'm not able to afford them plus any of the other gazillion things that interest me. Gaming IS important to me, but it's not six to eight times more important than everything else despite being priced that way (and then some).

Don't think I've ever got anything second hand that was less than two years old mind you.
I used to sell/buy used console/PC games, but I never do it anymore. It's like asking money for/paying for a pirated game.
This is by far the daftest thing I've heard all day.

Granted, it is 1.26AM.
At Uni I traded in a game for every new game release I bought.

To the point where I would miss the games I traded in and would buy them and trade them AGAIN about 2 or 3 times. It was madness.

But then I had a Uni student income level so couldn't really afford to buy them new every time.

If I've got what I can out of a game, achievements and sometimes difficulty runs, I will trade it in. Once you platinum a SP game, theres no reason to go back. Ratchet and Clank A Crack In Time is a prime example. Bought it new when it came out, when I go back home in a few more weeks I'm trading it in.
You must buy at least one new game every month (on the 360 alone!). You are lucky to have so much time on your hands.

I plan to buy a handful of older games this year from the bargain bins. Not used.

I've only played like 30 of'em. During my depressive periods I become a really bad shopaholic, I buy any game I come across that looks and sounds remotely interesting, then when I get out of that period I'm always like "What the fork was I thinking!?"
Yeah, I've had many problems with finances in the past - shopping sprees and buying things I don't need. I can't say the problem is gone, but I've gotten a hell of a lot more realistic about spending.