ut2k4 mods

I'm looking forward to Strike Force, which was popular in UT.

mchammer75040 said:
They will be releasing a alpha in 30 days!
Well, he said that on April 29th, so it's more like 6 days now.
I thought Neotokyo was supposed to be a HL2 mod?
Yes once they are done with the ut2k4 version they will bring it to hl2. :naughty:
How do I install Red Orchestra? I installed the ZIP, but a bunch of a folder jsut poop up in this screen and I don't knmow what to do. I tried unzipping it to the UT2k4 directory, but no go. HELP please:) The same thing happened when I DL'ed the UT2k4 community map pack! HELP!
there should be some instructions in the zip file. i haven't downloaded it myself yet. if it's a .umod file then just stick it in your UT2004/System folder and double click on it. aside from that check the RO forums and tell everyone you see to download it too!
once i get ut2k4 i'll play RO again (played it back in the day on ut2k3)

I tried FragOps, god frustrated at the poor quality of it, poor gameplay, and left.