Using barrels as bait?


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Not sure if this has been posted before, but I saw the videos from Korea and was wondering. Will anyone be using the barrels as bait? For example on de_dust2 when the T's are going long A you could shoot the barrel in the doorway or kick it to see if anyone is trigger happy and shoots at it. Will anyone else be using some of these tactics with the sourc engine?
That's what the developers put them there for. Not only to be pretty. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Yeh on one of the videos you can see a guy knock it down in the bridge room for aztec and then roll it along the bridge as a guys is shooting at him.

It's all just a warmup for the barrel-rolling conversion you know we all want to see.

I was thinking to set up barrels on section of the map if someone runs into them they will make noise falling over and rolling, which you now know where the enemy is. Its going to be awesome.
Bait or shield/block?

Bait lures something in.

I know what you mean though. Yes, you will be able to.
I'm more looking forward to using them as protection, or to make the other players mess up somehow.
great possibility - not the last new element i guess (and hope)
It'll also be funny to have people accidently knock them over and make noise, like in a clan match if they're trying to be quiet.
Snakebyte said:
It'll also be funny to have people accidently knock them over and make noise, like in a clan match if they're trying to be quiet.

That would be funny, but think of it like a member forgets you can't jump on the barrel, so he jumps on it to try to get higher and makes the noise.

Theres more of a storyline :naughty: :cool:
i thought the physics were client side, so it all looks different on everyones computers
why would that be?

because then one guy could put a door in front of a window so no one can get in, but someone else just walks through the window.

See the loophole in that, pingu?

Its the same physics on everyones computer.

either that or I misunderstood your thread.
yeh i know what you mean, i just remember reading somewhere about something like that, that it would be too much server strain or something and the barrels would bounce around differently on everyones computer, they wouldnt block doors and such just get knocked out the way, although a barrel could block someones vision and not another persons leaving him at a disadvantage, i hope im wrong cos it will rule.
Nah the barrels physics are serverside and things like litter and little cans will be client side.
i can see a stealthy mod thats against aliens or something similar to Natural Selection...its a dark room filled w/ barrels and alien knowcks a barrel over to the left of a soldier, so he turns that way and WHAM! slashed from behind. Stuff like that could be used even in CS but would require a lot of teamwork. Mics would be real useful there, I hope theres a CS:S for Xbox since its not as complicated as HL and xbox will run it better...(plz dont think im some sort of xbox maniac, im not) PC RULES! :)
lol yeah when people start making CS:S mini-mods w/ the manipulator that'l be one of the first things I do...
Barrels could be good tactically when combined with gravity, would make for some seriosuly funny replays... let's hope the CS source mappers stack barrels on high ledges :p
I use the pump shotgun a lot, so it will come in handy for shooting barrels really far. :D
hmm... I have an idea. This would take some carefull precison.
Im thinking of Italy, that 1 part with that bridge thingy, where it has the door open a barel which leads up the balacony(You know hop up there). If you could get a barrel next to the ledge, shoot it with a shotgun and it falls and hits a ct!
Owned by a barrel!
I would laugh if you could use your hands like in HL2.

Just click use on a barrel and you got yourself a free shield. :LOL:
The best thing to do with a barrel is when someone is bunnyhopping kick a barrel ahead of him so he lands on it and rolls down some stairs and dies. and cries.
LOL Think of the first funmaps:

Two sides. On each a wall out of barrels. Under it a lavasea.
The first team who manages to let the other teams wall collapse wins :-P
lol OMG there will be SO MANY custom maps only with barrels!!!! lol that will be really funny.

If someone is getting cover behind some barrels i'll do just like in the Bink video, throw a grenade and they fly everywhere! /oh nooooooooo just threw away my unbeatable strategyyy nooooooooo lol

But seriously, it would be lots of fun and good for strategy to do something like put a barrel behind a closed door (like in cs_militia) and when the other player opens the door the barrel falls over and you are behind the couch and hears that, then you'd know someone just walked in and can stay alert!
^Ben said:
Yeh on one of the videos you can see a guy knock it down in the bridge room for aztec and then roll it along the bridge as a guys is shooting at him.


wheres that video? I WANT To SEE! :eek:
TMPer Tantrum said:
It's all just a warmup for the barrel-rolling conversion you know we all want to see.

rofl, that made me laugh out loud
Walls of fire

I would like to be able to shoot at a barrel and it leak oil or petrol over the floor which you could ignite and then when you shoot the barrel again, the substance leaks in all directions, with walls of fire!!! :bounce:

Whether this is possible... I don't know?
glHalfLife said:
I would like to be able to shoot at a barrel and it leak oil or petrol over the floor which you could ignite and then when you shoot the barrel again, the substance leaks in all directions, with walls of fire!!! :bounce:

Whether this is possible... I don't know?

No .
The physics are server side except for the ragdoll, I think
simmo said:
The physics are server side except for the ragdoll, I think

Nope. It's definable by the map maker.

I think the example Gabe (Rick?) used was smaller items, such as soda cans, would be client side, since those don't effect gameplay.
Shuzer said:
Nope. It's definable by the map maker.

I think the example Gabe (Rick?) used was smaller items, such as soda cans, would be client side, since those don't effect gameplay.

Oh right, I see...I stand corrected :)