Valve close to finding hackers


May 14, 2003
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According to Rbl_diver, who visited Valve Software recently, he believed that Valve was really close to getting the hackers. They may even have their names. Here's a brief portion of Rbl_Diver's interview which happened on Half-Life Radio:

They have names on the whiteboard -- the history, date, times -- and other things that looked like file names. That was pretty much a quick issue. You know, it's done! They're on it! They look like they know who did it.
You can find a chat transcript of the interview in this forum thread.
Hooray for that. They are so screwed. They'll probably get charged with corporate espionage.
rawk on valve. if they did find the hacker or are close to it, it just goes to show you what can happen when this many people join together for a cause like this.

anyhow, I hope they are found, and definitely hope valve won't/can't be sued by havoc.
It's only show that the hackerz are real noobs :dozey:
And that Valve are lucky ...

But don't misunderstand : I'm happy for Valve and the communauty !!!!!
Not all hackers are "noobs", but malicious ones like these certainly are.
Exceeelleent! I hope they do find those thieves .
Shit, can't you even link to Half-Life Radio or anything? That's really low of you guys. :x
link to a website composed of copy and past from planethalflife? nah!
They broadcasted radio, vent to Valve and everything, and can't even mention it in detail and give a link? :) Awfully retarded.
Originally posted by Namron
Shit, can't you even link to Half-Life Radio or anything? That's really low of you guys. :x

They do the same...

I think you should ask D33 about that, he can give you a short brif.
Yeh, it would be great to get these guys. Some people just love to crash great things, those are the ones that shatter the game, but Valve is too strong and bold to be defeated. Im sure they will get these guys. lol especially with fbi involved.

Originally posted by ecko!
Yeh, it would be great to get these guys. Some people just love to crash great things, those are the ones that shatter the game, but Valve is too strong and bold to be defeated. Im sure they will get these guys. lol especially with fbi involved.

Yes, the FBI do have a fantastic record of being brutal in regards to catching and punishing hackers. Going on the FBI's past record these guys will be in jail for the rest of their lives and won't ever see light of day again. Undoubtledly Valve will use the US legal system of "buying justice" to put these guys away.

The problem with punsihing people like this is determining the real value of the damage they have done. How can one objectively place a dollar value on this theft?

My feelings are that if this could have been prevented by Valve, then they should be under the microscope far more than the perpetrators of this crime. They have not secured extremely valuable software belonging both to them and to other parties. I mean seriously folks, this is more negligent than the outbreak of the SQL slammer worm.:flame:

I am also fairly dissapointed in Valve turning this theft into a public witch hunt. This whole affair has been cheapened by the puclicising of the event. I have no doubt that this was intended to fire up parochial Half Life/Valve supporters and change public opinion regarding the theft. Our attention has been diverted from the real issue, "why was this software not secured?". As always, any publicity is good publicity.
they were always gonna be kinda screwed lol, how many half-life fans are there in the world who are looking for them, dont stand a chance neways
Originally posted by Nosferatu
Not all hackers are "noobs", but malicious ones like these certainly are.

GO **** YOURSELF. The hackers were in no way malicious. Maliciousness would have been if they destroyed the code. The hackers just gave people a small glimpse of HL2 ON TIME!!! This was only done because of that bullshit delay!

It's like Robin Hood, who stole from the rich to give to the poor.
The "hacker(s)" took the code from the stingy and gave it to the anxious
I heard that some of the hackers come from Russi, wich leads me to think that the guys that are developping STALKER might be behind this !;(
Originally posted by jhienkleson
[It's like Robin Hood, who stole from the rich to give to the poor.
The "hacker(s)" took the code from the stingy and gave it to the anxious [/B]

You just can't get any lamer than this...

Valve takes their riches from HL and puts into HL2 so they can make the best game ever, and you call them stingy?

Valve has been generous with the mod community, and very open and supportive. Just cause your "anxious" dosen't make them the bad guys, and rippers some heros.

Quit thinking with your ass.
Originally posted by Yohoho
I heard that some of the hackers come from Russi, wich leads me to think that the guys that are developping STALKER might be behind this !;(
oh please be kidding :P
yes, this certainly strikes me as an east vs. west conflict:cool:

the russians have simply got tired of your egotistical seppo attitude and decided to steal your good old american pie (er, i mean software):afro:
where does anyone say the "hacker" was russian??

(todd hollenshead quote) "The risk is they find out who did it and [the hacker is] a resident of Russia. Then there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

he was saying that if VALVe spend all their time trying to find this guy or girl ( you never know ;) ) instead of trying to do something like alter the uber imprtant parts of code that were leaked they could be going after someone who is quite unreachable, but this is only my opinion
Originally posted by jhienkleson
GO **** YOURSELF. The hackers were in no way malicious. Maliciousness would have been if they destroyed the code. The hackers just gave people a small glimpse of HL2 ON TIME!!! This was only done because of that bullshit delay!

It's like Robin Hood, who stole from the rich to give to the poor.
The "hacker(s)" took the code from the stingy and gave it to the anxious

Crackers steal knowledge, Hackers share knowledge. Wheres my copy of Half Life 2? Oh wait those crackers stole it.
Originally posted by jasonnov118
Crackers steal knowledge, Hackers share knowledge. Wheres my copy of Half Life 2? Oh wait those crackers stole it.

hehe I like this.

It would be hard to say if they are really close to finding the real "hackers" or whatever you want to call them. The job from what the fishy post Gabe put up seems to be quite professional, I don't see why they wouldn’t be just as careful to protect themselves if not more so.

In the end if any of them are caught valve will act like it was all thanks to the public since they announced that no one better but the community should figure out who did it. Like anyone could really do anything. From what I saw there was tons of links to the source even if they contact one of the people that had it they would most likely could only tell valve that they got the source from another site. And so on and so on in a endless circle I highly doubt they could ever find the original poster of the information let alone get a hold of him/her. If I were smart enough to hack into a company’s computer I would be smart enough to make sure there was no way in hell I was going to be caught. Heck I’m not smart enough to hack and I still know you should only do a job if there isn’t a way of it being tracked back to you. I mean couldn’t they have used innocent person’s computer as a proxy? They would have to figure out which of the 100 ip’s that went through that computer leads back to the original machine if that itself isn’t a proxy already. Or would they simply look at isp logs and see so much data was transferred from Y-ip to X-ip?

Any who forgive my newbiness.