UT3 beta demo in 2 weeks

Thank you for the heads up sir! This is a favorite franchise of mine. You could even say I'm a fanboy.

:D w00t, feels like I've been waiting so long. This, for me, is a reason to upgrade my system. I loooooooove UT deathmatch (and pulling all-nighters of insta-gib shock rifle CTF). Viva LA UT! :E
Can't they just drop the "beta" bullcrap and call it what is is, a demo?
Can't they just drop the "beta" bullcrap and call it what is is, a demo?

But it's not a proper demo, it's intended to test the game on a great variety of machines before releasing anything official. From a press perspective it's a much better idea to call it a "beta demo" because it's not representative of the final product, like a proper demo (from a company like Epic) should be. They just chose to refer to it as a beta demo instead of some kind of 'open beta' or the likes.
Even the official GOLD 1.0 release will have hardware problems and balance fixes. It doesn't stop them from releasing. True beta for UT3 has most likely come and past.
is it a public beta? I really hope so, I can't wait to see how UT3 will run on my pathetic system.
Honestly, it's either a beta or a demo... pick one.

Cool, nonetheless. Hopefully this week, or early next weeks. Two weeks from now I'll be in MCSE bootcamp :(
cant wait for this.. my burning question can finally be answered... Do I need to upgrade!!??
Nice, see what this beast is made of.