Valve and sneaky patches?


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Havent played CSS in a week, just fired it up and theyve fixed the wall drag and player problem.

Go try walking into a player now, theres like a little push away (like on tables for example) and when you drag up a wall you also dont like, chug, along it

Sneaky Valve.
actually you still chug along the wall, they havnt fixed anything yet.
Well they have for me atleast.

When did they make you push off other players too? I noticed it was in HL2 and now suddely its in CSS, crazy.
when valve fix things as major as these they is always a post on the steam forums saying so. theres no confirmation of an update yet so they bugs are not yet fixed.
azz0r said:
Well they have for me atleast.

When did they make you push off other players too? I noticed it was in HL2 and now suddely its in CSS, crazy.

The only push comes when the player is moving. Someone told me that it represents their feet kicking you away or something. I dunno. I dont get that pushback/lag type effect when they're standing still.
they never fixed anything, intelligent one