uwe boll game

Looks better than Half-Life and Deus Ex.
well, like i pointed out, no ones ever done a vietnam tunnels game before.
but why did it have to be uwe boll.
Vietcong had tunnels.
Oh I see what's going on here. Boll wants to fail in every way possible. He's already failed at making movies, now making games, what's next? music? shudder :sleep:
I don't think that tech would have impressed me ten years ago, let alone today.
Ahaha, his philosophy of everything "BOOM BOOM BOOM" is even in that song....
Aaaaand he manages to turn away the female demographic
Graphics look so shitty, gun shooting looks shitty.. Let's hope he improves. Looks like COD1, but everything is way shittier.
What if it was the best game ever and changed the industry forever? That would be some hilarious irony. I hope that's what happens.
Watched 3 seconds of bland brown tunnel and exited. Sum it up for me?

Ha. Oh wait.
I hope that this game turns out to be amazing for LOL's sake.
Absolutely spectacular, breath taking, really breath taking.

So I saw this game on my press account, I thought 'why the hell not try this thing out.' By gawd that was a bad choice! This game is ten shades of fail. Even the devs don't list the game on their website.

Boll makes bad movies, he makes worse games.

I did a review of it on The Reticule if anyone is interested. Whatever you do though, avoid this game!
Avoid a game done by Uwe Boll? Are you sure? I mean are you really, really sure? Because I don't know if I should avoid a video game done by Uwe Boll. Had you not resurrected this thread to give us this vital information I might have very well gone out and played this game. In addition to the bland and uninteresting look of the game it was also written and produced by Uwe Boll, so I think after learning that had you not come back and told us it was a terrible game we might have all gone out and purchased a copy.

I'm still debating whether I should or not.

The question is, did you even know the game was out? Did you not care to learn how awful it is? Etc. etc. :)
The question is, did you even know the game was out?

I didn't.

The best part of the trailer was the Arkham Asylum trailer that came on before it started.

Seriously who keeps giving Uwe Boll access to money. Knock it off.
I don't think anyone actually cared. The outcome was predetermined. There's no reason to go in-depth into how terrible the game actually is point-by-point; it's enough that it was written and produced by Uwe Boll.

I don't think anyone really even gave a shit that it was out. Certainly no one was counting down the days until that fabulous Uwe Boll game came out. No, not even to make fun of it. The game passed by as it should have: quietly.


Let it go, Evo.
Not even to make fun of it? For shame, for shame ;)

*lets go of whatever it is Darkside thinks he should let go of*
I'de rather you reviewed the Spore expansion over this.
Now that we've decided that he's the Earl of Douche, and everything he does ends up turning to fail, let me just state.

What if Tunnel Rats was like super awesome GotY worthy stuff? It would be awkward as hell.
I don't think anyone actually cared. The outcome was predetermined. There's no reason to go in-depth into how terrible the game actually is point-by-point; it's enough that it was written and produced by Uwe Boll.

I don't think anyone really even gave a shit that it was out. Certainly no one was counting down the days until that fabulous Uwe Boll game came out. No, not even to make fun of it. The game passed by as it should have: quietly.


Let it go, Evo.

*Uses Mind Warp powers against Darkside*
*Pushes Darkside down while Warped*

Don't worry Evo, I wanted to hear what Uwe Boll's game was like, even though we knew it would not be good.