va. tech shooter was bullied


Nov 24, 2006
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i'm not condoning ANYTHING this guy did, but doesn't ANYONE see a pattern with these shootings? all of these kids were bullied a LOT more than normal... obviously the tactics of, "inform a teacher", or "just ignore the bully" isn't working, and we're paying for it with the lives of the innocent!!

High school classmates say gunman was bullied
Police say package sent to NBC News between shootings is of little use
Slide show

?Our culpability in this situation, as a society, has been mischaracterized. Where we fell down was not in our lack of coddling this idiot or some misstep in guiding his defective and deviant urges towards more constructive ends. We are a society based on self-sufficiency, and those who are not self-sufficient are intrinsically barred from being full members of our society. Where we fell down was not Cho. We fell down with everyone else in that classroom. We taught them to be cowards, and then told them it was good that they were."


NBC, MSNBC and news services
Updated: 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
BLACKSBURG, Va. - Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Cho Seung-Hui was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said.

Cho, 23, a senior English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, killed 32 people in two attacks before taking his own life Monday. He sent a large multi-media package outlining his grievances against religion and the wealthy to NBC News, but police said Thursday that the material added little to their investigation.

The text, photographs and video in the package bristle with hatred toward unspecified people whom Cho, a South Korean immigrant, accused of having wronged him, adding to a portrait of a solitary man who rarely, if ever, managed normal social interactions.

Chris Davids, a Virginia Tech student who graduated with Cho from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., in 2003, recalled that Cho almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to strike up a conversation.

Once, in an English class, the teacher had the students read aloud and, when it was Cho?s turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled in an interview with The Associated Press. Finally, after the teacher threatened to give him a failing grade for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded ?like he had something in his mouth,? Davids said.

?As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, ?Go back to China,?? Davids said.

Among Cho?s victims were Reema Samaha and Erin Peterson, who both graduated from Westfield High School last year. Police said it was not clear whether Cho singled them out.

?The question mark kid?
Virginia Tech student Alison Heck said a suitemate of hers on campus found a mysterious question mark scrawled on the dry erase board on her door. The young woman went to the same high school as Cho, according to her Facebook page. Cho once scrawled a question mark on the sign-in sheet on the first day of a literature class, and other students came to know him as ?the question mark kid.?

?I don?t know if she knew that it was him for sure,? Heck said. ?I do remember that that fall that she was being stalked and she had mentioned the question mark. And there was a question mark on her door.?

Heck added: ?She just let us know about it just in case there was a strange person walking around our suite.?

The young woman could not immediately be located for comment, via e-mail or telephone.
"it's video games, they made him do it"

"no! he was influenced by Old Boy the ultra violent movie"

"no, he was crazy watch the video"

"no, he was bullied, no wonder he killed everyone, awww"

"no, a crazy person with easy acccess to guns went on a shooting spree ..with guns ..without guns there's just an angry crazy chinese man"
It was clearly quite a few aspects that led him to do this, there's hardly ever just 1 reason that leads to such things.
yes but no one is questioning why a crazy man who was detained and admitted twice for psychiatric assessment could purchase not one but two guns legally
this was not a case of society failing, i don't think. Just because someone is a loner and extremely ackward doesn't always mean that its because they've been actively shunned by everyone else. There are people that put themselves in that position.

Would anyone seriously want to be friends with someone who makes no intention of trying to make friends? People making fun of him would be a natural by product of someone purpoosefully acting so damn creepy.

On some level i do feel sorry for him, he had created a self perpetuating cycle of isolation and exclusion in his own head, and in the end couldn't take it anymore and lashed out.
yes but no one is questioning why a crazy man who was detained and admitted twice for psychiatric assessment could purchase not one but two guns legally

Because then said guy's freedumbs would be curtailed.
this was not a case of society failing, i don't think. Just because someone is a loner and extremely ackward doesn't always mean that its because they've been actively shunned by everyone else. There are people that put themselves in that position.

Would anyone seriously want to be friends with someone who makes no intention of trying to make friends? People making fun of him would be a natural by product of someone purpoosefully acting so damn creepy.
So because someone doesn't have friends and is awkward, that makes it alright to shun them and make them feel worse?
Why do white ppl laugh and makes fun of ppl who cant speak english???

those bullies deserved to die ..not those inocent ppl tho
"no, a crazy person with easy acccess to guns went on a shooting spree ..with guns ..without guns there's just an angry crazy chinese man"
He wasn't Chinese, Stern, he was Korean. ****ing racist...
Why do white ppl laugh and makes fun of ppl who cant speak english???

those bullies deserved to die ..not those inocent ppl tho

Oh, man this just reminds me of the orphanage scene in Elfen Lied.

Those bullies deserved to die.

But serisouly, We should all execute bullies by firing squad! Behind the chemical shed! :E
...or was it?

You know, I like to tell myself that people who bully other people get what they deserve when find themselves lying in a pool of blood on the floor, but I don't think bullying had much to do with this. You know, "Guns don't kill people, people do." that whole deal. You can't blame guns for this. Some people just develop this way and gradually snap along the way. But bullying certainly doesn't help.
The dude was broken, or showed signs of being broken, for a while before this. What pushed him over the edge...?
The dude was broken, or showed signs of being broken, for a while before this. What pushed him over the edge...?

Testosterone, during this specific time in the year male testosterone is about 20% higher than yearly levels, it's for our breeding season but it makes us more aggressive in soceity.
Testosterone, during this specific time in the year male testosterone is about 20% higher than yearly levels, it's for our breeding season but it makes us more aggressive in soceity.

And you would know how??? You're nothing more than a cyborg. Human skin over metal endoskeleton.
Dp me a favour, you two, and please don't joke about this shit.
...or was it?

what? i purposefully called him the wrong nationality? as some sort of racial insult? your implication is rediculous

You know, I like to tell myself that people who bully other people get what they deserve when find themselves lying in a pool of blood on the floor, but I don't think bullying had much to do with this. You know, "Guns don't kill people, people do." that whole deal. You can't blame guns for this. Some people just develop this way and gradually snap along the way. But bullying certainly doesn't help.

some of you are so single minded it's pathetic ..the "guns dont kill people, people do" justification is such a moronic way of trying to dismiss the obvious fact that had there been tougher laws preventing mentally disturbed people from purchasing firearms then none of this would have happened ..he was twice detained and had court ordered psychiatric assessment ..if that doesnt send up warning flags then I dont know what the hell does this point all you need is a clean record (in almost every single case of mass murder the perps had clean records) and a heartbeat
Why do white ppl laugh and makes fun of ppl who cant speak english???

those bullies deserved to die ..not those inocent ppl tho

i don't agree with death but i do agree that they should've gotten some punishment for what they put this person through. I was bullied and picked on in high school and there's no reason anyone should either get bullied or do the bullying. All I had was a stutter and people would make my life a living hell for it, for no reason whatsoever. People that make people's lives unbearable for no reason have a lot of the blame for these shootings, i'm not saying 100% but at least most of it. If students let the kid be his quiet self and accepted him he probably would've been lonely but not angry at the world, and probably wouldn't have done this horrible tragedy.
i don't agree with death but i do agree that they should've gotten some punishment for what they put this person through. I was bullied and picked on in high school and there's no reason anyone should either get bullied or do the bullying. All I had was a stutter and people would make my life a living hell for it, for no reason whatsoever. People that make people's lives unbearable for no reason have a lot of the blame for these shootings, i'm not saying 100% but at least most of it. If students let the kid be his quiet self and accepted him he probably would've been lonely but not angry at the world, and probably wouldn't have done this horrible tragedy.

While I agree, that does not make what this kid did right. He still made the consiocous disicion to murder these people and some bluies can't be blamed for something they didn't do.
Besides, I think we can all agree we've been bullied or teased in some way, and likely done that to other people in our lives ourselves.
even before he moved to the US ,relatives in Korea say he was always very absent minded and quiet.
"Guns don't kill people, people do."

That statement is wrong. Neither guns, nor people could kill so many others on their own. The statement should be

"Guns dont kill people, people with guns do"

So that means we need to get rid of either A: People, or B: Guns. Which do you propose?
That statement is wrong. Neither guns, nor people could kill so many others on their own. The statement should be

"Guns dont kill people, people with guns do"

So that means we need to get rid of either A: People, or B: Guns. Which do you propose?

People definatly. We should stop breeding.
Seriously has a point with the mentally cuckoos being able to get guns just like that. Thats just not right.
And I'm

The whole "I'm getting back at the rich kids" alibi is blatant bullshit btw imo.
The whole blame issue is so useless to this debate. Saying Cho wasn't 'right' to do this is not going to make him come back from the grave, say 'Oh really?? sorry!' and rewind time to bring all those people back.

Yeah, bullying and misery probably turned him into the murderer who did this. The next bullied kid who does this won't be 'right' either but they'll still have done it. The question is what you can do to stop it happening again - not to see if you can blame the right person, so that all the rest of us in the Good People club can sit around slapping eachother on the backs for having nice firm morals, thick like can pepsi.

While gun control is an issue here, it is not the core issue. Easy access to guns might have been the difference between Cho killing thirty people, or three people, or trying but killing noone. But he would STILL have been the same person - angry, miserable, and wanting to kill. And I'd guess that there's more of that type person around than we possibly think, because life's tough. Unfortunately the only even slightly effective remedy is a kind of happy-clappy message which noone takes seriously and which goes completely against human nature anyway.
Laivasse is right. We can't ignore Cho's message just because we're afraid to lend credence to his death - just because he chose to go on a rampage ending in suicide to make a point doesn't mean it's not still a viable issue, even if his reaction was completely not the way to go about dealing with it.

People are bullied. Cho was lonely, sad, and had no friends. I don't feel sorry for him - I can't, frankly, given what he did - but I feel sorry for and sympathize with those in his situation that aren't coping with it by murdering people.
i'm not saying the bullying was justified, what i am saying is that i think he did this to himself.

I think that this was a combination of an inability to grasp basic social skills combined with a persecution complex.

Of course there are people that are gonna pick on someone who is obviously creepy and weird. But i think that was only the tip of a very nasty iceberg. What i think happened was that he blamed his self imposed isolation on the failings of others to accept him. From the interviews with those who knew him it seems that he never tried to reach out of his own isolation.
Obviously different men. Both Oriental, but I like big butts, and I simply cannot lie. When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face. I GET SPRUNG
Kath, just shut the **** up. Seriously. You're a one-trick pony and the trick is getting old.
Dammit, Badger, I clicked on it to edit and you had already gotten there!
Did someone hack kathaksung's account and start posting in English?
480. The real killer behind Virginia Tech. massacre (2) (4/23/07)


THE j000000000000000000S ARE EATING MY ****ING FACE

