Valve Not adding NODRAW to areas you cant see...?


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
hi all.

ok i have a question.

When i make ANYTHING in my map, i start off by using the NODRAW texture. then i texture the sides that the player can see. the area the player wont see will stay NODRAW to save FPS.....

so i thought....

because looking at the SIX new sp maps valve added to Hammer map editor... they didn't use NODRAW on the areas u cant see? same in Counter Strike:S ? does anyone know why they didn't do this?
lol. i see LOADS of unseen areas *about 70% no no 80-90% with textures in places u cant see!

even the tutorial maps u get in hammer!

my question there a reason behind this? does this improve lighten or cubemapping or anything?

if i add NO DRAW to all the areas u cant see i think it will improve the FPS?
BSP process cuts a lot of that out. It's only really worth using nodraw on things like pipes or other func_details iirc

(feel free to prove me wrong though :) )
I think you're talking about the parts that are either touching another brush or touching the 'void' (outside). Like CB said, BSP will automatically make parts of brushes like that non-rendering.