Valve Hinting on realease

Am i right?

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Sep 4, 2004
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Havent u all noticed that Valve has been hinting that there probably soon to be releaseing HL2 :)

1.They started Advertising
2.Most HL2 files are on our computer
3.CS:S Beta ended or ending soon.
4.Gabe said to himself''they suffered enuff HAHAH'' :p
5.A new bink
6.They arent saying much ..mabey a surprise release date?

Plus if i was valve i would NEVER release the Game November when HALO 2 will release. (i noe there different platforms but i have a great PC and an xbox and personnaly i would go with HALO 2. I belive Valve wont release it November and release it Sept 30th or somthitng. BUT if they do opt for November i say they were on crack when they decided! there sales will fall bout 25% in my mind :O . If they realsese HL2 in sep ill buy it and HALO 2. My thoughts :p
Valve hints at a lot of things but most of the time it means nothing.

How much would Halo2 lose.
Halo 2 and HL2 have HUGE fan bases and i think they would be in WAR with each other . My perdiction is that HL2 will lose cuz they let there fans down A TON. Halo 2 will probably win

If anythings going to happen it's going to be this week.

But what will probably happen, more silence from Valve, another CS:S beta update and maybe another HL2 preload if we're lucky.
1. where have they started advertising? magazines?

2. The finished files are on our hard drives; files that have probably all been ready since the first preload a few weeks ago. The stuff remaining is the hardest stuff, with the code being needed to be changed to get rid of bugs.

3. I havent seen anything about the beta ending.

5. The binks are just being released on a timescale to stop us exploding :p

6. Valve never say anything! ;)

not doubting that anything could happen soon btw
Mr-Fusion said:
If anythings going to happen it's going to be this week.

But what will probably happen, more silence from Valve, another CS:S beta update and maybe another HL2 preload if we're lucky.

Yah THIS week but i hope soon they say ;;ITS TIME TO REALEASE HL2 MOTHA ****ERs :LOL:
HAha this game is not comming out till after thanksgiving probably right after Gabe finnishes his 12 course meal and 20 bottles of coke n a shit load of desert lol joken
Mrmanwithsuit said:
HAha this game is not comming out till after thanksgiving probably right after Gabe finnishes his 12 course meal and 20 bottles of coke n a shit load of desert lol joken

LMAO ......GAbe ...OMFG ok yah mancut back on the nachos and work lol JK :p
Sonduren said:
Halo 2 and HL2 have HUGE fan bases and i think they would be in WAR with each other . My perdiction is that HL2 will lose cuz they let there fans down A TON. Halo 2 will probably win

Yes but your also forgetting CS fans who will by the game.
brink's said:
Yes but your also forgetting CS fans who will by the game.

Yes i play CS alot but seriosly y give your money to company who said they would release it last year and kept u waiting....i would go for HALO 2 and now i belive that halo 2 somehow has a larger fan base than HL2 check out the number of reservers on the game and gamespot forums HALO 2 is on top of EVERYTHING :O
why would a console game be more popular? Why would a one year delay kill sales? The original HL was delayed a year and I still bought it 4-5 years later and loved it to death as milllions of others did. Halo 2 beats HL2 on pre-orders? Why wouldn't they? M$ doesn't have STEAM or fans unwilling to wait a week or more for a pre-order to come in the mail. There will be people in LINE at the STOREs for HL2. THEY WILL SELL OUT unless they have a ton of boxes ready. Personally, I've got my Ati coupon already in STEAM and I'm waiting for the word "Go" and I'm gone.
There have been no emails from valve for a while now...
I don't know I kind of think they are hints for release and I kind of don't. But i'm not getting my hopes up, i'll get HL2 when it's out.
Johan_Tayn said:
why would a console game be more popular? Why would a one year delay kill sales? The original HL was delayed a year and I still bought it 4-5 years later and loved it to death as milllions of others did. Halo 2 beats HL2 on pre-orders? Why wouldn't they? M$ doesn't have STEAM or fans unwilling to wait a week or more for a pre-order to come in the mail. There will be people in LINE at the STOREs for HL2. THEY WILL SELL OUT unless they have a ton of boxes ready. Personally, I've got my Ati coupon already in STEAM and I'm waiting for the word "Go" and I'm gone.

LMFAO u really think HL2 will beat Halo 2 in sales if they relaese November! r u okay? :LOL: HL2 has lost bout 10% of people intrest now cuz of HUGE delays and Halo 2 has a Huge fanbase XCLUDING XBOX LIVE ! HALO WAS THE BEST AND HALO 2 with XBOX LIVE WILL OWN HL2 IF THYE REALESE IN NOVEMBER .

Sonduren said:
LMFAO u really think HL2 will beat Halo 2 in sales if they relaese November! r u okay? :LOL: HL2 has lost bout 10% of people intrest now cuz of HUGE delays and Halo 2 has a Huge fanbase XCLUDING XBOX LIVE ! HALO WAS THE BEST AND HALO 2 with XBOX LIVE WILL OWN HL2 IF THYE REALESE IN NOVEMBER .


No, it's not the bottom line. And if Halo 2 would beat HL2 if it was released in Novemeber, it sure wouldn't be by much.
bleh halo was boring imo. get sick of seeing the same scenery for ages, and the same monsters

but anyway before it turns into a flame...valve aren't hinting at anything, just wait till it comes out.
Sonduren said:
Plus if i was valve i would NEVER release the Game November when HALO 2 will release. (i noe there different platforms but i have a great PC and an xbox and personnaly i would go with HALO 2.

Anyways, i dont see how ANYONE could think that halo2 is better than hl2. There is nothing about that game that isnt beaten by hl2. from graphics, to physics, to storyline, to fan base. Think of the millions of people buying CS:S. that number alone beats out all the people buying halo2.

plus, halo is only good for lan parties. its not as much fun over xbox live
COugh Hl2 Wll die against Halo2 COUGH aghm.............................

Deemo said:

Anyways, i dont see how ANYONE could think that halo2 is better than hl2. There is nothing about that game that isnt beaten by hl2. from graphics, to physics, to storyline, to fan base. Think of the millions of people buying CS:S. that number alone beats out all the people buying halo2.

plus, halo is only good for lan parties. its not as much fun over xbox live

R U on crack Halo 2 will own all on Xbox live. U should get your poor ass an Xbox and get Live and see :LOL:
Halo 2 is not next generation ^_^. It dosn't even have ragdolls for christ sake.
And your forgetting...
Cs Population, TFC Popualtion, DoD Population and every other god damn hl mod population.

Oh and, Halo 2 with xbox live can stay on the crappy xbox, HL2 can own on the insane pc then come over to the xbox and kick halo 2 in the nuts ^_^.

Half-Life 2 is next generation and it will stand out. And then your forgetting about the "Next Generation" fanbase. Then your forgetting about all the people who want to compare farcry to hl2 and doom 3 to hl2.
Minerel said:
Halo 2 is not next generation ^_^. It dosn't even have ragdolls for christ sake.
And your forgetting...
Cs Population, TFC Popualtion, DoD Population and every other god damn hl mod population.

Oh and, Halo 2 with xbox live can stay on the crappy xbox, HL2 can own on the insane pc then come over to the xbox and kick halo 2 in the nuts ^_^.

Half-Life 2 is next generation and it will stand out. And then your forgetting about the "Next Generation" fanbase. Then your forgetting about all the people who want to compare farcry to hl2 and doom 3 to hl2.


JUST ADMIT THAT IF HL2 will realese in NOv They will lose by a slight margin if anything ......and u noe it
Sonduren said:
Yes i play CS alot but seriosly y give your money to company who said they would release it last year and kept u waiting....i would go for HALO 2 and now i belive that halo 2 somehow has a larger fan base than HL2 check out the number of reservers on the game and gamespot forums HALO 2 is on top of EVERYTHING :O

Halo 2 was actuall delayed it was supposed to be out 1 or 2 summers ago i beleive, stick that in your :O and smoke it
Halo 2 was actuall delayed it was supposed to be out 1 or 2 summers ago i beleive, stick that in your :O and smoke it

1 or 2 summers !!!!???? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Hahhaaha where have u been under a rock in the northpole They tatooed NOv 9 after 1 delay

But i dont agree with everything.
I haven't been up to date on HL2 until recentely, but I'm sure that they aren't doing all of these riddles, ect. just to tell us it's not going to be out for another couple years.
About Halo 2: Wasn't it the lead designer on Halo who said in a video interview something along the lines of "Halo is just 30 seconds of fun, repeated over and over...Throwing grenades into a group of guys and then meleeing the survivors."

Something like that.

Like someone else kinda said, "Show a caveman fire..."

I suck with quotes. :p
Maui said:
About Halo 2: Wasn't it the lead designer on Halo who said in a video interview something along the lines of "Halo is just 30 seconds of fun, repeated over and over...Throwing grenades into a group of guys and then meleeing the survivors."

Something like that.

Like someone else kinda said, "Show a caveman fire..."

I suck with quotes. :p

Yup, in some interview he said that, and hes right. Halo was very repetative, and I hated it. Run around, kill a few grunts, oh no! an elite! kill it! let me drive this warthog around some, doo do doo, some grunts...goes on and on How gay.

Haha, nah, halo is one of my favorite games :D I loved every bit of those repetative situations, cause they were 30 seconds of fun over and over again, but it never felt the same.

Halo 2 and Half life 2 will be in a race if they release it in novemeber, but Halo 2 will probably win. Too many 11 year old kids own an xbox and will buy halo 2 cause they wanna be 1337.
Who the hell cares if a company delays a game, if a game is good a game is good and if you don't buy it because of it being delayed which happens to almost all games then you sir are an idiot.
Jackathan said:
Halo was very repetative, and I hated it.

Jackathan said:
Haha, nah, halo is one of my favorite games :D I loved every bit of those repetative situations

If only there was a proper smiley for this...

Back on subject though, I find it quite likely Valve will release soon. Most signs point toward it.

Of course, September last year every sign in the book pointed to it, but well... ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

"And there was a great weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" etc etc
joshsmog said:
Who the hell cares if a company delays a game, if a game is good a game is good and if you don't buy it because of it being delayed which happens to almost all games then you sir are an idiot.
he is right. I say ditto. But let's just do some numbers. How many console gamers out there? How many PC gamers? If each game is the favorite of their respective platform, which has numbers on its side?
The thing is, anyone who has a PC and is at least remotely interested in FPS is gonner buy HL2 maybe not straight away and the kids with there XBoxes will probably get Halo2 first as its more of a friendly platform plus Console games are still higher on christmas lists etc because of the user friendliness of consoles. Although anyone with a PC and an interest in FPS will have HL2, eventually.

I like consoles though, for certain games though. What i dont like with consoles are FPS. Using a joypad on a FPS, well lets just say there is no joy in it.

Just to point out, HL was delayed a year and look how well that game did. oh wait, this is HL2 :)

There will be a day when the PC demolishes consoles, except maybe japan, or at least consoles will basicly become PCs but they will label them consoles still. Isnt the Xbox2, or what ever there naming it, rumoured to basicly be a PC with like windows on it and everything. Plays PC games. infact the only thing differing it, is it plays Xbox games and Xbox2 games which will be PC games but named Xbox2 games even though there the same thing. If you understand that :). Well i think i read somin along those lines awhile ago, although rumours i think. Anyway, you might as well just go out and buy an alienware, basicly a PC pre-built for gaming.
ViolenceJack said:
The thing is, anyone who has a PC and is at least remotely interested in FPS is gonner buy HL2 maybe not straight away and the kids with there XBoxes will probably get Halo2 first as its more of a friendly platform plus Console games are still higher on christmas lists etc because of the user friendliness of consoles. Although anyone with a PC and an interest in FPS will have HL2, eventually.

I like consoles though, for certain games though. What i dont like with consoles are FPS. Using a joypad on a FPS, well lets just say there is no joy in it.

Just to point out, HL was delayed a year and look how well that game did. oh wait, this is HL2 :)

There will be a day when the PC demolishes consoles, except maybe japan, or at least consoles will basicly become PCs but they will label them consoles still. Isnt the Xbox2, or what ever there naming it, rumoured to basicly be a PC with like windows on it and everything. Plays PC games. infact the only thing differing it, is it plays Xbox games and Xbox2 games which will be PC games but named Xbox2 games even though there the same thing. If you understand that :). Well i think i read somin along those lines awhile ago, although rumours i think. Anyway, you might as well just go out and buy an alienware, basicly a PC pre-built for gaming.

dont kno if thats rumour or not but i dont think it will play computer games since M$ wouldnt get any profit from the PC games.
Sonduran, there are more console gamers than pc gamers. . .
But you have to remember that the pc game market isn't spread over 3 types, unlike console games which have players divided over gc, ps2, and xbox. It might be hard to proove that there would be more people playing Halo online (or even alone) than the number of people that would buy HL2 for CS, being the most popular online game in the world.

And another thing, the random percentages that you have thrown out (they will loose%%% if they releave Nov) are unjustified and just plain silly looking.
Sonduren said:
LMFAO u really think HL2 will beat Halo 2 in sales if they relaese November! r u okay? :LOL: HL2 has lost bout 10% of people intrest now cuz of HUGE delays and Halo 2 has a Huge fanbase XCLUDING XBOX LIVE ! HALO WAS THE BEST AND HALO 2 with XBOX LIVE WILL OWN HL2 IF THYE REALESE IN NOVEMBER .


Analysis shows that the "bottom line" is made up of 70% CAPSLOCK and 30% invented statistics.
I love how most of the Halo 2 supporters in this thread type like 4th graders. Personally, I'm going to buy Halo 2 - But if it's a choice between the two, im going with HL2.

Halo was a good game, but it WAS repetetive.

[laughs] Do you have any idea how long Halo was delayed? And you think HL2 is bad.

Delays don't affect sales at all as far as I can tell.
Ahnteis said:
[laughs] Do you have any idea how long Halo was delayed? And you think HL2 is bad.

Delays don't affect sales at all as far as I can tell.

If anything, they build up more hype. During the time between Sept. 30 and now HL2 has built up a HUGE fanbase. I doubt it would have sold nearly as well as it will now if it had come out then.
It's true. I didn't find out about Hl2 until someone told me it was delayed.
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