Uwe Boll vs Lowtax: You suck lotax

He's a better boxer than he is a director..
Uwe picked all the weakest journalists he could....
I'd like a chance to go at him...a year of karate and weightlifting has made me rather dangerous, certainly alot more dangerous than lowtax.

I'd like to do kickboxing instead of boxing though heh. Anyone know of a way for me to challenge him? :p
Lowtax said:
Okay I am done drinking, and I'd like to post some more info before I forget it:

1) There was an actual real critic who sparred with Uwe Boll a few nights ago, who was a real amateur boxer. Uwe refused to fight the guy in the ring; obviously he only wanted people with no boxing experience.

Anyway, when Uwe was sparring with the dude, the critic / amateur had to quit sparring because Uwe "was taking it too seriously" and really trying to beat the shit out of the guy. So he just said **** it and left.

2) Apparently when we were in another room, Uwe declared he was going to beat the crap out of all of us and try to "win by knockout." You know, like kinda the OPPOSITE of "this is all a PR stunt we will have fun my movies don't suck" that he was saying before.

3) Like I mentioned before, Uwe said we would get training, boxing equipment, and lessons beforehand. None of us received any of this, which didn't quite worry us at the time since he kept saying it was just a PR stunt and he wasn't really going to box for real for serious blah blah blah. NEVER trust a German. Three of the guys didn't even have cups to protect their balls; the only reason I had a cup was because my wife bought me one.

4) The dude after me was throwing up and had an EMT by his side for about an hour. He eventually had to have an oxygen mask on. The dude after him was all bloodied up and looked like crap. They too made the mistake of believing Uwe Boll when he said it was just a PR thing, since neither really trained.

Regardless, I don't regret anything and think it was a real learning experience. For example, I learned Uwe Boll is a lying dickhead who makes shitbag films, and he deserves all the shit he gets from folks on the Internet. I'll write an update about all this when I get back, but I'm trying to put the most major things here so I do not forget them.

OH and the high point of the day was when I met DAVID ****ING CROSS and hugged him and gave him a "Doom House" DVD. That was ****ing awesome and made the whole Uwe Boll fiasco worth it.

quit whining lowtax ..wtf were you truely that stupid that you thought Boll was going to go easy on you guys? how long have you been on the internets? any idiot could see that boll was serious about slapping you guys around, I mean you guys attacked him about his work; of course he's going to hold a grudge

why didnt any of you take a least a single boxing lesson before agreeing to enter the ring ..it's like getting into a car and expecting to know how to drive without ever taking lessons

win or not win, dishonest tactics or not, the truth of the matter is that you journalists played right into his hands, and every last one of you fell for it and now you look like idiots
Cut them some slack Stern... they are journalists. They dont know any better.
they didnt know any better? they were the worst of the worst of Boll critics, they SHOULD have known better ..I guess what irks me is that Lowtax who's known for shooting his mouth off whines about being hoodwinked ..well he certainly didnt pull any punches when critiquing boll's work ..surely even a child would recognise that the boxing invitation had something to do with revenge ..I mean it was as plain as day

I'll give the journos some credit for actually getting into the ring, but man why would you sign up if you're incapable of fighting in a ring?
They are journalists... that means they are less intelligent than your average smoe. They do ilogical things because their brains know no logic.
well traditional journalists are usually pretty intelligent ..but these being gaming/internet "journalists" I can see how you have a point
Wow lowtax looked like a complete idiot in that "fight".
I agree with Stern - Uwe Boll's so obviously a shit, and to not actually do some serious training beforehand is frankly mad (I remember seeing the 'challenge' and thinking 'man, if I was a critic I'd totally go for that although I'd do a hell of a lot of training first').
What if in the signed agreement for it, they weren't allowed to take any lessons? That way Boll would KEEP the weakest people in the ring, instead of a potentially dangerous situation.
Fvck him. Take lessons anyway, but wearing a fake beard and sunglasses so nobody can tell who it is and accuse you of violating the terms of the deal.
Fvck him. Take lessons anyway, but wearing a fake beard and sunglasses so nobody can tell who it is and accuse you of violating the terms of the deal.

Be an amish training to box..

I can see it now.
Lowtax is sort of a dick anyway. I mean, SomethingAwful is one of my favorite sites, but I just hate cocky jackasses in general who think they're the shit because they can shock people. Not to say it was right for Uwe Boll to say that however.

That said, I loved how when a reporter tried to shake his hand, he spit his mouthpiece into it.
Beating the crap out of somebody... yeah that really proves Uwe Boll is better than his critics.