VAC for Source Coming Soon


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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Valve Software's DougV recently posted a cryptic message in the Steam forums regarding VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) for the Source engine:[br]</br>
"VAC will be here in the not too distant future and will catch a lot of people by surprise."
In other words, good news for fair players; the Source VAC system is believed to be very effective against cheaters.[br]</br>One could speculate whether the term "A not too distant future", when used by Valve, actually represents a not too distant future, but as the unpleasant events around Half-Life 2's delay (and the causes thereof) are over, this is most probably accurate.[br]</br>Furthermore, regarding DougV's statement of catching people by surprise, we would advise against using any kind of cheat, or you might end up among the ones to have their accounts abruptly suspended!
"VAC will be here in the not too distant future and will catch a lot of people by surprise."

I love suprises!:D
I don't think it will be quite as fun as HL2 DM though ;)
Dinkleberry said:
Hey, I've just had a steam update. Is that VAC enabled?

Nope, that was just this mornings recent update, which was a few minor changes:


- Pressing the cancel button while Steam is loading will bring up the offline dialog

- Fixed use of quoted parameters in "-applaunch" command lines

Source Engine

- Fixed 100% CPU use on startup

- Fixed exception info spam in debugger output window for SDK users

Half-Life Dedicated Server

- Enabled support for new query protocol (fixes HLTV server not appearing in the server browser)
I love VAC, and want people to be BANNED!! Heh, I wonder if it'll catch the speed hackers like punk buster does..
maybe not too smart to tell everyone about it though.....
gj hl2net
VaPorZ said:
maybe not too smart to tell everyone about it though.....
gj hl2net

Why, is it so important to get all those "possible cheaters" banned? You won't encounter cheaters in steam games either way once the VAC is out, in my opinion there's no use putting out a witchhunt on them for no reason. If they cheat, they are banned; problem solved.

The whole purpose of aversion against cheaters is to have a fair game, isn't it? And that's what we get with the new VAC, if it's effective enough. And besides, if it isn't that 100% cheaterproof, a public warning could make cheaters stop even when they wouldn't have been banned if they did cheat.
CrazyHarij said:
Why, is it so important to get all those "possible cheaters" banned? You won't encounter cheaters in steam games either way once the VAC is out, in my opinion there's no use putting out a witchhunt on them for no reason. If they cheat, they are banned; problem solved.

The whole purpose of aversion against cheaters is to have a fair game, isn't it? And that's what we get with the new VAC, if it's effective enough. And besides, if it isn't that 100% cheaterproof, a public warning could make cheaters stop even when they wouldn't have been banned if they did cheat.

good point, well made :thumbs:
YES!!! VAC! Hopefully it will be very effective. I don't doubt that Valve has done thorough homework on all the cheats out there AND their code so we will be able to live without "OMGWTFH4XBARBIEQUEEF!" AND the actual cheaters.
Oooo your first news post :P congrats!

Pretty cool, finally VAC again :)

Then we can point, laugh and shout "VACced!" at cheaters.
rocklegendfm99 said:
what if it's a cheating server?

made for cheating.

Then I would imagine there is an option to turn off VAC altogether, which should result in no bans.
Why source, the main problem is on the old engine?
heh, i'd love to see the look on the cheater's faces when they load up Steam one day and discover they can't play CS:S or HL2: DM anymore. :laugh:
CrazyHarij said:
Why, is it so important to get all those "possible cheaters" banned? You won't encounter cheaters in steam games either way once the VAC is out, in my opinion there's no use putting out a witchhunt on them for no reason. If they cheat, they are banned; problem solved.

The whole purpose of aversion against cheaters is to have a fair game, isn't it? And that's what we get with the new VAC, if it's effective enough. And besides, if it isn't that 100% cheaterproof, a public warning could make cheaters stop even when they wouldn't have been banned if they did cheat.

Get them banned immediately by catching them off guard. If not they will just go download cheats that Vac doesn't detect.

And I hope they ban from all servers. They could allow people who run a server the option of letting banned people play. Which nobody would.
CriYam said:
They could allow people who run a server the option of letting banned people play. Which nobody would.

They do its called turning VAC on/off.
Cool, may get back into CS:S once this is out.
That fusion pack looks cool aswell :P
CrazyHarij said:
Furthermore, regarding DougV's statement of catching people by surprise, we would advise against using any kind of cheat, or you might end up among the ones to have their accounts abruptly suspended!
This scares me though I think it's unneccessary. According to my console when I start CS:S, I have tried to activate single player cheats. The console says that such cheats do not work online unless the server allows them. If that will get me banned then I don't know what I'd do :D I've invested way too much money in this Steam Account to get banne dfor something as trivial as that. I don't even know what 2 cheats I may have activated (my memory sucks) lol.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
that's just the sv_cheats command. i don't think you'd have to worry about that
Yeah I guess that's what it is (have no idea why I would even try to activate that in a MP game...) but Valve can be a tad crazy you know ;)
I think VAC is neciasary, to many times have I been in servers were theres no admin and a hacker comes and clears the server out. Though I do not at all trust valve and there program steam because I have had several problems with it already, and had no helpfull customer support.

I hope that the ban is less harsh than for 1.6 because a friend of mine was banned for a year for hacking once, and i dont want that sort of thing to happen to me.
Are you sure those cheats for single player mode won't be a problem for VAC2? I never had patience for single mode games, so I just wanted to see the sites and kill the guards (never went over the lab, anyway...). Those that I used were only the codes for console. I have no cheats for Source. Can I rest or worry?