I cant help but say WTF. I try so hard to watch something like that but i really cant. Looks and sounds so corny.

Not to mention how long the character intro was LOL.
Pfft ... You're all way too young.

Any old people, feel free to praise the legend of V.
Hehe,i used to watch it along with Alien Nation when i was a kid.
I've heard rumors about them remaking it into a new mini series.
I watched an episode recently (a preview or Youtube or something) and it was awful. However, I remember when it came out and it was the best thing ever, we'd make popcorn and the whole family would watch. I remember being absolutely terrified when you finally got to see them beneath the skin, dying to know what their secret was, etc. This was my first introduction to the meme of aliens harvesting humans for food.
This was on as a repeat when I was about ten or something. It was so awesome, yeah it's a bit corny by today's standard but no worse than the original Star Trek.