Valve and steam engine naming

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Have you never noticed the connection between the words 'Steam' and 'Valve'?

I would have thought that Valve have thought about that name. Half-Life, Opposing Force and Blue Shift have names that all relate to physics and science.
You know, valve's are often used to shut off steam!!111!11!1!!!

OMFG ub3r c0nsp1ricY, CALL T3H PR3SID3NT!!11!!1!11!!!eleven
HAHAHA mortiz

Well they got their name when somebody showed them the picture of the guy with the valve in his head and they thought "cool" and yea that's their story.
Hehe, in any case. Valve is rather amazing.
I enjoyed seeing the pic of the big valve in thier office's.
I applaud there need to feel related and acurate, it shows that they dont just say something sounds cool, and then put it on a box.
Valve are quite a methodical company. They put a lot of thought into everything. You can see this from the humour seen in HL. They can make a great game and still have the awareness to almost parody themselves or the themes they adopt.
Nice find, I don't think this post should be in HL2 discussion though :LOL:
kupix said:
Hey, ..Equilibrium valve (Steam Engine), a balanced valve. See under Valve.

something todo with Valves naming or just a coincidence??

a balanced valve.. that ties in with the Lambda.

"the letter later took on the abstract meaning of "balance""
from History/lambda.htm

Lambda's about freedom too apparently. And when you turn a valve you let off some steam. That's kind of having some freedom.

But if there truly is some deep metaphorical strategy to valve's naming scheme then where does the Source engine come into all this?
they came up with their name because some guy they knew had a load of pictures of people with valves on them for his 'arty photos i've taken' collection and they thought it would be i heard.

5. Physics. The point or part of a system where energy or mass is added to the system.


(dictionary dot com)

This doesn't mean anything though.
Duh, they came up with half-life


I didn't relize the science connotations in Opposing Force or Blue Shift utill you mentioned it Chris_D. :rolling:
what's the betting that the first half-life 2 add-on will be called "constant velocity"?
Damn people post some crap on here. The lack of HL2 is making people insane.
fishymumma said:
Damn people post some crap on here. The lack of HL2 is making people insane.

*Jedi Mind Trick hand wavey thing*

You want to go home and rethink your life.

It doesn't work that way.

You can't just make people forget things. It just doesn't make sense.
Yes you can ... didn't you see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? It's all true i tell you!
*Jedi Mind Trick hand wavey thing*

Sorry, it doesn't work.

Sorry, what were we talking about? I'm lost and confused ... who am I? :rolling:
umm... Pie? Huh? Stop looking at me! AHHH I WANT MY MOMMY!
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