V-Rally anyone?


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone remember V-Rally? It was a PS1 game...

I'm just feeling all nostalgic at the moment.

It was kind of a cross between Colin McRae and Ridge Racer.

What other games make you feel nostalgic?
Does anyone remember V-Rally? It was a PS1 game...

I'm just feeling all nostalgic at the moment.

It was kind of a cross between Colin McRae and Ridge Racer.

What other games make you feel nostalgic?

V-Rally was one of the most fun times I have ever had with a racer, let alone a game! My brother and I used to fall over with laughter everytime we played. Part 2 was great too, but it went downhill after that. A good-looking rally game with a sweet co-op mode is all I really want!!
Yeah, it was cool, gave it a hire once or twice. Which reminds me, you know what modern racers are really lacking? Track editors! Those're so much fun :D
yeah V-rally was awesomeness in CD form. If I remember correctly on the UBI logo screen you could input a code or something? Memorised that and did it on every boot.
i rented v rally 3 for ps1, it was cool making a straight downhill track with huge jumps and just flooring it! great game!