Valve got pay back if you ask me...



I really do feel for the guys somewhat...

but hell the way they mislead people I actually would expect
something like this to happen...

When are companies going to learn to quit pissing all over
their fan base.

I just hope other companies take note as to what happened.

I think Valve got what they deserved since they lied to us.

Just my 2 cents.
yes, they got pay back for 5 years of support for us, and for making such a great game.
other companies should take notes that no matter what you do to your fans you can't please them!! so screw fans!
Payback for ****ing what? Pissing all over the fanbase? The delay was caused BY THE SOURCE LEAK ITSELF, you ignoramus!

payback for creating a good game. and taking a little longer to get it out than promised?

payback is the most stupid thing i've ever heard.
How do you know it wasn't going to go gold the week the code was stolen?

Games are delayed all the time, and they are running a business, no one deserves what happened to them, idiot.
There was an email in which gabe has stated that the leak was not the cause of the delay.
I still say they got what was coming to them...

I work for a software company and I must tell you if we lied about our release dates etc... and were silent with our customer base we would be out of business..

Game companies just keep getting away with lies etc...
And there has been an email confirming that it was. Half of the mails in that thread are entirely made up, you can't take any of it as fact.
Lies, you say? For what? Delaying a game a few months (for bugfixes or to rewrite the code, either way)? Let me guess, you are in the publishing department? I admit programmers usually overestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task, but that doesn't make what Valve did a lie. Could you get away with releasing an anticipated piece of software that was riddled with bugs? I think not.

EDIT: Gay, no. And that's real mature. I think the only people still using that insult are 12-year-old Halo geeks. Honestly, grow up. Just because some people have different sexual preferences doesn't mean that their name should be used as an insult. It's like a racial slur, you just shouldn't do it.

And after that little gem of yours, I highly doubt you're in the software industry, much less out of junior high.
Gabe tolds us over and over and over that it would for sure be out the 30th... everyone went out and bought more mem, video cards etc... then he tells us just days before the 30th that it's delayed.

That pisses people off.
Based on your last feedback... you sound like a gay man justifying your sexual preference.
It will come out in November or December most likely, it's not that long of a wait. In the meantime, use your beefed up rig to enjoy Max Payne 2, Call of Duty, and UT2004!

EDIT: I'm not gay, I think the 2.5 gigs of lesbian pr0n I have should explain that. I just don't see why people are such dicks to minorities. Whether it's blacks, gays, handicapped, whatever - they always have to be the brunt of someone's joke.

IMO, the only people who call others gay are those who are insecure about their sexuality themselves.
first of all, valve can't be responsible for what you do with the information they give out.
secondly, i highyly doubt the game specs will change even if it's released as late as april 2k4.

they aren't adding new features or anything.
so it boils down to this, if the game came out the 30th of sep, you wouldn't have regretted your purchases of mem and such, and if the the specs don't change, what's the difference?

you would still have the same specs in april 2004..
it's more about how they handled the situation rather than the delay itself. it felt like they pulled the rug under you
Or better...Deus Ex 2 and Doom 3 in the late winter to early spring might justify a faster processor for me, my 1.6G just isn't cutting it lately. But me 512 PC-2100 and TI4600 are still alright. I'm thinking about swapping my ASUS for an nforce2 and getting an AMD Athlon XP 2800+
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
Lies, you say? For what? Delaying a game a few months (for bugfixes or to rewrite the code, either way)? Let me guess, you are in the publishing department? I admit programmers usually overestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task, but that doesn't make what Valve did a lie. Could you get away with releasing an anticipated piece of software that was riddled with bugs? I think not.

uhh not that i agree with the original post or anything but...

wtf is that supposed to mean? if you will recall, the BETA that was stolen is still quite the pos according to everyone that has it inthe way of AI being worthless etc. and this was stolen on the 19th of sept was it, i forget? and you think that this INCOMPLETE GAME was really going to be released on sept 30th? 'ok'. they didnt deserve this, no. but they did lie once again. theres no way they were gonna fix all that shit thats wrong with it in less then(generously) 3 weeks. werent you the one who said something about needing a few months to fix stuff? valve lied. period.
Ah, there's no use trying to argue with a bunch of pre-adolescents. Who is to say that the stolen parts were final build? And even then, it's only about 1/3 of the full code. Critical parts, bugfixes, could be nestled safely on Gabe's hard drive, untouched by the hackers.
lol 'pre-adolescents'. hey i am so curious now INH, just because someone hasnt hit puberty yet, why are they the brunt of everyones jokes huh? just bc theyre a minority. u just shouldnt do it.

btw im 25 and being 25, id like an intellectual mature response to my post bc i made a good point. or is that why you decided theres 'no use' the instant someone corrects you?
I think Valve was wrong for fooling us for so long, but I don't think it's justified for leaking part of the game. I am sure Valve would have more community support if they gave the community something to pass the time with like a benchmark program.
Aside from the misinformation, the introduction of Steam can't have gone over well with the God of Karma. His judgement on Valve has been harsh.
Sorry about that one Gavin, I was referring to ravenkil and the post sort of got off-track. It's 12:30 AM, cut me some slack :). I agree you made a good point, but no one really has any hard facts about anything.
lol i was jk about the pre adolesence part. guess i need to work on my sarcasm abilities. =\ where would u recommend for that? gotfrag? hrm lol

and sorry no slack for u sir bc where i live its only 11:40. harhar ;)
Methinks forums need some sort of inflection and tone of voice code [goingdownsarcasm, IE]. I've arsed myself with this sort of stuff on forums today alone, and being up late doesn't help my interpretation much. I think it's time to call it a night.
Originally posted by ultraq
yes, they got pay back for 5 years of support for us, and for making such a great game.
other companies should take notes that no matter what you do to your fans you can't please them!! so screw fans!
too ****in right!
ravenkil, please stop showing me that game over and over again...
I guess it looks okay but... I think most people know about it.
ya sure morph, we sure are lucky. most gaming companies dont tell anyone in advance about their new game theyve been making for five years. we just wake up one morning and plop, there it is on the shelves. same thing with music companies and the movie industry. i sure wish we could have some type of 'preview' system for movies expecially, that way we would know if its a comedy or not.
Originally posted by ravenkil
I really do feel for the guys somewhat...

but hell the way they mislead people I actually would expect
something like this to happen...

When are companies going to learn to quit pissing all over
their fan base.

I just hope other companies take note as to what happened.

I think Valve got what they deserved since they lied to us.

Just my 2 cents.

no one asked you.
but, since I'm not a bastard flamemonkey, I'll just say that valve "pissed on us" less than most companies. People don't look at the positive side of a company as soon as something negative pops up.

Valve didn't deserve it at all. They delayed a game. big whoop. just about every game gets delayed. get over it, god.
to some people getting pissed on means having to wait. to Valve pissing on people probably means releasing a game they don't feel is good enough... can't please everyone.
Are you people all stupid or something?

Like do any of you actually have a real life offline? Or do you all stay up till 4AM jerkin to pron and playing video games? My gawd reading some of these threads is like being at the back of the school buss...

Everytime I think someone is the stupidest person I have ever seen, I am always proven wrong.