Valve Refuse to Comment on Vivendi Delay Announcement


Sep 13, 2003
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Fellow Half-Life fan site, send word that they've recieved a response from Doug Lombardi after they had sent off an e-mail enquiring about the supposed Viviendi announcement stating that Half-Life 2 has been delayed until April 2004.

We are still assessing the effects of the attack. At this time, we have no further details we can share regarding the theft nor it's impact on the release of Half-Life 2.
Home of Half-Life Radio, have also recieved a response, not from Valve, but from Vivendi Universal's Mike Thompson who responded with "delay is not confirmed...". This once again highlights the potential communication issues that have plagued Viviendi in times passed. I'd suggest we all wait until Valve have made a public, concrete statement on the topic.
OMG!!! Why does this sound like a ton of B.S. Ploitics?!?! Im starting not to trust anyone from Vivendi anymore. Will someone please speak the truth. Or will someone please give a stright answer!! It's not that hard to say "YES HALFLIFE 2 IS GONNA BE DELAYED TILL NEXT YEAR" or "NO, HALFLIFE 2 IS STILL SET FOR ITS LATE NOVEMBER, EARLY DECEMBER RELEASE" Give me a break!!!
Vivendi takes his own word back? Very good news! Makes me get back some of my best hopes...

They didn't take their word back, they just said it wasn't confirmed by Valve yet.
Grabs a coin. Heads, game is delayed. Tails, game is out by the holidays. Flips coin, and it lands on its edge. :(

There is really no telling when it will be out now.

Well that sucks, why didn't valve use someone other than Vivendi, they seem to be a bunch of n00bs.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and about deja vu. :rolling:
Vivendi said it would be delayed till April 2004. But on, they stated that Valve still insists that the game will come out in stores on the holiday season. Ermm... Which one should be a more reliable source?
Talking about "should". Vivendi definately should be more reliable. But what is and what is not is about the most undefined thing in the last 2 weeks...

Its Valves game, let them tell us what is happening!

I should imagine Valves to do list will include changing the net code, steam and areas of that nature that are to do with multiplayer... Afterall what would be the point in changing the singleplayer code since it interacts with only the user rather than the community. None of the Gfx, sounds, physics engine etc... should be changed as they are standard no point in hacking code!
I'm going with vivendi this time. Valve promised us september 30th and despite still saying this vivendi did say it had been delayed quite a while before. Now the same thing is happening and I'm trusting Vivendi.
****.... if it gets delayed any longer it's suicide for me. I can't take this any longer.
I'd suggest we all wait until Valve have made a public, concrete statement on the topic.

HAHAH! Thats funny, since the total lack of an Official Valve Website (that has news), makes for the ability for anyone spoof some e-mails and throw the community into a frenzy.
Originally posted by Towers
I'm going with vivendi this time. Valve promised us september 30th and despite still saying this vivendi did say it had been delayed quite a while before. Now the same thing is happening and I'm trusting Vivendi.

I am going on Hugo bored us all to death, and other things. I think if its released in 2004 it will be either jan or feb, they have to have it out by @ least april, or there introuble with vivendi.
This is like that episode in Melrose Place, when everybody thinks Jack is dead. But then Vicky has a vision, where she dreams about the day Jack died. Then suddenly Jack is alive, and he says something about her father. But then he dies. And everybody is wondering wether or not he's realy dead now.
Oh, and the police arrest the murderer again that they arrested the first time, but released after they found out Jack wasn't dead, but then he was dead again so they had to be right the first time. But nothing turns out to be at all(?!).

Confused? Me2!
Well, I'd say that pretty much confirms that we won't see Half-Life 2 until early next year. Last time Valve refused to comment about a delay, it seemed to be their way of saying, "Yup, the game's delayed."

This really, really sucks. What's even worse is that it seems the hackers and warez kiddies will get the game long before we do. I suspect the current alpha build floating around is just the tip of the iceberg.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
This really, really sucks. What's even worse is that it seems the hackers and warez kiddies will get the game long before we do. I suspect the current alpha build floating around is just the tip of the iceberg.

How? VALVe has learned from there mistakes, now they will have extra caution with there computers on the net, and ones not on it.
Re: *EFG*

Originally posted by Mcn@sty
Well that sucks, why didn't valve use someone other than Vivendi, they seem to be a bunch of n00bs.

Because vivendi is a child corp or somthing to serria who made the first HL. Dont beleave me just check out there URL

Hrmm whos name is in the title.... oh sierra's..... keep up it isnt that hard.
We are still assessing the effects of the attack. At this time, we have no further details we can share regarding the theft nor it's impact on the release of Half-Life 2.

STILL assesing effects? wtf do you need a magnifying glass? it's been over a week since they've known about this. This is all the info we get? sigh...
Vivendi scares me shitless. It's some sort of evil corporation trying to take over the world. I did some research on them and, unless there are more than 1 Vivendi, then they started out as some sort of French water company that suddenly began swallowing up other companies. Hmmm..kinda reminds me of Nazi Germany. Point is: I don't trust 'em. They are being way too political about this. Screw Vivendi, Valve is cool!
this will turn out EXACTLY as cs:cz .. so except half-life 2 tobe pushed back until may, then until october :P
I also have to side with Vivendi on this one they were right on the delay while valve still kept bull sh*ting us with "we are still on course for a
Sept 30th release"

If it does fall back til April then whats stopping them delaying it again this time to fit in with Sept 30th 2004 or even later to catch the christmas sales.
You know, it could be me, but 04-'04 is too nice a date, I mean 04-04-04 is one of those days people marry and stuff. So the date sounds like they just pulled something out of their asses because it sounded good.

Yeah, I know it's a thin no-delay-rope, but I'm holding on to it anyway :P
Even is jumping all over, two days ago it said December 4th 2003, yesterday it said March 31 2004 and now it says November 27th 2003. I hope the newest one is right.:sniper:
April 2004

lol i'd say thats probably accurate.... I mean they were right the first time


hl1 = 1 year delay
hl2 =2 year delay? ;X
Well, I forgot to update you with the freshest stuff from

Detonator-52.13-ANON got leaked today, its the new NVidia
drivers for HL2, though i have no fancy video card to test the
driver on.

Btw., for those of you still thinking -ANON is a group, i have
to say it isnt. Its just Anonymous.

To all those saying HL2 was delayed because of the hacking
action, ill just remind you that what was leaked is what Valve
has, nothing more and nothing less, so its pretty good to
understand it wasnt finished yet.

Also I'd like to point out the E3 was one big fake by Valve.
Ever tried to kill that soldier in physicstown ? Notice the
door will still get kicked ? No scripted sequences ?

To everyone saying this is no Beta: I'd like to point out that
THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no
such thing as a much better release in Valves network!

To Valve: I suggest you stop lying to your customers about how
much was stolen/compromised, or I'll have to release everything
just to prove my point. And you know what you got, as I do.

- Anonymous leaker

my two cents:
sonds like vivendi is right,when the hacker is talking truth (and i trust him on that) this crappy "beta" is ALL that valve has. the game isn't even partially finished and the E3-demo was faked to death(AI scripted) ... so i doubt that they will finish it before 04/04

(quote taken from
Ever tried to kill that soldier in physicstown ? Notice the door will still get kicked ? No scripted sequences ?

It makes sence to me to kick a door in if its closed and the person inside is shooting at you. This doesn't prove that it was scripted, it proves that instead of opening the door slowly the AI decided to kick it open. Honestly, use your brain and think about it. And if that was scripted, maybe it was for dramatic effect. Stupid hacker ruined everything for everyone. It's gonne be hilarious when he spends some time in jail over stealing a game... yeah that was worth it buddy.
erm .... you didn't read the sentence you just quoted,right?

it is about killing the soldier that kicks in the door ... if you kill him before he can kick in the door,the door still get's "kicked" open by a "ghost",so this is not good AI,it's bad scripting(not to set a variable "soldier_alive" or such).
and if all that is true,and valve doesn't have a game to release,what did the stupid hacker ruin? did you want to pay 60 $ for a couple of maps and a techdemo on 30/9? they didn't intend to release it then,and if this is really all that valve got,i doubt they will finish it this year.
If it isn't finished by the holiday season, I'd say that it's pretty much finished period as far as being the big new game on the block. By the time April rolls around, next gen hardware and games designed to take advantage of them will already be out: already one or two steps ahead of what Valve has been showing off, and HL2 may be a great game, but it won't have the pioneering feeling it could have had this fall. I think that's a pretty heavy price for Valve to consider paying, and not something they'd give up lightly.

However, let's get real. In 5 years, all their mappers have done is a few half finished areas in a few maps? This anon guy is not exactly credible even in claiming to have "more." Almost certainly it's some 13 year old who wants to goad Valve into releasing the game earlier, not the real hacker.
does anyone know what "tf2" or "cz:cz" stands for? -apparently these source or beta files were taken from valve also......
If Half Life 2 does slip back as far as next year it is possible games such as Doom III etc. Will hit Half Life 2 sales and will serve Valve + Vivendi right for this total joke of a potential brilliant game.

Just imagine the April fools jokes flying round about HL2 if it does slip to next year.

To answer the question about what does tf2 stands for that would be Team fortress 2 and as for cz:cz it could be mis typed and should have read cs:cz which would be counter strike condition zero
Originally posted by Camon_Draconis
OMG!!! Why does this sound like a ton of B.S. Ploitics?!?! Im starting not to trust anyone from Vivendi anymore. Will someone please speak the truth. Or will someone please give a stright answer!! It's not that hard to say "YES HALFLIFE 2 IS GONNA BE DELAYED TILL NEXT YEAR" or "NO, HALFLIFE 2 IS STILL SET FOR ITS LATE NOVEMBER, EARLY DECEMBER RELEASE" Give me a break!!!

Your all so easily suprised and shocked - your probably going to die early. OMG OMG OMG!

Give Valve a break.

PS: Don't have a baby over it.