Valve Premier Pack question


Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
I wonder if you really can get the Valve Premier Pack ($9.95 per month) for only one month. In other words, "rent" HL2 for 1 month. Play it through for several times in one month and then quit the subscribtion.

If not, what's the minimum timeframe you have to be Valve Premier Pack user? 1/2 year? 1 year?

I did not find an answer to that via search.

Sorry for my bad english (not my native language)

If you check the \Steam\steam\steamui_english.txt you will not find more than these informations about the Valve Premier Pack:
"Steam_SubscribeIntro1" "You're about to subscribe to:"
"Steam_SubscribeIntro2" "This will cost $9.95 per month.
Since it is your first time subscribing to a game,
we need to ask you for some additional information."
"Steam_SubscribeIntroProductName" "Valve Premier Pack"
"Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Please enter your first and last names, exactly as they
appear on your credit card."
"Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your subscription to the
Valve Premier Pack is complete.
In your Games list, you can now double click the
game to play (or right-click on the game's title and
select 'Play' in the menu.)"

Who has better/more detailed informations he can share?
I'd assume you MUST agree to pay $9.95 a month for a set number of months before you can access the game. I could hardly see Valve allowing people to "rent" the game for a month, beating it, and then cancelling their subscription. I think they'd lose a lot of sales that way.
that sort of thing would be good for customers, bad for valve.
Valve are very welcoming and generous to their players but I doubt they'd do this.
Gabe has responded that you CAN in fact pay for one month only. I thought this was in the Valve info thread. I'll try looking for it.
yes, you can do this. I plan to do it, so that i can have HL2 on the very first day for sure, and then when the collector's edition comes out, i'll be cancelling my subscription and buying the CE.

EDIT: They are going to allow this because the monthly subscription folks will probably want to play multiplayer, and you can't "beat" that, per se.
I'm big on Spiffae's idea too. Forget about dealing with retailers and ship dates and preorders and reserved copies and UPS. As long as I can precache HL2 in the week before release like Gabe said, it's going to be a whole lot easier to rent it over Steam for the first month or so.
indeed... most people will be lured into the online parts of the game and want to play longer.

But sure, some will play the game and beat it within a month and quit renting it.. but that will be a very small percentage :x
That's not a bad idea: rent the game for the first month then buy the boxed version... hmmm why not bad at all : )
Re: Re: Valve Premier Pack question

Originally posted by sharp
Was that bad english?

You tell me, I'm outta school for a long time :)
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
That's not a bad idea: rent the game for the first month then buy the boxed version... hmmm why not bad at all : )

I'm just sick of retailers "not having the game in yet" on the release date when it's just sitting in a box waiting for someone to unpack it and they are all too busy selling pokemon for Gameboy Advance. I'll pre-order the collector's edition when they know that they are going to get it, and meanwhile i'll have an exact release date that i can spend playing the game.

just a couple missing articles ('a valve premier pack user'; 'via a search'/'via searching') and a dubious tense ('I've been outta school for a long time')

Is your native language Slavic? Article usage nuances are already vague, but Slavic learners of English (and vice versa) seem to have greater difficulty than some others.